So the MAGA trolls circle jerk over the sheer stupidity of forking over their hard earned cash to a (paper tiger) self proclaimed billionaire to cover his legal and campaign expenses.

Once again they prove the late P.T. Barnum correct.
Cute how leftards try to shape the narrative concerning Trumps massive influx of cash. Its almost like they are stupid enuff to actually think we care about any silly ass narrative. We dont. We care about one thing and one thing only,....THE MONEY. We KNOW that the money will help us achieve our objective of WINNING the election, and SO DO YOU,... which is the ONLY objective we care about. You can have the silly narratives that nobody believes anyway,....we will take the money . ;)
Seriously, are you on something, off your meds or just congenitally stupid?

There is no "narrative", you dimwit. There is only the FACTS.

FACT - Trump consistently claims to be uber wealthy, yet he hit's up dopes like you for money for his legal expenses and campaign finances.

FACT - https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/9/28/12904136/donald-trump-corrupt

FACT - Trump builds hotels and golf courses that YOU cannot afford even one night in, much less membership to.

FACT - Trump's 4 years resulted in his version of "reaganomics", which leans tax breaks for the wealthy, leaving folk like you and me to pick up the slack in national revenue.

FACT - Trump was found guilty of falsifying campaign fund records to cover up hush money payment for an illicit affair ... a felony in NY.

You keep saying "we", so I assume you speak for all the MAGA minions who actually would vote for the Orange Oaf if he committed murder on 5th Avenue in broad daylight. You prove P.T. Barnum right every day. Carry on.
Seriously, are you on something, off your meds or just congenitally stupid?
Mantra 1d.
There is no "narrative", you dimwit. There is only the FACTS.
Learn what 'fact' means. It does NOT mean 'Universal Truth'.
FACT - Trump consistently claims to be uber wealthy, yet he hit's up dopes like you for money for his legal expenses and campaign finances.
Trump isn't 'hitting anybody up'. The donations are voluntary. You are AGAIN ignoring the votes that go with them.https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/9/28/12904136/donald-trump-corrupt
FACT - Trump builds hotels and golf courses that YOU cannot afford even one night in, much less membership to.
Actually, I can.
FACT - Trump's 4 years resulted in his version of "reaganomics", which leans tax breaks for the wealthy, leaving folk like you and me to pick up the slack in national revenue.
Trump is not Reagan. Trump cut taxes for everyone that pays them. I suppose you are unaware of them because you don't make enough to pay taxes.
FACT - Trump was found guilty of falsifying campaign fund records to cover up hush money payment for an illicit affair ... a felony in NY.
What campaign fund records? What affair? Paying 'hush' money (NDA money) is not a crime. Not even an affair (if there was one) is a crime.

You keep saying "we", so I assume you speak for all the MAGA minions who actually would vote for the Orange Oaf if he committed murder on 5th Avenue in broad daylight. You prove P.T. Barnum right every day. Carry on.
MAGA isn't a person. Trump hasn't committed murder. Stop making shit up.
So the MAGA trolls circle jerk over the sheer stupidity of forking over their hard earned cash to a (paper tiger) self proclaimed billionaire to cover his legal and campaign expenses.

Once again they prove the late P.T. Barnum correct.
MAGA isn't a person. The fact the people are stepping up and making donations just sticks in your craw, doesn't it? The fact that those people are going to vote for Trump just sticks in your craw too.

You did it to yourself Democrats.
Yes! Trump will win. You got this!

Yeah,...we KNOW. You know who REALLY KNOWS? The Democrats. Thats why day be FREAKIN.... :laugh:
Seriously, are you on something, off your meds or just congenitally stupid?

There is no "narrative", you dimwit. There is only the FACTS.

FACT - Trump consistently claims to be uber wealthy, yet he hit's up dopes like you for money for his legal expenses and campaign finances.

FACT - https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/9/28/12904136/donald-trump-corrupt

FACT - Trump builds hotels and golf courses that YOU cannot afford even one night in, much less membership to.

FACT - Trump's 4 years resulted in his version of "reaganomics", which leans tax breaks for the wealthy, leaving folk like you and me to pick up the slack in national revenue.

FACT - Trump was found guilty of falsifying campaign fund records to cover up hush money payment for an illicit affair ... a felony in NY.

You keep saying "we", so I assume you speak for all the MAGA minions who actually would vote for the Orange Oaf if he committed murder on 5th Avenue in broad daylight. You prove P.T. Barnum right every day. Carry on.
So the MAGA trolls circle jerk over the sheer stupidity of forking over their hard earned cash to a (paper tiger) self proclaimed billionaire to cover his legal and campaign expenses.

Once again they prove the late P.T. Barnum correct.
I thought it was to send Biden home and retake the Senate, honest.......seems a worthwhile use of $100 to me.....
Hard to accept that there are that many suckers around. And all are willing to help the guy who will go down as the worst president we've ever had.

Oh well...to each his/her own.

Who was it that said, "A sucker and his money are soon parted?"
That might be just a tad hyperbolic. Trump will certainly go down in the history books as one of the worst but to be honest he wasn’t as bad as W and no where near as terrible as Buchanan.
That might be just a tad hyperbolic. Trump will certainly go down in the history books as one of the worst but to be honest he wasn’t as bad as W and no where near as terrible as Buchanan.
I appreciate your feelings on that, Mott, but my regard for W has sky-rocketed since Trump came on the scene. W seemed to recognize his short-comings and knew he had able administrators to deal with them...and allowed them to do so. Not so, Trump, the bumbler.

Buchanan certainly was a dog, as most history books show. But I just did not get to experience him...so...

(Funny, but during my lifetime, one-third of all the presidents we've ever had...have served. I am an old fart!}

Maybe you are correct, though...and I will agree to Trump being "one of the worst."
Trump just got another $100 million pledge from billionaire Miriam Adelson she contributed $90 million into 2020 also so she has the bucks and has given in the past.
Yeah,...we KNOW. You know who REALLY KNOWS? The Democrats. Thats why day be FREAKIN.... :laugh:
I didn't know you were a masochist, Stoney? I mean, you want a gov't that forces your mom/wife/sister to bring a pregnancy of rape to term and will use a Stasi type system to arrest anyone who assist them in having/getting an abortion. Then you want major tax cuts to the rich and corporations, leaving you with the brunt of filling the nation's revenue. I could go on, but it's wasted on a fool who votes for a guy who builds hotels he can't afford one night in without breaking the bank.