$15 minimum wage plan is 'going to destroy the hospitality industry'

Yeah, the maintenance on the kiosks will be dirt cheap. Or maybe not.

They'll contract some guy like me to fix them. I'll get paid say $50 an hour to get them working when the fail, but they won't fail often and the fix when you know what you're doing is quick and easy like 95% of the time. The other 5% of the time the kiosk gets replaced because it's cheaper than fixing it.
They'll contract some guy like me to fix them. I'll get paid say $50 an hour to get them working when the fail, but they won't fail often and the fix when you know what you're doing is quick and easy like 95% of the time. The other 5% of the time the kiosk gets replaced because it's cheaper than fixing it.

They will fail all the time.
I was reading that something over 40% of hotels and motels are in grave risk of bankruptcy because of COVID mismanagement ...THIS IS PERFECT!

I predicted this way back last March, look at my signature.

An estimated 61-80,000 Americans died and 800,000 were hospitalised in the 2017-18 flu season, including the most virulent Type A version of H3N2, so why didn't you arseholes call for the total destruction of the world's economic system then? I hope you have plenty of time to ponder over that when you all lose your houses, jobs and relationships!
All indications are that going out to eat is going to become a specialty thing, not a four night a week thing as it has long been, because of prices and the plunging standard of living of America, brought on by mismanagement on a criminal scale.

Eating out, if that's what people want, will become a black market of sorts. One version that already exists is the food truck. The owner and maybe one or two assistants do all the work. There is no building cost because they park in a vacant lot. Overhead is limited to the truck (eg., kitchen). They serve good food without all the overhead. The owner likely pays the assistants under the table, cooking the books to look like he, or she, is the only "employee."

The government gets screwed out of most of the taxes that a normal restaurant would pay and the cost of a meal is reduced back to where it should be as "fast food." If licensing and such is too big a cost, the owner moves times and locations such that he becomes a moving target and difficult or impossible to track down and be forced to pay into that. So what if the massive health code regulations aren't followed to the letter? The guy and his customers are happy with the product as served.

This is the normal way things evolve when there is too much bureaucracy and government control on an industry.
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Eating out, if that's what people want, will become a black market of sorts. One version that already exists is the food truck. The owner and maybe one or two assistants do all the work. There is no building cost because they park in a vacant lot. Overhead is limited to the truck (eg., kitchen). They serve good food without all the overhead. The owner likely pays the assistants under the table, cooking the books to look like he, or she, is the only "employee."

The government gets screwed out of most of the taxes that a normal restaurant would pay and the cost of a meal is reduced back to where it should be as "fast food." If licensing and such is too big a cost, the owner moves times and locations such that he becomes a moving target and difficult or impossible to track down and be forced to pay into that. So what if the massive health code regulations aren't followed to the letter? The guy and his customers are happy with the product as served.

This is the normal way things evolve when there is too much bureaucracy and government control on an industry.

The teriyaki places here tend to be almost completely illegal, staffed by family off the books and paid or not as revenue allows.... the only thing legal about them is that they pay sales taxes on sales.

The government allows it, they dont give a fuck.
The teriyaki places here tend to be almost completely illegal, staffed by family off the books and paid or not as revenue allows.... the only thing legal about them is that they pay sales taxes on sales.

The government allows it, they dont give a fuck.

In Arizona between food trucks and the taqueria's there are plenty of places that hire under the table or have illegals on the staff. Government gives a minor interest, but they simply can't afford the manpower or effort to police them the way they should be. But they exist in part because of the cost of a meal is too high for most of their customers otherwise.
In Arizona between food trucks and the taqueria's there are plenty of places that hire under the table or have illegals on the staff. Government gives a minor interest, but they simply can't afford the manpower or effort to police them the way they should be. But they exist in part because of the cost of a meal is too high for most of their customers otherwise.

It is even better when the labor is family as it is with the Koreans who own the Teriyaki's...Koran families almost never fuck other members of the family....no one is ever going to be found running around complaining, no matter what happens.
Well then, I guess you ain't making your $50 an hour...are you? Like I believed that to begin with.

I used to when I did electrical contracting for a business. Don't now that I'm retired. I'm doing side work for a general contractor right now--just $20 a billable hour. He thinks that's an incredible rate. Just this week I installed security and parking lot lighting at an apartment, re-lamped the laundry room at the same place and did some minor repairs and upgrades to a couple of the units that were being refurbished.

Last year I installed all the conference room equipment for Centuri Group's HQ in Phoenix for another GC. He had me in to do security cameras in the buildings too.

So, you can believe me or not, but I have no reason to lie about this stuff. It won't get me anything here or elsewhere.
I used to when I did electrical contracting for a business. Don't now that I'm retired. I'm doing side work for a general contractor right now--just $20 a billable hour. He thinks that's an incredible rate. Just this week I installed security and parking lot lighting at an apartment, re-lamped the laundry room at the same place and did some minor repairs and upgrades to a couple of the units that were being refurbished.

