
So you're happy a teenager died.......

He apparently was happy that the school children at Sandy Hook died, He certainly celebrated their killer! He and Billy had quite a hoot about naming themselves after the killer and location around the anniversary. But the two of them claimed they only did it to antagonize the rest of us, although some things posted on their pages seemed to discredit that narrative. Generally not nice people--by that I mean they are lacking in empathy in most cases!
So without using any weapons except his hands he deserves to die. So I guess If I'm punching a guy out in a fair fight (assuming we are both somewhat similar in height and weight) and I'm getting the best of him I deserve to die as well? You have a cold way of justice my man. Cowards are the only people that make me nervous. By the way I never said Trayvon was a good kid. I don't judge people I don't know. I'm sure Trayvon like a lot of teenagers his age that do dumb shit get into shit. I'm sure he was into the dumb shit people his age are into but there is a difference between being an impressionable teenager doing dumb criminal shit than a wannabe cop with a history of violence shooting an unarmed teenager all because he is whipping your ass in the street.

So is it your opinion that Zimmerman overreacted and should have just waited to see how many more times Trayvon was going to bank his head against the sidewalk?
At what point would it then have been appropriate for him to respond?
5 times- 6 - 10 - 15?
Please state when you would have acted to save your life.
So without using any weapons except his hands he deserves to die. So I guess If I'm punching a guy out in a fair fight (assuming we are both somewhat similar in height and weight) and I'm getting the best of him I deserve to die as well? You have a cold way of justice my man. Cowards are the only people that make me nervous. By the way I never said Trayvon was a good kid. I don't judge people I don't know. I'm sure Trayvon like a lot of teenagers his age that do dumb shit get into shit. I'm sure he was into the dumb shit people his age are into but there is a difference between being an impressionable teenager doing dumb criminal shit than a wannabe cop with a history of violence shooting an unarmed teenager all because he is whipping your ass in the street.

if you bang someones head on the concrete repeatedly and punch them and violently attack them, you are not the victim. Trayvon got what he deserved. That's the most messed up thing about all of this, Trayvon was NOT the victim. He viciously assaulted someone breaking no laws. He was the bad guy and he got killed. Good.
So without using any weapons except his hands he deserves to die. So I guess If I'm punching a guy out in a fair fight (assuming we are both somewhat similar in height and weight) and I'm getting the best of him I deserve to die as well? You have a cold way of justice my man. Cowards are the only people that make me nervous. By the way I never said Trayvon was a good kid. I don't judge people I don't know. I'm sure Trayvon like a lot of teenagers his age that do dumb shit get into shit. I'm sure he was into the dumb shit people his age are into but there is a difference between being an impressionable teenager doing dumb criminal shit than a wannabe cop with a history of violence shooting an unarmed teenager all because he is whipping your ass in the street.

What you're saying there is that you want to reserve the right to punch people. Sorry, no.
So is it your opinion that Zimmerman overreacted and should have just waited to see how many more times Trayvon was going to bank his head against the sidewalk?
At what point would it then have been appropriate for him to respond?
5 times- 6 - 10 - 15?
Please state when you would have acted to save your life.

I'm from the old school. In a street fight there are no rules but clearly if a man is getting the best of you, he got the best of you. People try to sensationalize the issue by saying "Oh Trayvon was smashing his head" "Trayvon was crushing his skull in the pavement." No, what Trayvon was doing was whipping his ass and when Zimmerman couldn't take it Zimmerman shot Trayvon in the chest. Any coward can use a gun and kill someone. But its cowardice that defines Zimmerman because a gun in a street fight greatly pushes the fight in his favor. This is why the stand your ground law needs to be redefined because in a street fight anyone can argue that they felt their life is in danger.

For example take the 70-year old Floridian who argued the stand your ground for killing his wife's 32-year old lover despite him having an erectile Dysfunction. The man (70 year-old man) thought the guy was raping his wife. No. His wife was getting her vagina pounded by a guy who could sustain a hard on. The point I'm making is that anyone can make up a bullshit excuse to end someone's life and to me just because you are losing a fight doesn't mean you up the anty by taking their life. As they say, you win some, you lose some. Zimmerman should've taken his ass whooping like a man.
if you bang someones head on the concrete repeatedly and punch them and violently attack them, you are not the victim. Trayvon got what he deserved. That's the most messed up thing about all of this, Trayvon was NOT the victim. He viciously assaulted someone breaking no laws. He was the bad guy and he got killed. Good.

"If you bang someones head on the concrete repeatedly...." Quit sensationalizing it. If you fucking punch someone in the head you can cause hemorrhaging in their brain where they can potentially die. In any street fight dealing in hand-to-hand combat there is always the potential for death. My argument is if you cannot fight and need to carry a gun to defeat a potential opponent you shouldn't be the one looking for trouble. In any street fight there are no rules and although Zimmerman's pussiness influenced him to carry he was well within the rules of the street to use a gun. But that does not stop me and anyone who is from the old school to judge him on his manhood.

Zimmerman was, and always will be a pussy because he lost a street fight to someone younger than him. Zimmerman opponents talking shit about Zimmerman and his boxing skills yet Zimmerman couldn't even beat a young Trayvon and had to use a gun to get the best of his opponent. You can tell me Trayvon deserved to die until your face turns blue but Zimmerman, the hero of the cowards of America will always be a pussy. Come on, he used a gun in hand to hand combat, you cannot get any more pussified than that. That is the cowards way of winning a so-called fair fight. If Zimmerman doesn't want his head slammed in the concrete he needs to practice Jiu-Jitsu and learn how to fight on the ground.
Please state when you would have acted to save your life.

