Yurt be token

This thread made me sad last night. Thinking of delicious, juicy burgers.... while tuna casserole bubbled away in the oven. lol

LOL! Well, don't feel bad. We never made it to Five Guys like I wanted. Matt wanted to go to Burger King. It was his night to choose. He liked his hamburger, but I wasn't overly impressed.
LOL! Well, don't feel bad. We never made it to Five Guys like I wanted. Matt wanted to go to Burger King. It was his night to choose. He liked his hamburger, but I wasn't overly impressed.

For a second, I thought you said Mott. I was like, "what? You went dumpster diving with Mott?!!?" :cof1:
LOL! Well, don't feel bad. We never made it to Five Guys like I wanted. Matt wanted to go to Burger King. It was his night to choose. He liked his hamburger, but I wasn't overly impressed.

Yeah. Meh, fast food chains mostly suck. BK used to run their burgers through a broiler so they tasted like one you grilled outside, but not any more. Their fish sandwich is tolerable though.
What burger at booger queen beats Five Guys?

I never really go to BK. Growing-up, if we didn't go to Dicks, then we went to McDonalds. For a long time, I never went to Jack in the Box, because the mid-90s ecoli outbreak was centered around the Seattle area. I started going again in college as that was where we getting all of our drinking food at. Five Guys is new to the area (as is Carl's Jr). I doubt either BK or McDonalds can beat it, but, Jack has some good stuff.

Frankly, there have been a lot of chain restaurants moving to the area over the past several years. Popeye's and Chick Fillah have now arrived.
Yeah. Meh, fast food chains mostly suck. BK used to run their burgers through a broiler so they tasted like one you grilled outside, but not any more. Their fish sandwich is tolerable though.

They really do suck. Maybe when it warms up, we can get to the better places around here.
I never really go to BK. Growing-up, if we didn't go to Dicks, then we went to McDonalds. For a long time, I never went to Jack in the Box, because the mid-90s ecoli outbreak was centered around the Seattle area. I started going again in college as that was where we getting all of our drinking food at. Five Guys is new to the area (as is Carl's Jr). I doubt either BK or McDonalds can beat it, but, Jack has some good stuff.

Frankly, there have been a lot of chain restaurants moving to the area over the past several years. Popeye's and Chick Fillah have now arrived.

I rarely, if ever go to Burger King. My turn to pick is next! I am going to Five Guys.
Really good burgers. Only burger place I have seen that brings your order to the table.

Oh, nice! It sounds like a really neat place! I don't know of any burger place up here that would bring your food to the table for you. That's cool!