ZOMBIE FETTERMAN wins. Proves dems cheated massively again.

Nobody cheated by voting for a candidate that was on the ballot, moron.

It has been explained to you. Why do you continue to play dumb?

Or isn't it a game?

I'll bet fetterman didn't realize he was in the ballot. The idiots elected a stroke victim but I'll say one thing for him, he's sharper than that retarded dunce in the white house.
Notice how many Republicans are backtracking on the Trumpism rhetoric? Also notice how desperate Trump is becoming as his big "announcement" day quickly approaches. LOL

Trump attacks DeSantis amid positive press: ‘An average Republican governor’
trump is basically a one trick pony. He MUST dominate the news cycle. Whether he's being laughed at or praised makes no difference.
Nobody cheated by voting for a candidate that was on the ballot, moron.

It has been explained to you. Why do you continue to play dumb?

Or isn't it a game?
Anyone who believes the bullshit about rigged elections, despite all the eyes on them, truly is a dumbass and/or mentally deficient.
Yeah, I was a CAD drafter for several years. About the time I switched from working at a drawing board to sitting behind a computer, was about the time I began to stop enjoying my work anymore.

It was fun at first, but eventually it just turned into drudgery.

Something about laying out a drawing on "paper" (vellum) and drawing things by hand that gives one a much better feel for the object one is designing. Drawing on a computer screen just gives one less of a "feel" for how things fit together.

What I found after doing it long enough, was that the only real benefits to CAD were in making changes/corrections and storing drawings of finished projects.

But it really sucked all the enjoyment and satisfaction out of creating drawings by hand.

Turned it from an art into just another desk job.
Back in the day, quite a few draftsmen/women were also aspiring architects/engineers, or students of same.

As such, blatant mistakes would be noticed as opposed to some cumputer geek just transferring data.
trump is basically a one trick pony. He MUST dominate the news cycle. Whether he's being laughed at or praised makes no difference.

I'm curious about what he'll say next week. Is he crazy enough to announce, or will he chicken out?
The party had nothing to do with it, by law, the ballots had been printed, so the name could not be removed. The same thing would happen if it was a Republican who had died.
Is this the third time this has been explained in this thread?

I think that's enough for most people
DeLuca died after the ballots were printed and it's a state law that his name had to remain on the ballot.

Clearly RW potato heads don't have the intelligence or intellectual curiosity to research why a dead person's name was still on the ballot.
These socks just keep parroting talking points for no apparent reason.
That's exactly right. Most people themselves or their families have had health challenges and it doesn't play well to make fun of that. The GQP needs to ask itself if all that nastiness turned Fetterman into a hero, and backfired on its own party.
I don't think the MAGA morons are capable of critical thought
Also, he's been honest about how the stroke caused him some limitations, and how hard he's worked to overcome them by therapy, medication and changing his lifestyle. He even admitted that he wouldn't come out ahead in the debate, but he's never pulled any "poor me, I need your pity" BS. He blamed himself only for those health problems.
Couple that with the mere fact that Oz was a trump butt licker, and a grifter. America made a statement.
I understand why they did it.

That doesn't mean it wasn't a retarded thing to do.


That's not something a rational, sane individual does...

So now the shit stain is changing his tune.

I thought it was 'cheating'?

Now it's just 'retarded'?

In that case, the vote would go Republican

So now the shit stain is changing his tune.

I thought it was 'cheating'?

Now it's just 'retarded'?

In that case, the vote would go Republican

You haven't paid attention to the imbecile in the white house have? I wouldn't either if I was you but thank God I'm not you.
"A North Dakota state legislative candidate died from COVID-19 in October — one month before Election Day. David Andahl, a Republican running for the state's House of Representatives won his race on Tuesday. Now, there is a dispute over what to do with his empty seat."

Yes, I thought Dr. Slick had a chance after the debate. But I never understood why PA would vote for a corrupt, grifting carpetbagger with no political experience...

....wait a minute, I'm describing trump here and PA fenderheads voted for him, too.
As you know, rural Pa. is decidedly Red. They still haven't removed their trump banners from their lawns.

This came down to whether or not the cities would turn out.