10 Things Americans Don't Understand About America

hey fuckface,

why have I turned out to be correct and you have turned out to be so very fucking wrong ?

This is part of your pathology super duper.

You can never admit you were proven wrong.

Your worthless in a discussion of the effects of policy because of your inability to EVER admit you turned out to be completelyfuckingwrong.

Go get the posts that show you were correct or you are a liar.
It's my opinion that humanoids everywhere and anywhere are delusional and the stupidest animals on the face of the earth, without exception.

But our discussion was regarding this supposed hatred other countries have for the US and yet immigrants keep wanting to come here to live and make their lives better.
thank you for admitting right in that statement that calling the US a democracy is perfectly true.

go reread your own post.

we are a type of democracy huh

You didn't answer my question and my post was humoring you, not agreeing with you....

Again skimming your wikipedia link which is not evidence of a scholarly response in the slightest, what type of democracy is the United States?
a republic does not include a right to vote f0or who represents you it merely guarentes you get a rep.

the dictator can pick that rep

I'm not even knowledgable of politics but do you even have the slightest clue of what a Democracy and a Republic are? You seem to be one of those that just look at dictionary definitions or wikipedia and say "ah ha! This agrees with me!" Seriously dude
'One are?' is it oh racially superior turd? What is your native language? Gruntish, I suppose. Go back to where you came from and stop wasting evolved creatures' air.

ONOS, I made a grammatical error and Taffy, the sheep shagger, jumped all over it; just so he could have a fleeting glimpse of superiority.
I'm sure he'll be telling the tale around his peat fire, for years to come.