66 Stang

I will give you the Cliff Note's version.

Steelplate is a male orderly in a public mental facility. He came here one day to inform us that one of his patients had expired and proceeded to give us many details about this patient, such as demographics and diagnosis. And while he did not give out the patients name, it was a blatant violation of HIPAA policy and I called him on it. Now had he been contrite and admitted to his mistake, I would have let it go. But, he chose to dig in.

My guess is that he knew that he was in violation and that his employer would not take kindly to an orderly posting patient information on a political message board.

I found Steelplates actions to be offensive on two fronts. First, he was using the death of his patient to try to garner sympathy on this forum and secondly he posted intimate details of that patient that I am sure the family would wish weren't shared.

Unfortunately for Steelplate, he shared enough information about himself and his spouse that it would not be hard to find out where he worked. I am not saying I would have done that, but I am guessing that Steelplate just got spooked. I never threatened him and I am not threatening him now.

I do hope for the sake of Steelplates future patients that he has learned his lesson about keeping their private information confidential.

Yes well you made quite a meal of that, the guy was all right and you just went over the top.