40 years Ago Today...

Well, finally.

Sorry this took so long. The old chart was gone, and I had to re-do it from scratch, while learning all the "improvements" that had been made to Excel 2007 in the process.


Enjoy! :D

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It's kind of stalled since the '80's.

Gee, I wonder who came into power en masse then that could've caused such damage? I'll get back to you guys on my findings.
As I said earlier, in his early days Dr. King encouraged blacks to work hard, not rely on others to bear their responsibilities, and better themselves "the old fashioned way". Indeed, many did, and the results were spectacular, as family after family pulled themselves out of poverty and began to prosper, at greater rates than any other racial group. But later, Dr. King tended to slide into socialism as a proposed solution to the problems black people were experiencing.

He undoubtedly knew of the rising prosperity of more and more blacks, and it is doubtful that he of all people, became impatient with their progress. But he seemed to sign on to the idea that solving people's problems for them, got rid of the problem. It's the same mistake liberals everywhere make. Ironically, the government started doing as he asked in the mid to late 60s, and the results that followed from the 70s onward pretty much proved that his "solution" didn't work. In fact, it even stifled the progress blacks had been making on their own before any such govt programs were started.

The irony comes from the fact that, even though racial bigotry and discrimination began to taper off in the 70s and 80s (due in no small part to the legacy of Dr. King's courage and leadership even after his death), blacks' increasing incomes levelled off even as discrimination began to reduce its effects. The results of society treating blacks en masse as irresponsible children who could not manage on their own, trumped the solid work ethic and family structures blacks had relied on (with great success) to better their lots before that debilitating, condescending attitude of the left developed.

Such negative results don't just happen to black people. Entire countries have failed once their governments have tried to take over responsibility for their welfare, the USSR being the most spectacular recent example. Yet the liberals and other leftists keep trying the same "solution" over and over, hoping for a different result.
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It's kind of stalled since the '80's.

Gee, I wonder who came into power en masse then that could've caused such damage? I'll get back to you guys on my findings.
I was going to say that line starts to get awful flat in 1980, then about 1992 it started to move up again. The graph really makes you wonder what happened in the hispanic population
Wow. Two guys so far, trying desperately to not notice that the line for black per capita income flattens out in 1970, shortly after the govt started "helping" blacks... even with the graph right in their faces.

You have to wonder just how delusional these people can get. Not only do they look at one thing and see another, but then they come here and post it, apparently hoping that someone, somewhere will "see" the same thing they "see". Incredible (shakes head in wonder).

Hispanic income plummeting after the mid-70s? My guess is, an increasing invasion of illegal aliens, most of whom are Hispanic, coming in and working for $1/hr or less. Though that doesn't explain why it more or less levels off in the late 80s and 90s.

BTW, I recall someone calling me a few names after I pointed out how unworkable some of Dr. King's later theories were. The name-caller seems awfully quiet now that the facts and references are before him. Has anybody seen him? :)
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Wow. Two guys so far, trying desperately to not notice that the line for black per capita income flattens out in 1970, shortly after the govt started "helping" blacks... even with the graph right in their faces.

You have to wonder just how delusional these people can get. Not only do they look at one thing and see another, but then they come here and post it, apparently hoping that someone, somewhere will "see" the same thing they "see". Incredible (shakes head in wonder).

Hispanic income plummeting after the mid-70s? My guess is, an increasing invasion of illegal aliens, most of whom are Hispanic, coming in and working for $1/hr or less. Though that doesn't explain why it more or less levels off in the late 80s and 90s.

BTW, I recall someone calling me a few names after I pointed out how unworkable some of Dr. King's later theories were. The name-caller seems awfully quiet now that the facts and references are before him. Has anybody seen him? :)

Are you fucking kidding me? Please explain how black folks were enjoying "prosperity and wealth" in 1959 when more than half were living in poverty. Also, please explain how the War on Poverty and Great Society Programs (which, by the way were largely enacted in the early 1960s, not during King's later years) brought the reduction in poverty to a halt or brought the income growth among blacks to a halt? I just don't see it. The graph appears to show much greater growth from 1960 to 1974 (when it flattens out, six years after the death of MLK, a decade after the War on Poverty programs were enacted and during the Nixon Administration) than any other period graphed, including 1948-1960.

Get your lying eyes checked.
The programs enacted in the 60's really helped the elderly out. Their numbers in poverty dropped dramatically.
(The usual profanity deleted)

Please explain how black folks were enjoying "prosperity and wealth" in 1959 when more than half were living in poverty.
Why do you say black people were enjoying wealth and prosperity in 1959? I never did. Look at the chart - their incomes were still far below the average, and even farther below whites' incomes, as I pointed out.

No wonder you keep whining about "lying eyes". You obviously have experience with such. Would you like to debate the actual issues some time, instead of constantly making up hogwash and complaining about that?
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Why do you say black people were enjoying wealth and prosperity in 1959? I never did. Look at the chart - their incomes were still far below the average, and even farther below whites' incomes, as I pointed out.

No wonder you keep whining about "lying eyes". You obviously have experience with such. Would you like to debate the actual issues some time, instead of constantly making up hogwash and complaining about that?

This is what you said that I took issue with:

Ironically, his suggestions WERE tried, starting at about that time. Congress started pouring the billions he demanded, into Welfare and Unemployment and Affirmative Action and dozens of other programs. And what happened? The prosperity and wealth of black people, which had been steadily rising (much faster than the national average) since their poverty of WWII, came to a halt. Blacks' wages and prosperity didn't appreciably rise after those programs were started.

Basically, you said that black folks were enjoying steadily rising wealth and prosperity in the post-WWII period which came to a halt starting at the time that King's suggestions were tried.

