100 ISIS Terrorists Caught in Guatemala as Central American Caravan Heads to U.S.

It makes no sense. Why would ISIS members travel with a large group that will be examined very closely for refugee status or other claims? If they want to secretly enter the country it would be much easier to come across the border individually or in small groups where they could do so without detection or simply be sent back if caught rather than put in detention centers. Entering through tunnels or in trucks at ports of entry is still common. If the U. S. knows ISIS members are among the "caravan" they will search carefully versus entering in trucks where they are unlikely to be caught.

Or, they could just enter on tourist visas like the 9/11 guys. Guatemala and Honduras are not on the "do not enter" list.
It makes no sense. Why would ISIS members travel with a large group that will be examined very closely for refugee status or other claims? If they want to secretly enter the country it would be much easier to come across the border individually or in small groups where they could do so without detection or simply be sent back if caught rather than put in detention centers. Entering through tunnels or in trucks at ports of entry is still common. If the U. S. knows ISIS members are among the "caravan" they will search carefully versus entering in trucks where they are unlikely to be caught.

Or, they could just enter on tourist visas like the 9/11 guys. Guatemala and Honduras are not on the "do not enter" list.

Who told you they are being examined very closely?

Thousands of these people just smashed through the southern border checkpoint into Mexico with no opposition. Nobody knows who they are or where they came from.

Who told you they are being examined very closely?

Thousands of these people just smashed through the southern border checkpoint into Mexico with no opposition. Nobody knows who they are or where they came from.


Because when they get to the U. S. border they turn themselves in and ask for refugee or asylum status. Those people are then put in detention centers while waiting for a hearing. That is what all the controversy has been about about separating parents and children. Those people did not just push themselves into the country. If they do and ISIS members are among them, that is no different than those people walking across the river.

Do 100 ISIS members think they can wage war against the U. S.? If they live here and plan terrorist act they want to fit it and not come in groups.
Because when they get to the U. S. border they turn themselves in and ask for refugee or asylum status. Those people are then put in detention centers while waiting for a hearing. That is what all the controversy has been about about separating parents and children. Those people did not just push themselves into the country.

Who told you that's going to happen?

Thousands of illegals just pushed through a border control point into Mexico without any impedance. What's going to happen when they reach the US border? You think they'll respect our process?
Who told you that's going to happen?

Thousands of illegals just pushed through a border control point into Mexico without any impedance. What's going to happen when they reach the US border? You think they'll respect our process?

Because that is what the Central Americans have done before--what makes you think it will be any different? If granted refugee or asylum status they may stay here legally (and get benefits) while just pushing across leaves them as illegals. And, because we are supposedly sending troops to the area to prevent their entrance. The Texas national guard already has troops on the border plus additional law enforcement officials that were sent a few years ago.
Because that is what the Central Americans have done before--what makes you think it will be any different? If granted refugee or asylum status they may stay here legally (and get benefits) while just pushing across leaves them as illegals. And, because we are supposedly sending troops to the area to prevent their entrance. The Texas national guard already has troops on the border plus additional law enforcement officials that were sent a few years ago.

Who told you that? Millions of illegals cross the desert with nobody the wiser.

The Mexicans sent armed police to their border crossing to stop the invasion. Earlier today, a mob of thousands broke down the gates and ran across the border.

The Mexican police didn't stop them, nor did the Guatemalan border personnel.

The mob surged across. Nobody knows their names or where they're from. There was no attempt to document anyone.

What do you suppose is going to happen when they reach our southern border? You think our National Guardsmen are going to shoot them? You think our Border patrol is going to be able to stop them? I don't.
Who told you that? Millions of illegals cross the desert with nobody the wiser.

The Mexicans sent armed police to their border crossing to stop the invasion. Earlier today, a mob of thousands broke down the gates and ran across the border.

The Mexican police didn't stop them, nor did the Guatemalan border personnel.

The mob surged across. Nobody knows their names or where they're from. There was no attempt to document anyone.

What do you suppose is going to happen when they reach our southern border? You think our National Guardsmen are going to shoot them? You think our Border patrol is going to be able to stop them? I don't.

That was my point--many just walk across the river or pay someone to smuggle them across the border---they don't need to join a caravan to get in.

But those people are illegal. The Central Americans that have been coming turn themselves in at the border and ask for refugee/asylum status due to violence in their home countries--if granted they are legal. Why do you think they have all those people and children in internment camps? They are waiting for their hearing (which sometimes involves 100 at a time) to determine their status after investigations into their requests.