Hard to accept that there are that many suckers around. And all are willing to help the guy who will go down as the worst president we've ever had.

Oh well...to each his/her own.

Who was it that said, "A sucker and his money are soon parted?"
No we are not supporting Dementia Joe.
Democrats you have stirred a hornets nest. And the donation site crashed and was down for part of that time.

You Trumpys are crazy. Biden had nothing to do with the ex=thief in Chief's trial. It was a New York trial. That would be a state. Biden does not control state judicial systems.
The claimed pile of donations needs proof.
You crazy rightys say Biden forced the trial of the Felon in Chief. Yet you were also saying the trial elevated his polling and donations. Can you find where that thinking goes wrong? Why would Biden do that?
I think Daffy Donald will suffer from becoming a felon.
Cute how leftards try to shape the narrative concerning Trumps massive influx of cash. Its almost like they are stupid enuff to actually think we care about any silly ass narrative. We dont. We care about one thing and one thing only,....THE MONEY. We KNOW that the money will help us achieve our objective of WINNING the election, and SO DO YOU,... which is the ONLY objective we care about. You can have the silly narratives that nobody believes anyway,....we will take the money . ;)
Send your money! Send all of it! Send it now!
When they send money it means they will send their votes too. 30% of these donors have never sent money before. These are small amounts of donors. This means the dumbass Democrats have stimulated Republican voters to action. The gloves are off.
Cute how leftards try to shape the narrative concerning Trumps massive influx of cash. Its almost like they are stupid enuff to actually think we care about any silly ass narrative. We dont. We care about one thing and one thing only,....THE MONEY. We KNOW that the money will help us achieve our objective of WINNING the election, and SO DO YOU,... which is the ONLY objective we care about. You can have the silly narratives that nobody believes anyway,....we will take the money . ;)
Yep that money represents voters and it also means the message will be amplified to the public. It means more campaign workers and a massive organization exposing the Left's incompetence. . It will amplify the 20% inflation since Biden took office it will amplify our out of control border and millions of illegal immigrants and increase crime. This whole Trump prosecution comes from a rotting New York. There is no wonder that New York is crumbling and people are leaving the state. New York state is losing representation in the House. Voters are moving out of New York.
Yep that money represents voters and it also means the message will be amplified to the public. It means more campaign workers and a massive organization exposing the Left's incompetence. . It will amplify the 20% inflation since Biden took office it will amplify our out of control border and millions of illegal immigrants and increase crime. This whole Trump prosecution comes from a rotting New York. There is no wonder that New York is crumbling and people are leaving the state. New York state is losing representation in the House. Voters are moving out of New York.
Exactly,....the left cares about silly little narratives and such as a way to make themselves feel better,....like giving a kid a sucker. LOL,....We care about the cold hard cash and what it means towards completing our objective. Its all right there for the taking as the left was kind enuff to give us a HUGE gift horse with the NY trial. All we need to do is keep our eye on the the ball, laser focus on final objective and our goal will be completed. They cant stop us. We WILL prevail in the end. We dont need to go around our opponents,.....instead we will go RIGHT THRU THEM for the whole world to see.
When they send money it means they will send their votes too. 30% of these donors have never sent money before. These are small amounts of donors. This means the dumbass Democrats have stimulated Republican voters to action. The gloves are off.
Trump automatically gets 33% of the vote. MAGAts and stupid fucks that only see an R.

The independent voters in about 6 states are the only ones that matter.

So, ante up, motherfucker. Send more of your money to a billionaire. Or, are you all mouth?
Yep that money represents voters and it also means the message will be amplified to the public. It means more campaign workers and a massive organization exposing the Left's incompetence. . It will amplify the 20% inflation since Biden took office it will amplify our out of control border and millions of illegal immigrants and increase crime. This whole Trump prosecution comes from a rotting New York. There is no wonder that New York is crumbling and people are leaving the state. New York state is losing representation in the House. Voters are moving out of New York.
It will go to pay his legal bills. LOL
Exactly,....the left cares about silly little narratives and such as a way to make themselves feel better,....like giving a kid a sucker. LOL,....We care about the cold hard cash and what it means towards completing our objective. Its all right there for the taking as the left was kind enuff to give us a HUGE gift horse with the NY trial. All we need to do is keep our eye on the the ball, laser focus on final objective and our goal will be completed. They cant stop us. We WILL prevail in the end. We dont need to go around our opponents,.....instead we will go RIGHT THRU THEM for the whole world to see.
Send more money, motherfucker! Are you a patriot or not?