Considering 1959 is in the post-war period and prior to the implementation of the War on Poverty and Great Society programs, certainly your statement that blacks were enjoying steadily rising wealth and prosperity would apply to 1959, no?

And once again looking at you poverty statistics chart, it seems to suggest that the War on Poverty, implemented in 1964 was a resounding success until the 1980s. And these were the types of programs King was speaking about.

Again, get your lying eyes checked.
I was going to say that line starts to get awful flat in 1980, then about 1992 it started to move up again. The graph really makes you wonder what happened in the hispanic population

I don't think we had much of a Hispanic population before 1950, and most of those must've been average middle-classers. Then immigrants started coming in, and they were far poorer.

Well, that's my speculation, at least.
Basically, you said that black folks were enjoying steadily rising wealth and prosperity in the post-WWII period which came to a halt starting at the time that King's suggestions were tried.

Considering 1959 is in the post-war period and prior to the implementation of the War on Poverty and Great Society programs, certainly your statement that blacks were enjoying steadily rising wealth and prosperity would apply to 1959, no?
Correct. And what you said (that black folks were "enjoying prosperity and wealth" in 1959) was quite different from that, and flat wrong. Thank you for finally quoting what I said more accurately, though I never said they were "enjoying" any of this. A guy who is homeless and starving with no food, is completely miserable. If that guy gets some very-low-paying part-time job, enough to buy a few materials for a rudimentary lean-to and a very small amount of food, he still won't "enjoy" his state, though he is more "prosperous" than before. His prosperity has increased, as I said, though he is still poor, hungry, and practically homeless, and has a long way to go before he achieves a state he can "enjoy". Only if he keeps making improvements, will his accomplishments become enjoyable.

And that's exactly what blacks were doing, before the government stepped in to "help" them. They were making steady improvements, year after year, going from dreadful poverty to plain poverty, and coming farther out of it every year. But then government stepped in at about the "plain poor" stage, and soon the improvements blacks had made in their lives, stopped improving, leaving them in the "plain poor" stage for decades afterward.

And once again looking at you poverty statistics chart, it seems to suggest that the War on Poverty, implemented in 1964 was a resounding success until the 1980s. And these were the types of programs King was speaking about.
Listen to yourself.

Blacks had been steadily and rapidly improving their lot from WWII onwards. Then poverty programs took effect in the mid to late 60s. Within a few years, black improvements had come to a halt, and remained stagnant throughout the 70s. And you call those programs a "resounding success". Who do you think you're kidding?

It's not my eyes that need checking. The evidence on the charts is clear. It's you who are completely missing what's in front of your face. The funny part is, you seem to expect others to be as myopic and (did someone say "lying?) as you are.

The liberal programs of the 60s onward, have been a complete failure, even after billions and billions have been spent. It was only tax cuts by various conservatives, that let blacks gain any small increase in wages, prosperity etc... only to be pushed back down by tax increases on people pushed into higher tax brackets by inflation, until Reagan put an end to that practice too.

And after mounting evidence of the failures of liberal program after liberal program, the audacity with which liberals STILL push the same old failed aganda, is nothing short of breathtaking. One might almost refer to them, by now, as "noxious fucks who haven't a clue". Wouldn't one?

But I don't bother referring to them as that, since I'm not a potty-mouthed adolescent who can't prove them wrong. I find it perfectly adequate to point out their programs, point out the results, and let intelligent people draw their own conclusions. And if a few people on the other side can't see what's in front of their faces, there's not much more I can do for them.
LOL, Little-Acorn is trying to pin it on the 70's, whenever there was still an impressive rise. Compare this to the complete and absolute flatness of the 80's.

Why would he do this? Would it be because he caused it in the 80's and is embarrassed?
The liberal programs of the 60s onward, have been a complete failure, even after billions and billions have been spent. It was only tax cuts by various conservatives, that let blacks gain any small increase in wages, prosperity etc... only to be pushed back down by tax increases on people pushed into higher tax brackets by inflation, until Reagan put an end to that practice too.

I didn't know that most blacks were earning multi-million dollar salaries in the 80's. Impressive job, Reagan.
I'm confused a little. Little-Acorn admits that the 60's was whenever the welfare programs were put into place, and that's by far the greatest leap. Then he calls the welfare programs a "failure". In the 70's, there was also a great leap in wealth, yet he calls that "whenever things started stagnating". Then Little-Acorn praises Reagan for cutting taxes on the only group Reagan did cut taxes on, the very very rich, and called it an impressive accomplishment for blacks, despite the fact that after the 80's the blacks were worse off than they were before.

Is this reverse psychology?
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I can't believe what happened to the Hispanics. For a time they were nearly equal with whites in earnings, then they leaped above them, then they dropped to nearly equal with blacks.

It appears that the 80's Amnesty wasn't too good to them, nor do I think any new Amnesty will be....

The Mexicans that were here before are NO WORSE OFF, and the ones that came are now FAR BETTER OFF. The amnesty was one of the greatest things one group of humans ever did for another. It did not HURT a single person.
The Mexicans that were here before are NO WORSE OFF, and the ones that came are now FAR BETTER OFF. The amnesty was one of the greatest things one group of humans ever did for another. It did not HURT a single person.
BS. It was designed to destroy the farming unions, it worked.
BS. It was designed to destroy the farming unions, it worked.

Damo, you act like the amnesty opened a vast hole in the earnings of hispanics.

You are being deliberately ignorant here. There has been a lot of immigration since then, mostly of low earners. Why would the people who were here before that immigration be making less now? Of course they wouldn't. Let's use a little common-fucking-sense.