3 area's Obama should hit first ...

This is amazing to me. I remember klaatu as one of the few truly conservative voices to post on this site... what have you done with him? At first, I thought klaatu may have fallen on his head, or been hit by a bus, as that would explain the dramatic transformation into a full-blown liberal, but I am now more inclined to believe some deranged liberal has kidnapped klaatu, and is posting in his proxy! Klaatu has probably been eaten, his bones dissolved in a vat of acid to destroy the evidence, and the hideous monster who did this to him, has logged in here to interject some of his warped political views! It's the most logical explanation I can come up with.

Reading this 'wish list' of costly projects, it's almost as if 'klaatu' thinks Obama was just elected to administer from the great big pile of endless money in Washington! Like when you were a kid, and you played that game where you imagine what you might do if you had a million dollars... except, in this case, it's trillions of dollars. Apparently, 'klaatu' is unaware of the fact that this country is currently over $10 trillion in debt, and growing at a rate of close to $1 trillion per year when Obama is completing his first year in office. Where is the money coming from? China! Most of the $700 billion 'bailout package' is loaned from the Chinese government. That's the COMMUNIST Chinese, in case you weren't aware!

No doubt our roads and bridges need repair, and it would certainly provide many new jobs for the many illegal aliens who need to move up from picking lettuce and make room for their brothers when they come across the border, but the bottom line is, we simply have no money to do it! We can't afford it! It would be nice, but it was also be nice to have Paris Hilton feeding me grapes while tickling my balls with a feather!

Dixie .. I guess you would have been against Ikes Federal Highway Act of the 50's or Reagans Free Enterprize Zones of the 80's ...because those fall under the "too costly" or "too much Government Interference" act of the wanna be Cons who are really Neo-Cons.

I.E. :
You can justify invading a Country on the other side of the world and then sending billions of dollars a month to rebuild their infrastructure ... of course not tagging it Nation Building but the "War on terror" ... in defense of our National Security.

Yet.. you cant Justify spending the same amount of Money taking care of our home front. Dixie...if not us..then who? When?
I outlined what needs to be done... We need to upgrade our National Power Grid ... you dont think we as a Nation are responsible to upgrade our Infrastructure when it becomes antiquated? If we dont, who does ? You dont think a failing infrastructure is a matter of National Security?

Ike's Federal Highway Act of the 50's ... that was 50 years ago... we need to bring our roads and bridges up to date. In most parts of the Country they are old and in dire need of renovation, if not us ..then who?

Transforming our Governments Transportation System along with New Government building projects of the future toward using renewables along with Solar and Wind is not a liberal issue... it is a viable and smart way to go ...
Are you aware of the amount of energy our Government entities use?

rebuilding our nations Infrastructure is not a liberal or conservative issue... it should not be a polarizing issue...

It would be much smarter to invest in our future by rebuilding it rather than send 700 billion dollar bailout packages to failed capitalists. Hmm?

think about it.. how many billions to Iraq? How many billions to failed banks? How many billions will go to the Auto Industry?

And then if someone brings up spending money in our own back yard for our own people.... its Socialism... please ..give me a break.
Stop wasting your time. President Obama knows how to deal with racist RePigs. Wait until January :)
Dixie .. I guess you would have been against Ikes Federal Highway Act of the 50's or Reagans Free Enterprize Zones of the 80's ...because those fall under the "too costly" or "too much Government Interference" act of the wanna be Cons who are really Neo-Cons.

I.E. :
You can justify invading a Country on the other side of the world and then sending billions of dollars a month to rebuild their infrastructure ... of course not tagging it Nation Building but the "War on terror" ... in defense of our National Security.

Yet.. you cant Justify spending the same amount of Money taking care of our home front. Dixie...if not us..then who? When?
I outlined what needs to be done... We need to upgrade our National Power Grid ... you dont think we as a Nation are responsible to upgrade our Infrastructure when it becomes antiquated? If we dont, who does ? You dont think a failing infrastructure is a matter of National Security?

Ike's Federal Highway Act of the 50's ... that was 50 years ago... we need to bring our roads and bridges up to date. In most parts of the Country they are old and in dire need of renovation, if not us ..then who?

Transforming our Governments Transportation System along with New Government building projects of the future toward using renewables along with Solar and Wind is not a liberal issue... it is a viable and smart way to go ...
Are you aware of the amount of energy our Government entities use?

rebuilding our nations Infrastructure is not a liberal or conservative issue... it should not be a polarizing issue...

It would be much smarter to invest in our future by rebuilding it rather than send 700 billion dollar bailout packages to failed capitalists. Hmm?

think about it.. how many billions to Iraq? How many billions to failed banks? How many billions will go to the Auto Industry?

And then if someone brings up spending money in our own back yard for our own people.... its Socialism... please ..give me a break.

Nope, wouldn't have been against Ikes Federal Highway Act of the 50's because we weren't $10 trillion in debt then, and we needed an interstate highway system. Wasn't against Reagan's Free Enterprise Zones because they actually resulted in increasing tax revenues to help pay down the massive debt... of course, a Democrat Congress spent the money as soon as it came in, but that wasn't Reagan's fault.

