
LOL Typical liberal feminist expecting a man to do the dirty work. My 14 year old daughter takes ticks of my dog routinely.
Is it attached? If not just pick it off with your hands and flush it down the toilet. If so you need to pull it off with tweezers then use H2O2 on the area of the dog's skin.

Then put the tick in the microwave and make it explode all over your kitchen. j/k

And use Frontline every month! Mine collects ticks all the time but since her blood tastes like garlic or whatever it does to them they never attach. The stuff is amazing and any owner of a pet that likes being outside especially on wild hikes is an asshole if they don't use it.
If I left it on him and he ended up with lime disease or something tic related I'd cry for weeks.

They are disgusting. And the worst part is that I think I left a piece in him. it was pretty bloody! yuck!
Is it attached? If not just pick it off with your hands and flush it down the toilet. If so you need to pull it off with tweezers then use H2O2 on the area of the dog's skin.

Then put the tick in the microwave and make it explode all over your kitchen. j/k

And use Frontline every month! Mine collects ticks all the time but since her blood tastes like garlic or whatever it does to them they never attach. The stuff is amazing and any owner of a pet that likes being outside especially on wild hikes is an asshole if they don't use it.

I normally use front line but I used this other stuff called Hartz. I guess it doesn't work.
If I left it on him and he ended up with lime disease or something tic related I'd cry for weeks.

They are disgusting. And the worst part is that I think I left a piece in him. it was pretty bloody! yuck!
Use hydrogen peroxide (h2o2) on the area with a cotton swab. Repeat hourly until it stops foaming.
I put it on under three weeks ago. I used disinfectant, but it was still a little bloody. He's a pitbull terrior mix though so he feels like no pain - even when I yanked it off of him, he just sat there happy as he could be.
I put it on under three weeks ago. I used disinfectant, but it was still a little bloody. He's a pitbull terrior mix though so he feels like no pain - even when I yanked it off of him, he just sat there happy as he could be.
Musta been a pitbull mix tick, felt no pain. Neither Hatrz or Frontline is 100% effective. H2O2 will 'boil" the dead organics out of the area, and loosen an attached tick head. Plus it doesn't sting like an alcohol based disinfectant. You don't want to use anything with a greasy base, since it will tend to cover up the head.
My dog had a tick! And of course the BF is not home.

Ugly little blood suckers, aren't they! My friend called me, her niece has lice, they were are the lake house with her this weekend, she doesn't have children and is freaking out! I was laughing my ass off! I told her to have a drink and her and hubby could check each other out like primates tonight, if you find any, just eat 'em!