3 area's Obama should hit first ...


Power Grid ... it is old and antiquated.. 1950's technology in the year 2008 ... doesnt fit. The technology available today offers Smart Grid technology, smaller , more efficient and delivery is faster with less waste. The overall and renewal would be very expensive but long range benefits are huge.....and even GREEN!!
The Jobs and Small Businesses created renewing our Power Grid would be huge.

Roads and Bridges ... in the 50's Ikes Federal Highway Act was an enormous undertaking .... guess what? Its time to do it again. Especially throughout the North East... it is shameful how antiquated our Roads and Bridges are. Again, The Jobs and Small Businesses created renewing our roads and bridges will be huge.

Transportation System needs an overhaul.... All Government Transportation from the Fed to State and Local should immediately convert over to Renewable Energy. All New Government Construction Should include Solar Panels and Wind Energy where applicable. A program to expand the availability of Public Transportation with Clean Energy Technologies would be a good thing.. ie electric Trolly cars.. like they have in Portland.

Hopefully these area's are hit first.... they could go a long way in aiding our nations immediate problems... Jobs, Creation and expansion of Small Businesses. Some may call these initiatives Statist ... but I dont see how else to get these things accomplished unless they are mandated. Who else is going to do them?

Improving these area's of our Infrastructure is a Government function .... it easily falls under National Security .. it make more sense to spend billions at home securing within our borders rather than spendiing billions rebuilding the infrastructures of Countries that we blow up.
Power Grid ... it is old and antiquated.. 1950's technology in the year 2008 ... doesnt fit. The technology available today offers Smart Grid technology, smaller , more efficient and delivery is faster with less waste. The overall and renewal would be very expensive but long range benefits are huge.....and even GREEN!!
The Jobs and Small Businesses created renewing our Power Grid would be huge.

Roads and Bridges ... in the 50's Ikes Federal Highway Act was an enormous undertaking .... guess what? Its time to do it again. Especially throughout the North East... it is shameful how antiquated our Roads and Bridges are. Again, The Jobs and Small Businesses created renewing our roads and bridges will be huge.

Transportation System needs an overhaul.... All Government Transportation from the Fed to State and Local should immediately convert over to Renewable Energy. All New Government Construction Should include Solar Panels and Wind Energy where applicable. A program to expand the availability of Public Transportation with Clean Energy Technologies would be a good thing.. ie electric Trolly cars.. like they have in Portland.

Hopefully these area's are hit first.... they could go a long way in aiding our nations immediate problems... Jobs, Creation and expansion of Small Businesses. Some may call these initiatives Statist ... but I dont see how else to get these things accomplished unless they are mandated. Who else is going to do them?

Improving these area's of our Infrastructure is a Government function .... it easily falls under National Security .. it make more sense to spend billions at home securing within our borders rather than spendiing billions rebuilding the infrastructures of Countries that we blow up.

The national power grid is in terrible shape. Most power companies are only doing maint., not rebuilding and upgrading.

I agree with you, klaatu.
Power Grid ... ...

Roads and Bridges ... ..

Transportation System needs an overhaul.... ....

Spend, spend, spend....

1. Why should we in The South pay for y'all's roads in the northeast? We already paid for the Big Dig. Wasn't that the most expensive individual public works project in human history? Wasn't that enough?
2. Why don''t y'all build some more nukes and windmills where the power is needed instead of asking folks in Texas to make it and ship it to you on this new power grid that you want us to pay for?
The road system and the power grid are national issues.

Yes, they will cost plenty of money. But waiting will make them cost more.

Part of the reason these areas need so much work is that they have been ignored for so long. So blame the previous administrations for that.
Spend, spend, spend....

1. Why should we in The South pay for y'all's roads in the northeast? We already paid for the Big Dig. Wasn't that the most expensive individual public works project in human history? Wasn't that enough?
2. Why don''t y'all build some more nukes and windmills where the power is needed instead of asking folks in Texas to make it and ship it to you on this new power grid that you want us to pay for?