The rest of your post is bitching and complaining about things that have already happened and can't be undone, as if spending another several trillion dollars is going to make you feel better about it. It's about the most convoluted logic I have ever heard in my life. Our country is BROKE! We don't have any money to spend! We are currently borrowing billions upon billions from Communist China, just to remain solvent! ....And you want to sit here fantasizing about how to spend even MORE money we don't have? Grow the fuck up, and understand, we can't do this endlessly! You are going to quickly drive this nation into bankruptcy, and this glorious state of the art infrastructure you've envisioned, will be completely useless... well, maybe the Chinese will find it useful when they take over our broke ass bankrupted country!
Nope, wouldn't have been against Ikes Federal Highway Act of the 50's because we weren't $10 trillion in debt then, and we needed an interstate highway system. Wasn't against Reagan's Free Enterprise Zones because they actually resulted in increasing tax revenues to help pay down the massive debt... of course, a Democrat Congress spent the money as soon as it came in, but that wasn't Reagan's fault.

The rest of your post is bitching and complaining about things that have already happened and can't be undone, as if spending another several trillion dollars is going to make you feel better about it. It's about the most convoluted logic I have ever heard in my life. Our country is BROKE! We don't have any money to spend! We are currently borrowing billions upon billions from Communist China, just to remain solvent! ....And you want to sit here fantasizing about how to spend even MORE money we don't have? Grow the fuck up, and understand, we can't do this endlessly! You are going to quickly drive this nation into bankruptcy, and this glorious state of the art infrastructure you've envisioned, will be completely useless... well, maybe the Chinese will find it useful when they take over our broke ass bankrupted country!

Grow Up? You spend hours bitching about being labeled a racist or whether Obama is half black or half white and you tell me to grow up because I am fantasizing about our Country needing to upgrade its infrastructure?

Hey asswipe ... Obama plans on unveiling a Public Works package in his first hundred days. He has been getting advice on this from some of the most prominent Americans alive..Republican and Democrat....from all fields of endeavor ...

Another thing Einstein.. The American Society of Civil Engineers grades our Nations Infrastructure a "F" ...so I guess you are one of those reactionary types ... wait for a disaster to happen before you do something. .....


If Obama is proactive ...Im right there in his camp.
And you want to sit here fantasizing about how to spend even MORE money we don't have? Grow the fuck up, and understand, we can't do this endlessly! You are going to quickly drive this nation into bankruptcy, and this glorious state of the art infrastructure you've envisioned, will be completely useless... well, maybe the Chinese will find it useful when they take over our broke ass bankrupted country!

Do what endlessly Dixie? Rebuild our Infrastructure? You label repairing/upgrading our Infrastructure as some needless spending/pork project?
You dont have the capacity to see the dynamics involved in this? You cant envision how this would put millions to work and create thousands of spin off small businesses ...and generate revenue?

If you cant... you are one brain washed empty shell of a man. The end of your response.... "maybe the Chinese will find it useful when they take over our broke ass bankrupted country" Arent you getting sick of being peranoid about another Country wanting to take us over? Oh... thats right... Dixie is for spending trillions of dollars over seas protecting America from the boogey man.
klaatu... if that's REALLY who you are... When you start posting links to your own threads as 'sources' to back up your arguments, you've officially gone over the edge. You are right there with Keith Olberman and Desh man! It doesn't get much worse!

Obama (and you) are going to spend our nation into bankruptcy! We can't afford what we are doing now, much less all of these massive and costly new ideas! This is why Obama will be a lousy president. He would make a wonderful philosophy teacher, just sitting around all day, intellectually pontificating and coming up with imaginative ideas and bold dreams for how to 'fix' America, but in real world practicality, these things take money to do, and we don't have any! Now, maybeee... IF we reduced capital gains taxes so we could generate more revenues... IF we offered foreign corporations tax incentives to lure them to the good ol' USA with their business.... and IF we could curb the 'entitlement mentality' a bit... Maybe we could afford to rebuild our infrastructure in a decade or so... but we don't appear to be on the path to do that anytime soon, and we don't have the money to do such a thing now. You and Obama can 'unveil' and 'propose' all you like, we still don't have the money to do it, and the only way to get the money is to borrow it from China.
klaatu... if that's REALLY who you are... When you start posting links to your own threads as 'sources' to back up your arguments, you've officially gone over the edge. You are right there with Keith Olberman and Desh man! It doesn't get much worse!

Obama (and you) are going to spend our nation into bankruptcy! We can't afford what we are doing now, much less all of these massive and costly new ideas! This is why Obama will be a lousy president. He would make a wonderful philosophy teacher, just sitting around all day, intellectually pontificating and coming up with imaginative ideas and bold dreams for how to 'fix' America, but in real world practicality, these things take money to do, and we don't have any! Now, maybeee... IF we reduced capital gains taxes so we could generate more revenues... IF we offered foreign corporations tax incentives to lure them to the good ol' USA with their business.... and IF we could curb the 'entitlement mentality' a bit... Maybe we could afford to rebuild our infrastructure in a decade or so... but we don't appear to be on the path to do that anytime soon, and we don't have the money to do such a thing now. You and Obama can 'unveil' and 'propose' all you like, we still don't have the money to do it, and the only way to get the money is to borrow it from China.

