Zuchon, a very awesome puppy dog

I have distict boyhood memories of my Papa and stepmother reading me Russian children's books and speaking to me in Russian. But I do not remember any systematic efforts to train me in writing or reading the language. I probably was a teenager before I really had a grasp on the written Cyrillic alphabet

That's a tough alphabet to learn! I was trying to teach myself the Greek alphabet a few years ago and it seemed easier than Cyrillic.

My classics prof in college said students should learn Greek because the plays and stories can be best appreciated in the original language.
Not a jerk at all, everyone has a right to choose the pet that is right for them. Byelka was my first small dog, and I decided I could not walk away from that abandoned pup

Toy dogs are sweeties but I could never have owned one out of fear. We live near a lake in unfenced wooded areas and the little one may well be a coyote snack. I would literally have to walk the dog for every bathroom break. As it stands, we have Hazel barking her head off at them at times. They do tend to howl at night.