15 Days: Kamala Harris has not held a press conference since emerging as presumptive Democratic nominee

wtf......you think its illegal to hold a press conference?......the county sheriff in an small area in SC called a press conference this morning to talk about storm damage......the police call press conferences in Chicago almost every day to talk about the latest murders........she can call the press any time she wants and they will come running........did Vance break the law when he held a press conference today to talk about the fact Harris hasn't had a press conference?......

Do you know how ridiculous you sound?? Each of those so called press conferences were for the general publics GOOD....Harris on the other hand would be addressing exclusivenly to voters of her party...duh...now go educate yourself and have a cup of coffee on me, dumb ass.​

Fox is not a news station. They lost their certification because lying is part of how they do business. They also paid almost a billion to Dominion for the constant lies they told about them. They fired half their on-air staff for lying. Newsmax paid off Smartmatic for the same thing.
Can you understand that your news sources are not news sources? You are watching constant lies and then come here and tell us what you learned.
There is no way anyone would go to Fox.

Fake Noise admitted that they were not a news organization during the law suit, that they were in fact apart of the entertainment industry. That's why journalist were pissed that that long neck ugly AF black coon bitch was on the panel at thier NABJ interviewing Donald Chump!! She's the only person who can wear a turtle neck and her clevage would show....LOL​


Do you know how ridiculous you sound?? Each of those so called press conferences were for the general publics GOOD....Harris on the other hand would be addressing exclusivenly to voters of her party...duh...now go educate yourself and have a cup of coffee on me, dumb ass.​

and yet, you were the idiot who thought press conferences were illegal......:ROFLMAO:
and yet, you were the idiot who thought press conferences were illegal......:ROFLMAO:
Listen, today Trump gave an impromptu press conference at his crib in Fla, and yall want Harris to do the same...now I get it. I was thinking WHITE HOUSE press conference, not randoms like Trump...I stand corrected on this. However I think she's wise enough and smart enough not to do this bc EVERYBODY IS LOOKING TO HAVE A GOTCHA MOMENT WITH HER CAMPAIGN AND THEY DON'T NEED THE DISTRACTIONS OR DRAMA...SO KUDOS THE HARRIS FOR BEING THE SO CALLED COWARD THE GOP WANTS TO CALL HER....BUT HER METHOD IS WORKING....TEAM HARRIS/TIM ALL THE WAY TO NOV.
Listen, today Trump gave an impromptu press conference at his crib in Fla, and yall want Harris to do the same...now I get it. I was thinking WHITE HOUSE press conference, not randoms like Trump...I stand corrected on this. However I think she's wise enough and smart enough not to do this bc EVERYBODY IS LOOKING TO HAVE A GOTCHA MOMENT WITH HER CAMPAIGN AND THEY DON'T NEED THE DISTRACTIONS OR DRAMA...SO KUDOS THE HARRIS FOR BEING THE SO CALLED COWARD THE GOP WANTS TO CALL HER....BUT HER METHOD IS WORKING....TEAM HARRIS/TIM ALL THE WAY TO NOV.
so we agree that if she opens her mouth she will fuck up her chance to get elected.........no problem, I see the validity of that......
Answering a couple question on the tarmac isn't a press conference. Trump had a press conference TODAY. What is Kamala terrified of.
Politically speaking it's a great strategy. We'll find out on election day whether what we are experiencing now is just a sugar high or if she can ride this wave of momentum she clearly has all the way to the Presidency. But not holding any press conferences and answering any questions doesn't seem to be hurting her at the moment, so from her perspective why change?

I do think this will be a fascinating case study one day. It's like we know who she is but we also don't really know who she is. We know the positions she ran on to win her Senate seat in California. But that was also basically only a Democratic primary (as there was no true Republican opposition) so she could basically run as far left as she wanted. Then when she ran for President she waffled a bit (like on her healthcare proposal) and dropped out so early we really didn't get a chance to see her in action. And now she's repudiated a few of the positions she held while running for the Senate. And it's been pretty much a love affair with the media at this point so she hasn't really been drilled on what she stands for, both domestically and internationally.

(We know her as VP but the VP's role is to support the President so it doesn't necessarily mean the VP agrees completely with the President - no matter who we're talking about.)

In recent times I think of Obama. As opposed to someone like Biden who had been in office for decades Obama was in for only a couple of years. But Obama did go through a full primary and general election cycle. Harris hasn't and just has to win a little sprint as opposed to the usual 18 month grind.
Kamala had the candidacy dropped on her. She had to hire campaign staff. She had to pick a VP. If you were paying attention you would know that process can be time-consuming. Now that the VP has been decided, she held a rally. She has given many interviews on TV. She will do a lot more.
She said she would be at the debate on the date agreed upon.
She did all this in addition to her full-time job as VP. trump couldn't multi-task if his life depended on it.