To answer this....

If I'm carrying my .45 I dont need to approach anyone and if I'm approached in a threatening manner I'm drawing down on you and warning you that I will take your life. Most unarmed people will not risk being shot if someone draws on them. Zimmerman getting into it with Trayvon shouldn't have gotten that far. If Zimmerman was really in the right and he felt Trayvon was a threat he should've kept his distance or at least warned Trayvon that he called the cops on him. Most "thugs" I know that served jail time isn't going to stick around and wait for the cops, they're going to leave the scene or hide out. Which is why I think the prosecution just did a piss poor job at proving their case, does not mean Zimmerman was innocent.

But anyway it doesn't matter his life is over anyway this guy cannot even go out and get a real job in the public eye.
I'm from the old school. In a street fight there are no rules but clearly if a man is getting the best of you, he got the best of you. People try to sensationalize the issue by saying "Oh Trayvon was smashing his head" "Trayvon was crushing his skull in the pavement." No, what Trayvon was doing was whipping his ass and when Zimmerman couldn't take it Zimmerman shot Trayvon in the chest. Any coward can use a gun and kill someone. But its cowardice that defines Zimmerman because a gun in a street fight greatly pushes the fight in his favor. This is why the stand your ground law needs to be redefined because in a street fight anyone can argue that they felt their life is in danger.

For example take the 70-year old Floridian who argued the stand your ground for killing his wife's 32-year old lover despite him having an erectile Dysfunction. The man (70 year-old man) thought the guy was raping his wife. No. His wife was getting her vagina pounded by a guy who could sustain a hard on. The point I'm making is that anyone can make up a bullshit excuse to end someone's life and to me just because you are losing a fight doesn't mean you up the anty by taking their life. As they say, you win some, you lose some. Zimmerman should've taken his ass whooping like a man.

While you made a great attempt at trying to defend your original statement, you failed to address the questions I posed to you.
Could you find the time to make a better attempt?
"If you bang someones head on the concrete repeatedly...." Quit sensationalizing it. If you fucking punch someone in the head you can cause hemorrhaging in their brain where they can potentially die. In any street fight dealing in hand-to-hand combat there is always the potential for death. My argument is if you cannot fight and need to carry a gun to defeat a potential opponent you shouldn't be the one looking for trouble. In any street fight there are no rules and although Zimmerman's pussiness influenced him to carry he was well within the rules of the street to use a gun. But that does not stop me and anyone who is from the old school to judge him on his manhood.

Zimmerman was, and always will be a pussy because he lost a street fight to someone younger than him. Zimmerman opponents talking shit about Zimmerman and his boxing skills yet Zimmerman couldn't even beat a young Trayvon and had to use a gun to get the best of his opponent. You can tell me Trayvon deserved to die until your face turns blue but Zimmerman, the hero of the cowards of America will always be a pussy. Come on, he used a gun in hand to hand combat, you cannot get any more pussified than that. That is the cowards way of winning a so-called fair fight. If Zimmerman doesn't want his head slammed in the concrete he needs to practice Jiu-Jitsu and learn how to fight on the ground.

You seem to be confused; because it was Zimmerman that won and Trayvon lost, or don't you remember all the hoopla before - during - and after the trial?
To answer this....

If I'm carrying my .45 I dont need to approach anyone and if I'm approached in a threatening manner I'm drawing down on you and warning you that I will take your life. Most unarmed people will not risk being shot if someone draws on them. Zimmerman getting into it with Trayvon shouldn't have gotten that far. If Zimmerman was really in the right and he felt Trayvon was a threat he should've kept his distance or at least warned Trayvon that he called the cops on him. Most "thugs" I know that served jail time isn't going to stick around and wait for the cops, they're going to leave the scene or hide out. Which is why I think the prosecution just did a piss poor job at proving their case, does not mean Zimmerman was innocent.

But anyway it doesn't matter his life is over anyway this guy cannot even go out and get a real job in the public eye.

While you might be trying to defend your original stance; your failure to address my post in it's entirety makes you appear to be tap dancing around the issue that I presented.
Do you have enough energy, after running around in circles, to try again?
"If you bang someones head on the concrete repeatedly...." Quit sensationalizing it. If you fucking punch someone in the head you can cause hemorrhaging in their brain where they can potentially die. In any street fight dealing in hand-to-hand combat there is always the potential for death. My argument is if you cannot fight and need to carry a gun to defeat a potential opponent you shouldn't be the one looking for trouble. In any street fight there are no rules and although Zimmerman's pussiness influenced him to carry he was well within the rules of the street to use a gun. But that does not stop me and anyone who is from the old school to judge him on his manhood.

sorry no, violent assaulters don't have license to viciously attack someone breaking no laws and then get carte blanche to beat on them without reprecussions. It was trayvon that started the fight, and he deserved how it was finished.
"If you bang someones head on the concrete repeatedly...." Quit sensationalizing it. If you fucking punch someone in the head you can cause hemorrhaging in their brain where they can potentially die. In any street fight dealing in hand-to-hand combat there is always the potential for death.

Thank you for justifying Hero George Zimmermans heroic defense of his heroic self.