Y'all's? Really? I know that it may be something that you say as part of your regional dialect but it isn't all that easy to type. I mean, "your" is much easier. And shouldn't it be y'alls'? Maybe you didn't get the memo that folksy bullshit is no longer in fashion but consider yourself on notice.

Also, as a factual matter, the states in the northeast are net losers when it comes to return on federal taxes paid as compared to federal dollars spent in the states whereas the red southern states are winners, getting much more in federal spending than they pay in taxes.
People in the south should be glad to have power plants, both nuclear and otherwise, built near them and then use the grid to get it to the folks in the north and other parts of the US. It means jobs.

But you know what the problem as I see it is? Too many people are unwilling to take the various jobs that having a power plant (or a plant of any kind) in rural areas. We have a lot of folks here from Mexico working for the oil companies and working for the processing plants (both of which are still doing well even in the financial crisis) while we have the lazy white folks who don't want to work at such jobs. What ever happened to the "give me a job...any job... so I can support my family" mentality? It was there when my dad needed to work at planting trees, when he worked at a filling station, when he finally got a good job at the post office. Where'd it go?
Power Grid ... it is old and antiquated.. 1950's technology in the year 2008 ... doesnt fit. The technology available today offers Smart Grid technology, smaller , more efficient and delivery is faster with less waste. The overall and renewal would be very expensive but long range benefits are huge.....and even GREEN!!
The Jobs and Small Businesses created renewing our Power Grid would be huge.

Roads and Bridges ... in the 50's Ikes Federal Highway Act was an enormous undertaking .... guess what? Its time to do it again. Especially throughout the North East... it is shameful how antiquated our Roads and Bridges are. Again, The Jobs and Small Businesses created renewing our roads and bridges will be huge.

Transportation System needs an overhaul.... All Government Transportation from the Fed to State and Local should immediately convert over to Renewable Energy. All New Government Construction Should include Solar Panels and Wind Energy where applicable. A program to expand the availability of Public Transportation with Clean Energy Technologies would be a good thing.. ie electric Trolly cars.. like they have in Portland.

Hopefully these area's are hit first.... they could go a long way in aiding our nations immediate problems... Jobs, Creation and expansion of Small Businesses. Some may call these initiatives Statist ... but I dont see how else to get these things accomplished unless they are mandated. Who else is going to do them?

Improving these area's of our Infrastructure is a Government function .... it easily falls under National Security .. it make more sense to spend billions at home securing within our borders rather than spendiing billions rebuilding the infrastructures of Countries that we blow up.

This is amazing to me. I remember klaatu as one of the few truly conservative voices to post on this site... what have you done with him? At first, I thought klaatu may have fallen on his head, or been hit by a bus, as that would explain the dramatic transformation into a full-blown liberal, but I am now more inclined to believe some deranged liberal has kidnapped klaatu, and is posting in his proxy! Klaatu has probably been eaten, his bones dissolved in a vat of acid to destroy the evidence, and the hideous monster who did this to him, has logged in here to interject some of his warped political views! It's the most logical explanation I can come up with.

Reading this 'wish list' of costly projects, it's almost as if 'klaatu' thinks Obama was just elected to administer from the great big pile of endless money in Washington! Like when you were a kid, and you played that game where you imagine what you might do if you had a million dollars... except, in this case, it's trillions of dollars. Apparently, 'klaatu' is unaware of the fact that this country is currently over $10 trillion in debt, and growing at a rate of close to $1 trillion per year when Obama is completing his first year in office. Where is the money coming from? China! Most of the $700 billion 'bailout package' is loaned from the Chinese government. That's the COMMUNIST Chinese, in case you weren't aware!

No doubt our roads and bridges need repair, and it would certainly provide many new jobs for the many illegal aliens who need to move up from picking lettuce and make room for their brothers when they come across the border, but the bottom line is, we simply have no money to do it! We can't afford it! It would be nice, but it was also be nice to have Paris Hilton feeding me grapes while tickling my balls with a feather!
Spend, spend, spend....

1. Why should we in The South pay for y'all's roads in the northeast? We already paid for the Big Dig. Wasn't that the most expensive individual public works project in human history? Wasn't that enough?
2. Why don''t y'all build some more nukes and windmills where the power is needed instead of asking folks in Texas to make it and ship it to you on this new power grid that you want us to pay for?