Obama will be better than Bush you racist.
Power Grid ... it is old and antiquated.. 1950's technology in the year 2008 ... doesnt fit. The technology available today offers Smart Grid technology, smaller , more efficient and delivery is faster with less waste. The overall and renewal would be very expensive but long range benefits are huge.....and even GREEN!!
The Jobs and Small Businesses created renewing our Power Grid would be huge.

Roads and Bridges ... in the 50's Ikes Federal Highway Act was an enormous undertaking .... guess what? Its time to do it again. Especially throughout the North East... it is shameful how antiquated our Roads and Bridges are. Again, The Jobs and Small Businesses created renewing our roads and bridges will be huge.

Transportation System needs an overhaul.... All Government Transportation from the Fed to State and Local should immediately convert over to Renewable Energy. All New Government Construction Should include Solar Panels and Wind Energy where applicable. A program to expand the availability of Public Transportation with Clean Energy Technologies would be a good thing.. ie electric Trolly cars.. like they have in Portland.

Hopefully these area's are hit first.... they could go a long way in aiding our nations immediate problems... Jobs, Creation and expansion of Small Businesses. Some may call these initiatives Statist ... but I dont see how else to get these things accomplished unless they are mandated. Who else is going to do them?

Improving these area's of our Infrastructure is a Government function .... it easily falls under National Security .. it make more sense to spend billions at home securing within our borders rather than spendiing billions rebuilding the infrastructures of Countries that we blow up.

I agree that the power grid should be a top priority! Do you send your suggestions to the White House? The more of us that do, the more they can have their hand on the pulse of the public!
Spend, spend, spend....

1. Why should we in The South pay for y'all's roads in the northeast? We already paid for the Big Dig. Wasn't that the most expensive individual public works project in human history? Wasn't that enough?
2. Why don''t y'all build some more nukes and windmills where the power is needed instead of asking folks in Texas to make it and ship it to you on this new power grid that you want us to pay for?

Spend, spend, spend, well, when get out of Iraq we will have all that money available. I don't get it, do you support the Iraq war? Is it right to spend there and not here? Do you want us to be like Iraq and only have power certain hours of the day? Alaska won't have that problem for a long time, but think about some areas of the "lower 48", kind of condescending sounded, isn't it, where it already happens!
beefy posting the gruesome details of some threesome that he had in another thread, and that disgusting dixie talking about paris hilton doing something to his testicles in this thread! gross!

Don't worry Darla. If I ever do it, I'll just say "I did it", and I won't go into any details.
This is amazing to me. I remember klaatu as one of the few truly conservative voices to post on this site... what have you done with him? At first, I thought klaatu may have fallen on his head, or been hit by a bus, as that would explain the dramatic transformation into a full-blown liberal, but I am now more inclined to believe some deranged liberal has kidnapped klaatu, and is posting in his proxy! Klaatu has probably been eaten, his bones dissolved in a vat of acid to destroy the evidence, and the hideous monster who did this to him, has logged in here to interject some of his warped political views! It's the most logical explanation I can come up with.

Reading this 'wish list' of costly projects, it's almost as if 'klaatu' thinks Obama was just elected to administer from the great big pile of endless money in Washington! Like when you were a kid, and you played that game where you imagine what you might do if you had a million dollars... except, in this case, it's trillions of dollars. Apparently, 'klaatu' is unaware of the fact that this country is currently over $10 trillion in debt, and growing at a rate of close to $1 trillion per year when Obama is completing his first year in office. Where is the money coming from? China! Most of the $700 billion 'bailout package' is loaned from the Chinese government. That's the COMMUNIST Chinese, in case you weren't aware!

No doubt our roads and bridges need repair, and it would certainly provide many new jobs for the many illegal aliens who need to move up from picking lettuce and make room for their brothers when they come across the border, but the bottom line is, we simply have no money to do it! We can't afford it! It would be nice, but it was also be nice to have Paris Hilton feeding me grapes while tickling my balls with a feather!

He is enlightened, he is a true conservative? All conservatives have to think like you to count?
The south pays for the NORHTS roads? WTF? There is a definite and huge taxflow from the north to the south.

And why should we help pay for roads? To build up our national infrastructure, because it's good for us all.

Hasn't the South noticed that? If we let them succeed from the Union they would be a dismal failure in a year! Well, maybe five.
Spend, spend, spend, well, when get out of Iraq we will have all that money available. I don't get it, do you support the Iraq war? Is it right to spend there and not here? Do you want us to be like Iraq and only have power certain hours of the day? Alaska won't have that problem for a long time, but think about some areas of the "lower 48", kind of condescending sounded, isn't it, where it already happens!
I support any war where the US is involved, killing bad guys and liberating peaceful people. I also think that Iraq should pay its own money to upgrade its infrastructure beyond what it was before we invaded.