A 77 year old former president, gagged and imprisoned in a freezing cell by Democrats

Yet here you are, hair on fire trying to sell the bullshit that somehow Trump did wrong.

WE get that you hate the Bible, America, Trump, and common decency. Your point is utter fucktardary - you are attacking Trump for what?

The only god you know is;

You really are dumb as fuck aren't you? LOL. Guess it figures. Go ahead, Trump-licker. Lick some more Trump.
Seriously are you denying that Trump sold bibles????

Feel free to deny reality...it certainly helps when you follow Trump

Trump has hawked nearly everything in addition to Bibles; sneakers, ties, steaks, dress shirts, Tshirts, trading cards, cologne, deodorant, shoes, furniture, suits, vodka, mattresses, urine sample kits, vitamins, cuff links, blankets, education, and in the process managed to file for bankruptcy six times
From the Jew hating nazi who worships Black Hitler. :palm:

The great deceiver, Barack Hussein O. laughing it up with Louis Farrakhan. Fake Jew Guno's real heroes. :palm:

That's hilarious! Seriously you should write comedy for someone. "American hero" and "sacrificed his billionaire retirement". LOLOLOL.
YOU should remain in Mexico.
Putin attacked Ukraine only when Obama and Biden were presidents. Why do WHITE LIBS love war sooo much? Is it the money?

Socialist democrats led us into all 4 major U.S. wars of the 20th century.
"Never accepted"...and never will be accepted by New York society. For the reasons you mentioned and, even more importantly, ecause he has absolutely no class whatever.

That is an important ingredient in New York society acceptance...and Trump is as devoid of class as the sun is devoid of ice cubes.
Spoken like a True Blue Blood White elitists that thumbs his nose at average Americans. Pinkies out! :palm:

Fucking White Lib royalty.

The lies you Stalinists tell.

Until the day Trump challenged Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump DEFINED New York Society.

But you HAVE to lie - your party is built on lying. Everything your party does depends on the lies you and other Marxist minions tell.
Spot on :thup:
Are you really this dumb? Seriously do you have a learning disability? I never said it was illegal you moron. Please try to follow. It's literally been like 3 posts and you already lost the thread.

A fuck ton more than Trump does.
Is that why your white lib mantra is "From the river to the sea"?