Last year I installed all the conference room equipment for Centuri Group's HQ in Phoenix for another GC. He had me in to do security cameras in the buildings too.

So, you can believe me or not, but I have no reason to lie about this stuff. It won't get me anything here or elsewhere.

We weren't talking about what you did before, you said $50 per hour for working on kiosks. I'm calling bullshit on that right now.
I used to when I did electrical contracting for a business. Don't now that I'm retired. I'm doing side work for a general contractor right now--just $20 a billable hour. He thinks that's an incredible rate. Just this week I installed security and parking lot lighting at an apartment, re-lamped the laundry room at the same place and did some minor repairs and upgrades to a couple of the units that were being refurbished.

Last year I installed all the conference room equipment for Centuri Group's HQ in Phoenix for another GC. He had me in to do security cameras in the buildings too.

So, you can believe me or not, but I have no reason to lie about this stuff. It won't get me anything here or elsewhere.

Working that cheap is pretty much embarrassing so no, I dont figure you to be lying.
It is even better when the labor is family as it is with the Koreans who own the Teriyaki's...Koran families almost never fuck other members of the family....no one is ever going to be found running around complaining, no matter what happens.

The Hispanics are a bit more friendly. While they'll do a family business like that, they don't ever mess with anyone that treats them well. Got Christmas tamales from a lady at one apartment complex because I showed up PDQ and fixed her elderly Hispanic neighbor lady's stove (the breaker was shot) for her (old Cutler-Hammer panel. PITA to get breakers for). It becomes "Hey, that's the weito (probably spelled that wrong--it's slang for White guy) that takes care of our maintenance. Don't mess with him..." That's how they roll. They quickly start looking out for you because they don't want you to refuse to come back because you got hassled or robbed.
The Hispanics are a bit more friendly. While they'll do a family business like that, they don't ever mess with anyone that treats them well. Got Christmas tamales from a lady at one apartment complex because I showed up PDQ and fixed her elderly Hispanic neighbor lady's stove (the breaker was shot) for her (old Cutler-Hammer panel. PITA to get breakers for).

I dont know exactly what you are getting at but I do agree (if this is what you are saying) that the Koreans have a hard edge to them that never goes away, and that with the Mexicans it is different. If you want someone who will give you the shirt off his back than you look for a Mexican, not a Korean.
I dont know exactly what you are getting at but I do agree (if this is what you are saying) that the Koreans have a hard edge to them that never goes away, and that with the Mexicans it is different. If you want someone who will give you the shirt off his back than you look for a Mexican, not a Korean.

Yep. Asians have more of a What's in it for me, this is just business sort of attitude.
I'm in Thailand and tipping in restaurants where farang aka foreigners go is fairly common. It is discretionary but many do it because the poor buggers get paid piss poor money to be honest. I hasten to add that Thais don't usually tip for service.

Do you think that Thais like the fact that you tip?

I dont know, but I have reason to suspect that they dont....that no wants this to become the norm.
John Horne, who owns Anna Maria's Oyster Bars, a small group of restaurants in the Bradenton area, said that his waitstaff already makes close to $30 per hour through a combination of wage and tip credits.

"I mean, obviously getting the money to people is helping us, but this minimum wage [hike] is absolutely going to destroy the hospitality industry in Florida and across the nation," Horne told host Martha MacCallum.

"They are trying to paint with a broad brush the entire nation," he added. "They are trying to say what's good in Alexandria, Va. is good in Alexandria, Tenn. We can't do that."

Horne added that if the minimum wage increase becomes law, and "if we raise everyone to $15 and we don't take into consideration tip credits, then we are going to basically give everybody a pay cut of 50% ... because they will go from $30 an hour to $15 an hour."

Using one of his locations as an example, Horne predicted a $15 minimum wage on top of tip credits would increase hist annual payroll by $500,000 or 17% of his annual sales, revenue he doesn't have to spare.

"I will have to raise prices. That will drive our seniors in Florida away," he explained. "They are not getting the raises. My dad's Social Security went up 1.9%. He got a $34 a month raise this year. That's not going to help."


In addition, Horne said, Biden is also not taking into account high school students working part-time or starting their first job.

"If we don't take into consideration teen wages, training wages, and tipped credit, we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. So we need to take our time with this," he said. "I'm already paying my kitchen staff over $15 an hour now because that's what my market bears. So it's already taking care of itself." https://www.foxnews.com/us/florida-...inimum-wage-plan-destroy-hospitality-industry

I totally missed Biden proposer this nationally. Yeah, it’s asinine. The cost of living is different across the country. A high one size fits all number doesn’t work. I may not agree with with what certain cities and states choose to make their rate, but I agree it should be done at the local and state level so if they decide to raise it then so be it.

But this will hurt lower cost places, no doubt.