6 Types of Atheists

Do you think the types are complete? Where do you fall?

I think they are pretty complete. I would say I am an intellectual atheist/agnostic.

I don't really like this article, about 3 of the categories puts atheists into an "Activist/seeking out arguments" label. It seems like they had an idea of maybe 2-3 different kind of atheists but then tried to stretch it out into 6 categories.

I fall into the anti-theist category in as so far that I think religion is an negative for humanity, but I take issue with the fact that article assumes all anti-theists are in some way activists or seek out arguments. you can believe that religion is a net negative without proselytizing.
I don't really like this article, about 3 of the categories puts atheists into an "Activist/seeking out arguments" label. It seems like they had an idea of maybe 2-3 different kind of atheists but then tried to stretch it out into 6 categories.

I fall into the anti-theist category in as so far that I think religion is an negative for humanity, but I take issue with the fact that article assumes all anti-theists are in some way activists or seek out arguments. you can believe that religion is a net negative without proselytizing.

Where do you think they stretched? Some atheists are interested in discussing and applying ideas, but not all the groups include that component.

Hmmm, I don't think of you as anti-theist but then again, you are kind of an asshole. :)

My hunch is that religion is a net negative, but I don't agree with Maher, that is the source of all ills in the world or that we would be far better off without it. A little better, maybe, and possibly worse but I think religion was/is inevitable. I don't have much interest in ending religion. I would like to see the fundamentalism ended and religion continue to reform.
Where do you think they stretched? Some atheists are interested in discussing and applying ideas, but not all the groups include that component.

Hmmm, I don't think of you as anti-theist but then again, you are kind of an asshole. :)

My hunch is that religion is a net negative, but I don't agree with Maher, that is the source of all ills in the world or that we would be far better off without it. A little better, maybe, and possibly worse but I think religion was/is inevitable. I don't have much interest in ending religion. I would like to see the fundamentalism ended and religion continue to reform.

It is only a negative because of the power structure it creates by organizing.

If people would STOP organizing religion and just believe what they believe then religion would be a plus again.

When you organize religion you craft a leash and put the loop arround your neck and hand the lead end to some else.
It is only a negative because of the power structure it creates by organizing.

If people would STOP organizing religion and just believe what they believe then religion would be a plus again.

When you organize religion you craft a leash and put the loop arround your neck and hand the lead end to some else.

I don't fully agree. Religious organizations are a mixed bag and no different than other organizations.

I think faith and faith as a virtue is at the root of religious ills. The idea that we should believe/disbelieve, uncritically, and not seek greater knowledge is where most of religions ills come from.
I don't need a category. I mostly ignore religion but sometimes have fun mocking sky fairy believers. And other times reacting against religion by speaking out when it gets involved in harming others.

What should be important is for atheists to come together and form some sort of organisation that would involved itself in protecting children from religious child abuse. No child should be taught that evolution is just a false theory and creation is the truth. Children should be protected from religion until he/she is old enough to form their own opinions. Once a child is abused by religion then that child could be captured for life by superstitious nonsense.
Americans are at a very old-fashioned stage where people are still having to make a big drama about escaping from 'belief', which is why they still label themselves in this religious way, as atheists. Gods or a single god are not impossible, but so unlikely that people elsewhere don't get very excited about it or need to stick labels on their heads - except for British one's trying to keep up a 'radical' reputation by going to America and making an antiquated fuss.
Children should be protected from religion until he/she is old enough to form their own opinions.
How are chidren to form opinions if you shield them from a whole slew of beliefs?
Once a child is abused by religion then that child could be captured for life by superstitious nonsense.
Then where did atheists come from?
The Pagan revolution will see you to your end.

I work with a Pagan...she's good people. She always arranges her time off around full moons. I like her a lot. In fact, before my wife and I got together, her and I went out a couple of times....Nothing intimate, mind you...just fun
I work with a Pagan...she's good people. She always arranges her time off around full moons. I like her a lot. In fact, before my wife and I got together, her and I went out a couple of times....Nothing intimate, mind you...just fun
Yeah, paganism isn't really a monolithic thing. It's mostly a catch all for non-Hindu polytheism. Her beliefs are probably as different from mine as they are from yours.
How can you tell if somebody is a belligerent atheist? Don't worry they'll tell you. and your friends. and people who don't even remotely care.
Yeah, paganism isn't really a monolithic thing. It's mostly a catch all for non-Hindu polytheism. Her beliefs are probably as different from mine as they are from yours.

She goes to drum circles and shit like that. I really don't know much about it, but it sounds very hippie type stuff.
She goes to drum circles and shit like that. I really don't know much about it, but it sounds very hippie type stuff.
These days paganism encompasses everything from kids trying to find the next thing to vegans trying to out treehug eachother to family traditions to weird things that I don't even begin to understand. Unfortunately most of the pagans I've run across are in categories one and two and make me pretty contemptuous of the entire group. Its wrong to judge I know but some people are just irritating.
These days paganism encompasses everything from kids trying to find the next thing to vegans trying to out treehug eachother to family traditions to weird things that I don't even begin to understand. Unfortunately most of the pagans I've run across are in categories one and two and make me pretty contemptuous of the entire group. Its wrong to judge I know but some people are just irritating.

Christians go around displaying images of this guy being brutally executed, and convene every now and again to perform this ritual where they imagine they're eating his body and drinking his blood. There's a huge controversy, of course, between those who symbolically eat his body and drink his blood and those who believe they're actually doing so. People have actually fought and died over it. It's pretty fucking weird either way, though.