Democrats you have stirred a hornets nest. And the donation site crashed and was down for part of that time.

True. Some Americans, many in fact, don't like it when their Presidential candidate gets in legal trouble from his relationship with a porn star.
If you think they're critical of the Presidential candidate and not the law, think again.
True. Some Americans, many in fact, don't like it when their Presidential candidate gets in legal trouble from his relationship with a porn star.
If you think they're critical of the Presidential candidate and not the law, think again.And those people are Democrats that don't care the legal system was corrupted to indict and convict on trumped up charges.

Here are unusual situation that just happened.

Number 3 man in entire DOJ steps down to a lowly assistant DA to prosecute Trump.
The corrupt judge that donated to Biden and to an organization called Stop Republicans and whose family is making millions from the trial does not recuse himself from the trial. The judge does not allow the defense to put on Bradly Smith the former head of the FEC for 8 years who was appointed by Bill Clinton to explain what a campaign violation was and was not. The Judge allowed irrelevant salacious and HIGHLY premedical non probative testimony from a pornstar. The judge that does these things just happen to get several high profile politically important cases by random selection????? The Harvey Winstein case was just thrown out for allowing prejudicial non probative testimony.

This trial is like a corrupt football referee calling a non catch a touchdown. It may make you temporarily happy but its is destined to be over turned on further review by non corrupt referees.
Here are unusual situation that just happened.

Number 3 man in entire DOJ steps down to a lowly assistant DA to prosecute Trump.
The corrupt judge that donated to Biden and to an organization called Stop Republicans and whose family is making millions from the trial does not recuse himself from the trial. The judge does not allow the defense to put on Bradly Smith the former head of the FEC for 8 years who was appointed by Bill Clinton to explain what a campaign violation was and was not. The Judge allowed irrelevant salacious and HIGHLY premedical non probative testimony from a pornstar. The judge that does these things just happen to get several high profile politically important cases by random selection????? The Harvey Winstein case was just thrown out for allowing prejudicial non probative testimony.

This trial is like a corrupt football referee calling a non catch a touchdown. It may make you temporarily happy but its is destined to be over turned on further review by non corrupt referees.
And when they disappoint you they will blacken into "corrupt referees". Not possible for the fault land on the master.
Here are unusual situation that just happened.

Number 3 man in entire DOJ steps down to a lowly assistant DA to prosecute Trump.
The corrupt judge that donated to Biden and to an organization called Stop Republicans and whose family is making millions from the trial does not recuse himself from the trial. The judge does not allow the defense to put on Bradly Smith the former head of the FEC for 8 years who was appointed by Bill Clinton to explain what a campaign violation was and was not. The Judge allowed irrelevant salacious and HIGHLY premedical non probative testimony from a pornstar. The judge that does these things just happen to get several high profile politically important cases by random selection????? The Harvey Winstein case was just thrown out for allowing prejudicial non probative testimony.

This trial is like a corrupt football referee calling a non catch a touchdown. It may make you temporarily happy but its is destined to be over turned on further review by non corrupt referees.
If you decide to edit a comment of mine again try harder to keep it literate. You must have made it through high school.

Trump Announces Nearly $53 Million Fund-Raising Haul After Guilty Verdict​

New York Times


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If you decide to edit a comment of mine again try harder to keep it literate. You must have made it through high school.
Literacy would require punctuation between a dependent and independent clause, dummy.

If the dependent clause is first (again, rather like an introduction to the main clause), it is followed by a comma (like in this sentence and the next). If the independent clause comes first, no punctuation separates the two.

You must not have made it through high school, Marty.

Poor Marty.

Trump Announces Nearly $53 Million Fund-Raising Haul After Guilty Verdict​

New York Times


  • 1717249059027.png
Democrats you have stirred a hornets nest. And the donation site crashed and was down for part of that time.

Remember when Depends Donny told everyone he was so rich he wouldn't need donations? Good times. Good times.

Now the MAGAts can't fork over enough money to the former namesake of Trump University.

I swear I thought folks were gullible who shoveled money to Oral Roberts but this is off the friggin' charts.


Who's keeping the books ?

Maybe he got Eric to keep the books. Eric helped divert funds from a Children's CANCER Charity to enrich the family coffers.

I hope the MAGAts give all their money to this guy. Except then we'll have to hear a bunch of whiners who demand their welfare.

Trump Announces Nearly $53 Million Fund-Raising Haul After Guilty Verdict​

New York Times


  • 1717249059027.png

Trump Announces Nearly $53 Million Fund-Raising Haul After Guilty Verdict​

New York Times

I bet you haven't given much yet. You should really open the wallet. Donny DependO needs your cash because he's so rich and powerful.

Billionaire Bill Ackman is reportedly leaning toward Trump..​

https://www.yahoo.com › news › billionaire-bill-ackma...

22 hours ago — Pershing Square Capital Management CEO Bill Ackman would join a growing list of billionaires lined up behind Donald Trump.

Prominent billionaires from Wall Street to Silicon Valley are ...​

Yahoo Finance
https://finance.yahoo.com › news › prominent-billionai...

2 days ago — Wealthy US donors spanning many industries have announced plans to put their influence and money behind former President Donald Trump