The south pays for the NORHTS roads? WTF? There is a definite and huge taxflow from the north to the south.

And why should we help pay for roads? To build up our national infrastructure, because it's good for us all.
This is amazing to me. I remember klaatu as one of the few truly conservative voices to post on this site... what have you done with him? At first, I thought klaatu may have fallen on his head, or been hit by a bus, as that would explain the dramatic transformation into a full-blown liberal, but I am now more inclined to believe some deranged liberal has kidnapped klaatu, and is posting in his proxy! Klaatu has probably been eaten, his bones dissolved in a vat of acid to destroy the evidence, and the hideous monster who did this to him, has logged in here to interject some of his warped political views! It's the most logical explanation I can come up with.

Reading this 'wish list' of costly projects, it's almost as if 'klaatu' thinks Obama was just elected to administer from the great big pile of endless money in Washington! Like when you were a kid, and you played that game where you imagine what you might do if you had a million dollars... except, in this case, it's trillions of dollars. Apparently, 'klaatu' is unaware of the fact that this country is currently over $10 trillion in debt, and growing at a rate of close to $1 trillion per year when Obama is completing his first year in office. Where is the money coming from? China! Most of the $700 billion 'bailout package' is loaned from the Chinese government. That's the COMMUNIST Chinese, in case you weren't aware!

No doubt our roads and bridges need repair, and it would certainly provide many new jobs for the many illegal aliens who need to move up from picking lettuce and make room for their brothers when they come across the border, but the bottom line is, we simply have no money to do it! We can't afford it! It would be nice, but it was also be nice to have Paris Hilton feeding me grapes while tickling my balls with a feather!

No, klaatu just understands that the priorities have been screwed up for too long.

Rebuilding the infrastructure in the US should be a top priority.

This idea that we shouldn't do it is like someone not buying a quart of oil when their car needs it. Somehow you think you are saving money by waiting and then rebuilding the engine.

The longer we wait to rebuild the more it will cost and the less efficient the current system will be.

As for hiring illegals, the employer simply wants workers. If he can get decent american workers he would prefer them.
The road system and the power grid are national issues.

Yes, they will cost plenty of money. But waiting will make them cost more.

Part of the reason these areas need so much work is that they have been ignored for so long. So blame the previous administrations for that.
I lived in Massachusetts for a long time and spent many hours in traffic jams and swerving around potholes. Their roads suck and its due to their own politics. At one time back in the 60's then Governor Sargent issued a moratorium on new road construction within Rte 128, and shut down several large projects that were near completion. 20 years later, in early part of my career I worked on design alternatives. It was 15 years after that that these were built.

There was no divided highway to serve the two 4-lane Cape Cod bridges until nearly 2000. They were built in the 1930's. The family that owned the land where the new road was eventually built successfully fought it for 40 years. One of the sons went to law school for training specifically to fight the project.

The Feds paid for the Big Dig and the road to the Cape, and those are not national issues.
i really want to thank the men here who don't post their sexual experiences or sexual fantasies they wish they had experienced.

i am starting to feel like i am going to throw up.
Maybe if we'd had our priorities straight for the last 30 years we wouldn't be in this mess.
Maybe if we hadn't invaded and occupied Iraq and given boat loads of free money to corporate political backers we wouldn't be in this mess.
Maybe if we hadn't signed NAFTA/GATT we might have a solid, working, tax paying middle class and wouldn't be in this mess.
Maybe if we hadn't followed so called 'free market' ideology we wouldn't be in this mess.
Maybe if business owners who hire illegals were put in jail there would be more jobs for citizens and we wouldn't be in this mess.

Maybe if your aunt had a mustache she'd be your uncle. Maybe.

It's going to take a while to dig ourselves out of the mess right wing ideology has created, maybe.
i really want to thank the men here who don't post their sexual experiences or sexual fantasies they wish they had experienced.

i am starting to feel like i am going to throw up.

You are quite welcome.