40 million people in poverty, USA.


Satire for Sanity
American decline: Open pools of raw sewage in the richest country in the world


As the wealthy continue sucking the country dry, the question now isn’t if the US will cease to provide a decent standard of living for its people. Rather it is how many people will be sacrificed on the way down.
In America, the richest nation in the world when measured by raw GDP, children are getting sick from living by open pools of raw sewage. This was one of many shocking findings by the United Nations late last year, following a two-week investigation into extreme poverty in the US.

The UN report was issued last December by a team of investigators who visited California, Alabama, Georgia, Puerto Rico, West Virginia and Washington DC.

“The United States is one of the world’s richest, most powerful and technologically innovative countries; but neither its wealth, nor its power, nor its technology is being harnessed to address the situation in which 40 million people continue to live in poverty,”wrote Philip Alston, the UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights.


The best ways to address this shocking indictment is to build a wall, produce more nuclear weapons, maintain 1600 military bases and remove people's health care. Not.
Actually, this doesn't surprise me at all. There's too many people here. So yes, build a wall to keep people out that don't belong here, producing more nuclear weapons has nothing to do with this, find out which of those 1600 military bases the host countries don't want there and close them down, and once again, there's too many people here, free health care is not practical. As we learned from obamacare, universal crappy health INSURANCE isn't practical either. To top it off, people thinking that an American Marxist utopia is the wave of the future are having children at a rate that is sure to exacerbate the problem. These people should not be reproducing(at least until they are emotionally and economically mature enough to support a family). It is my opinion that coming to America, or having children outside of an emotionally and economically stable marriage should be very unattractive to anyone consider either.
Moon, is there another country you feel has lower poverty the U.S. should model itself after?
Moon, is there another country you feel has lower poverty the U.S. should model itself after?

No. It's better to actually address the obvious misuse of wealth - as I see it- than to attempt to emulate any of the many countries with lower poverty levels than the US.

Building a wall, incidentally, won't keep poverty out. It's already in.
The best ways to address this shocking indictment is to build a wall, produce more nuclear weapons, maintain 1600 military bases and remove people's health care. Not.

or we could just nuke Redlands, CA........by the way, the "sewage filled pond" was on private property in Alabama.......do you think the government has a responsibility to fix everyone's septic tank?........

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage

a new study dated 2009......
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a new study dated 2009......

Try a more recent one- still 40 million Americans in poverty.

2017- Forty million Americans live in poverty, nearly half in deep poverty — which U.N. investigators defined as people reporting income less than one-half of the poverty threshold. The United States has the highest child poverty rates — 25 percent — in the developed world. Then there are the extremely poor who live on less than $2 per day per person and don’t have access to basic human services such as sanitation, shelter, education and health care.


How about stripping everybody's citizenship once they fall below the poverty line ? That ought to look better on paper.
Actually, this doesn't surprise me at all. There's too many people here. So yes, build a wall to keep people out that don't belong here, producing more nuclear weapons has nothing to do with this, find out which of those 1600 military bases the host countries don't want there and close them down, and once again, there's too many people here, free health care is not practical. As we learned from obamacare, universal crappy health INSURANCE isn't practical either. To top it off, people thinking that an American Marxist utopia is the wave of the future are having children at a rate that is sure to exacerbate the problem. These people should not be reproducing(at least until they are emotionally and economically mature enough to support a family). It is my opinion that coming to America, or having children outside of an emotionally and economically stable marriage should be very unattractive to anyone consider either.

