$15 minimum wage plan is 'going to destroy the hospitality industry'


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John Horne, who owns Anna Maria's Oyster Bars, a small group of restaurants in the Bradenton area, said that his waitstaff already makes close to $30 per hour through a combination of wage and tip credits.

"I mean, obviously getting the money to people is helping us, but this minimum wage [hike] is absolutely going to destroy the hospitality industry in Florida and across the nation," Horne told host Martha MacCallum.

"They are trying to paint with a broad brush the entire nation," he added. "They are trying to say what's good in Alexandria, Va. is good in Alexandria, Tenn. We can't do that."

Horne added that if the minimum wage increase becomes law, and "if we raise everyone to $15 and we don't take into consideration tip credits, then we are going to basically give everybody a pay cut of 50% ... because they will go from $30 an hour to $15 an hour."

Using one of his locations as an example, Horne predicted a $15 minimum wage on top of tip credits would increase hist annual payroll by $500,000 or 17% of his annual sales, revenue he doesn't have to spare.

"I will have to raise prices. That will drive our seniors in Florida away," he explained. "They are not getting the raises. My dad's Social Security went up 1.9%. He got a $34 a month raise this year. That's not going to help."


In addition, Horne said, Biden is also not taking into account high school students working part-time or starting their first job.

"If we don't take into consideration teen wages, training wages, and tipped credit, we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. So we need to take our time with this," he said. "I'm already paying my kitchen staff over $15 an hour now because that's what my market bears. So it's already taking care of itself." https://www.foxnews.com/us/florida-...inimum-wage-plan-destroy-hospitality-industry
John Horne, who owns Anna Maria's Oyster Bars, a small group of restaurants in the Bradenton area, said that his waitstaff already makes close to $30 per hour through a combination of wage and tip credits.

"I mean, obviously getting the money to people is helping us, but this minimum wage [hike] is absolutely going to destroy the hospitality industry in Florida and across the nation," Horne told host Martha MacCallum.

"They are trying to paint with a broad brush the entire nation," he added. "They are trying to say what's good in Alexandria, Va. is good in Alexandria, Tenn. We can't do that."

Horne added that if the minimum wage increase becomes law, and "if we raise everyone to $15 and we don't take into consideration tip credits, then we are going to basically give everybody a pay cut of 50% ... because they will go from $30 an hour to $15 an hour."

Using one of his locations as an example, Horne predicted a $15 minimum wage on top of tip credits would increase hist annual payroll by $500,000 or 17% of his annual sales, revenue he doesn't have to spare.

"I will have to raise prices. That will drive our seniors in Florida away," he explained. "They are not getting the raises. My dad's Social Security went up 1.9%. He got a $34 a month raise this year. That's not going to help."


In addition, Horne said, Biden is also not taking into account high school students working part-time or starting their first job.

"If we don't take into consideration teen wages, training wages, and tipped credit, we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. So we need to take our time with this," he said. "I'm already paying my kitchen staff over $15 an hour now because that's what my market bears. So it's already taking care of itself." https://www.foxnews.com/us/florida-...inimum-wage-plan-destroy-hospitality-industry

Business owners in other developed nations can run restaurants in nations with generous minimum wages.

Maybe we should bring in some Norwegian restaurant owners to manage these businesses American restaurant owners claim they cannot afford to run
Then how do they do that and more in other countries? Hmmm?

In most countries--well, in almost all--the concept of tipping for service is not practiced or it is automatically tacked on to the bill. In most of Europe the tip is included in the VAT on the bill. Middle East and Asia tipping is unknown. It isn't done.
I've actually seen myself US military personnel in Bahrain (where I was stationed for a time) leave a tip only to have the employee stop them to return the money thinking they'd forgotten their change at the table.

So, if it becomes prohibitively expensive here (and it is) it will likely die off as a social custom.
John Horne, who owns Anna Maria's Oyster Bars, a small group of restaurants in the Bradenton area, said that his waitstaff already makes close to $30 per hour through a combination of wage and tip credits.

"I mean, obviously getting the money to people is helping us, but this minimum wage [hike] is absolutely going to destroy the hospitality industry in Florida and across the nation," Horne told host Martha MacCallum.

"They are trying to paint with a broad brush the entire nation," he added. "They are trying to say what's good in Alexandria, Va. is good in Alexandria, Tenn. We can't do that."

Horne added that if the minimum wage increase becomes law, and "if we raise everyone to $15 and we don't take into consideration tip credits, then we are going to basically give everybody a pay cut of 50% ... because they will go from $30 an hour to $15 an hour."

Using one of his locations as an example, Horne predicted a $15 minimum wage on top of tip credits would increase hist annual payroll by $500,000 or 17% of his annual sales, revenue he doesn't have to spare.

"I will have to raise prices. That will drive our seniors in Florida away," he explained. "They are not getting the raises. My dad's Social Security went up 1.9%. He got a $34 a month raise this year. That's not going to help."


In addition, Horne said, Biden is also not taking into account high school students working part-time or starting their first job.

"If we don't take into consideration teen wages, training wages, and tipped credit, we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. So we need to take our time with this," he said. "I'm already paying my kitchen staff over $15 an hour now because that's what my market bears. So it's already taking care of itself." https://www.foxnews.com/us/florida-...inimum-wage-plan-destroy-hospitality-industry

Did I see correctly that Florida just passed a $15 statewide minimum wage? Have to imagine in a lower cost state like that you'll feel the affects.

It's interesting, we have one of the highest minimum wages in the country in SF and restaurants feel the affects. What's strikes me is you'll hear these restaurant owners interviewed and you can tell they are likely politically liberal so they want to support the higher minimum wage, but then acknowledge how much it has hurt them.
$15 minimum wage plan is 'going to destroy the hospitality industry'

And it will be much harder on Red States than Blue States...which is huge part of the point.

THose who supported Trump must be hurt!
Then how do they do that and more in other countries? Hmmm?

What "other countries do that and more"?

Luxembourg has the highest minimum wage in the world of $13.78 per hour.

Min wage is strictly to give unions an unnegotiated raise as tier contracts are indexed to min wage.

As we have watched the D's actively work to kill mom and pops through COVID rules it should cross our minds that this is partly also what the $15 min wage is all about.

Corporate America which has bought the political class gets what they want.
Business owners in other developed nations can run restaurants in nations with generous minimum wages. Maybe we should bring in some Norwegian restaurant owners to manage these businesses American restaurant owners claim they cannot afford to run

Is that so?

Norway is yet another northern nation that has eschewed a federally mandated minimum wage in favor of having union-negotiated wages set by industry.

I actually agree with the point that a one size fits all is not the best. But if local power does not take care of shit that’s what happens. So pass god damn increases in minimum wage or we will destroy you for your greed. Just fucking pay a higher wage to the low earners assholes. Be good or we will make you. Get me yet!
And it will be much harder on Red States than Blue States...which is huge part of the point.

THose who supported Trump must be hurt!

Except this battle over the minimum wage has been going on well before Trump. What's interesting is Florida voted to pass a $15 minimum wage in November. This is a state that voted for Trump and pretty red overall.
Except this battle over the minimum wage has been going on well before Trump. What's interesting is Florida voted to pass a $15 minimum wage in November. This is a state that voted for Trump and pretty red overall.

The lefts desire to hurt red states is nothing new, it is the major reason red states and red portions of blue states have long been in decline economically.