A 77 year old former president, gagged and imprisoned in a freezing cell by Democrats

Trump is facing the same rules other defendants have to face. Trump has said things to his followers that could put the judge ,court employees and witnesses in danger. Even a righty can see that he should not do that, if they want to be fair. Trump has repeatedly ignored the rules. He has over 11 infractions. If you had one two would be looking through bars. This is another example of Trump getting better treatment. Now Trump has congressmen standing in front of the court doing the same thing.Trump does not care about the people in court doing their jobs. If the got killed by his followers, he would not leave the golf course to say anything. But on Trump unsocial he would say they deserved it.
We are witnessing the assassination of Donald Trump, an American hero.

Trump is an altruistic man who has sacrificed his billionaire retirement life of ease, celebrity, and luxury ... in exchange for hell and persecution.

And the sadistic left is gleeful to murder him as if American is a Jew hating national socialist dictatorship.

Democrats are not the party of America, they are evil incarnate.

Fuck your self announced want to be dictator cult leader

He’s going to die in prison if not before
Let's not forget that Fred took govt. money to build housing for returning veterans. The trumps built their real estate empire with taxpayer money.
Fred was also left money from his father too

It’s a long line of trust fund babies in the Drumph family