Zero balance? No soup for you!

I don't think that religion has anything to do with it... I think that Utahans are, by nature, more conservative than other states... and they are, by nature, more mormon than other states... would you disagree? Those are just the facts. The chances of a finding a liberal school district in Utah are about as remote as finding piss in my tequila bottle.
The chances of a finding a liberal school district in Utah are about as remote as finding piss in my tequila bottle.

Was political ideology a motivating factor in the instance in New Jersey, Commander?

I am not as certain about the ideological map of NJ... I would have to know the political affiliations of the school board, which I really could give a flying fuck less about...
I would have to know the political affiliations of the school board, which I really could give a flying fuck less about...

Because you think it's unlikely to be comprised of conservatives, or because you suspect there are no Mormons involved?

At any rate, where is there any evidence that the school board in Utah was even aware of the actions of the cafeteria staff?

They placed the people responsible on leave pending an investigation in Utah. The district has apologized.

Two Utah lawmakers have said they were outraged and wanted to call attention to the policy.

If the district does not address the problem, lawmakers will look at whether state policies need to change, the senators said.

“To me, this rises to the level of bullying,” State Sen. Todd Weiler, R-Woods Cross said. “These children were humiliated in their own school, in front of their classmates.”

Weiler was joined at a news conference by Sen. Jim Dabakis, D-Salt Lake City.

New Jersey is a different story...

A New Jersey mother says her fifth grade son’s school has repeatedly taken her child’s lunch and thrown it away over unpaid cafeteria balances -- despite having apologized for doing as much in the past.

“This to me is a form of bullying," Amy Ross told NBC 10 after the latest incident, earlier in January, involving her 10-year-old son, Jake, who has a form of autism called Asperger’s Syndrome, and officials at Smithville Elementary School in Galloway Township, N.J.

The Galloway district has taken her son's lunch numerous times since third grade, and a principal even apologized for doing so last year.

She conceded she had allowed her son’s lunch account to become delinquent, but attributed the situation to her son’s occasional failure to relay notes and messages on the issue sent home from the school.

The district’s superintendent -- Dr. Annette Giaquinto -- said her schools have a similar policy and added, “Depending on the situation, the child is pulled to the side, spoken to very calmly, and everything is done to both follow the policy but also to respect the child."

Then asked by NBC 10 whether she condoned the practice, Giaquinto replied: “Well, I believe there are certain times when I think you need to take certain measures and again, I know that sounds cold."
I don't know about the good Doctor, but the mayor is a republican, the deputy mayor is a republican, their delegation to the Jersey legislature is republican and their congressman is republican... and, their governor is quite a famous republican. If it quacks like a duck....
New Jersey? who gives a shit? I cannot think of more shitty "drive through" state than that one.

Wow, somebody knows nothing about the Barrens (maybe its the name, but the awesome is all hidden like)... About a million acres of pristine forest. It's awesome.