66 Stang

He is not missed. Neither is Howey. Or Steelplate or Tekky. In two months the lefties will forget Stank like they forgot BAC and Trayvon martin
they keep leaving thinking there has got to be Rs somewhere that accept FACTS,

there isnt
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Sucks, doesn't it. He was intelligent and polite and was only looking for decent debate without all the nastiness. Maybe Mott will tell us more when he gets on.

He was a brain dead fawning dunce of epic proportions. So long dumbass!

One less dunce to spam the forum with their utter stupidity.
A lot of political message boards have troll problems too but they also have a lot of members who aren't interested in intelligent conversation. They don't even want to use it as a sounding board. They just want to insult other people and in general be nasty.

On the one hand...I understand that. It is discouraging but on the other hand...a political discussion board by it's nature has to be a free speech forum or it won't work.

So to that end, what I don't understand is if you don't like someone, you don't care for their postings or are offended by them....why do you read them?

That's why I never use the ignore feature. I don't need to push a button to ignore someone. It's pretty easy to do...just don't read their posts.

Though I think the Trolls are hip to that, which is why they change their identities. They know they are being ignored by most members so that change identities and get some attention for a little while till you figure out who it is...and ignore them again.

Your selective outrage has been noted; no surprise he was one of your buddies.

You might want to read my signature hypocrite. The leftist whiners about the boards civility tend to be it's greatest offenders.
I think all the lefttards steeped in civility towards their fellow posters here should start a cum-bay-yah forum where they can have unending circle jerks about the evils of Republicans and Conservatives.

Why stay here where the excrement that erupts from their keyboards can be flung back into their faces?
TD is a piece of right wing slime. He really needs to look the wrong way and step out in front of a bus.... the gene pool would greatly improve.
I think all the lefttards steeped in civility towards their fellow posters here should start a cum-bay-yah forum where they can have unending circle jerks about the evils of Republicans and Conservatives.

Oh get over yourself. I just don't feel so comfortable spitting bile at strangers in public.
Steel and BAC started posting on Debate Politics, as I recall. Good luck to both of them, but personally, I have a severely limited tolerance for the folks over there.

I just took a look and Steel stopped posting there the same time he stopped posting here, mid-October. Hope everything's okay with him.
I just took a look and Steel stopped posting there the same time he stopped posting here, mid-October. Hope everything's okay with him.

So do I. He wrote me that the final straw was ILA and the HIPAA thing... whatever that means. Probably just got tired of internet forums after that. Anyway, I wish him the best.
So do I. He wrote me that the final straw was ILA and the HIPAA thing... whatever that means. Probably just got tired of internet forums after that. Anyway, I wish him the best.

I will give you the Cliff Note's version.

Steelplate is a male orderly in a public mental facility. He came here one day to inform us that one of his patients had expired and proceeded to give us many details about this patient, such as demographics and diagnosis. And while he did not give out the patients name, it was a blatant violation of HIPAA policy and I called him on it. Now had he been contrite and admitted to his mistake, I would have let it go. But, he chose to dig in.

My guess is that he knew that he was in violation and that his employer would not take kindly to an orderly posting patient information on a political message board.

I found Steelplates actions to be offensive on two fronts. First, he was using the death of his patient to try to garner sympathy on this forum and secondly he posted intimate details of that patient that I am sure the family would wish weren't shared.

Unfortunately for Steelplate, he shared enough information about himself and his spouse that it would not be hard to find out where he worked. I am not saying I would have done that, but I am guessing that Steelplate just got spooked. I never threatened him and I am not threatening him now.

I do hope for the sake of Steelplates future patients that he has learned his lesson about keeping their private information confidential.