This response does not shttp://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/ike.htmurprise me. few people learn from our history. Eisenhower in his farewell speech made a point about guns or butter. he warned us that the military/industrial complex was a threat to America as we knew it. Sorry military lovers, but you are gulping up the wealth of America. We a e making choices.We spend more on the military than the next 10 countries combined, and have for decades. We are not starving the military. But if you buiid it, you will use it and we have been in wars or interfering in other nations for a century. The real cost is hidden, however add in the CIA, and the nuclear programs costs, and you will get a sense of how big it really is. Don't forget the cost of the VA and healthcare of ex soldiers. The cost of 900 military bases. The pay to soldiers and staff. It is a waste. try waging peace.
This response does not shttp://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/ike.htmurprise me. few people learn from our history. Eisenhower in his farewell speech made a point about guns or butter. he warned us that the military/industrial complex was a threat to America as we knew it. Sorry military lovers, but you are gulping up the wealth of America. We a e making choices.We spend more on the military than the next 10 countries combined, and have for decades. We are not starving the military. But if you buiid it, you will use it and we have been in wars or interfering in other nations for a century. The real cost is hidden, however add in the CIA, and the nuclear programs costs, and you will get a sense of how big it really is. Don't forget the cost of the VA and healthcare of ex soldiers. The cost of 900 military bases. The pay to soldiers and staff. It is a waste. try waging peace.

Standing Ovation!
The best ways to address this shocking indictment is to build a wall, produce more nuclear weapons, maintain 1600 military bases and remove people's health care. Not.
Dirty water pulled out of river under Obama Trump is taking care of problems one at a time . In what year did this problem start occuring in. Can you say or did it just become a problem this year ?? A historic flood will clean up the problem & start others...

Sent from my LGMS550 using Tapatalk
Dirty water pulled out of river under Obama Trump is taking care of problems one at a time . In what year did this problem start occuring in. Can you say or did it just become a problem this year ?? A historic flood will clean up the problem & start others...

Sent from my LGMS550 using Tapatalk

Where would a good conservative without his "whataboutism?"
The best ways to address this shocking indictment is to build a wall, produce more nuclear weapons, maintain 1600 military bases and remove people's health care. Not.

Dear idiot, the only areas of poverty exist in purely BLUE states and cities that have never known a Republican mayor. But I am willing to bet that the poor and impoverished in other countries would love to be as poor as an American living in some leftist urban sewer.

Go fuck yourself with all this moronic anti-AmeriKa bullshit.
A lot of Americans do not fall below the poverty line if the poverty level defined by the census bureau included benefits such as EITC, Medicaid, SNAP, housing, child tax credit. Income for measuring poverty does not include noncash benefits, tax credits, and capital gains.
Trump and the GOP, need to raise that minimum wage to $15 an hour!



The U. N. official is a "special rapporteur" which is a person appointed by an organization to report on the proceedings of its meetings.

The budget for the next two years will contain $138 billion in new domestic spending. I wonder how many people will fall into poverty if the federal government stops funding Sesame Street? They already make millions from the sale of licensed products.
Where would a good conservative without his "whataboutism?"
It's all about the economy , where were your complaints for the last 30 years Rome wasn't built in a day & americas problems won't be solved in one term it will take 10 years t0 repair damage our people have caused !!

Sent from my LGMS550 using Tapatalk
you will not find a more contented and happy bunch of people than those who attend threshers reunions
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This response does not shttp://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/ike.htmurprise me. few people learn from our history. Eisenhower in his farewell speech made a point about guns or butter. he warned us that the military/industrial complex was a threat to America as we knew it. Sorry military lovers, but you are gulping up the wealth of America. We a e making choices.We spend more on the military than the next 10 countries combined, and have for decades. We are not starving the military. But if you buiid it, you will use it and we have been in wars or interfering in other nations for a century. The real cost is hidden, however add in the CIA, and the nuclear programs costs, and you will get a sense of how big it really is. Don't forget the cost of the VA and healthcare of ex soldiers. The cost of 900 military bases. The pay to soldiers and staff. It is a waste. try waging peace.

Even taking your position at face value, it does not change that the DNC routinely bends over backwards to screw southern states. Killed Tobacco; Killed small manufacturing; Trying to Kill Coal; Trying to kill farming. It doesn't matter how much you cut from defense if you send it all to NYC and Silicon Valley.