A brief history of Hell

As I already said, the topic of the thread dictated the specific religion being discussed. Should I bring up Buddhism in a discussion about the Christian hell?

For that matter, should I bring up Judaism in a discussion about hell when Jews don't believe in hell?:palm:
A bit of a false statement since Hell isn't specific to Christianity alone. Even if it was, it doesn't explain your hatred for Fundie Christians in other threads. This isn't our first tango, son.

According to you? LOL

1. Hell: Judaism

As with their view of heaven, Jews have an ambiguous version of hell. The Hebrew Bible makes little mention of it except as a place where the spirits of the dead reside (Sheol). There is, however, the term Gehinnom, which refers to a valley in which children were reportedly sacrificed to the god Molech. Eventually, this valley became a refuse dump that was constantly burning, which provided a powerful metaphor for a place to send sinners. In later Judaism, hell is a place of punishment for unbelievers, but according to the rabbinical texts, they will probably stay there for no more than a year.

Religions that believe in hell include:
Greek mythology

Religions with a linear divine history often depict hells as eternal destinations, whereas religions with reincarnation usually depict a hell as an intermediary period between incarnations
A bit of a false statement since Hell isn't specific to Christianity alone.
The first line of the first post in the thread:

"Hell is mentioned sparingly in the Bible...."
Even if it was, it doesn't explain your hatred for Fundie Christians in other threads. This isn't our first tango, son.

Again... the first line of the first post in the thread:

Hell is mentioned sparingly in the Bible....

Reference to Bible limits the possible religions we can be discussing and Jews don't believe in the Christian hell OR heaven.

Greek mythology is likely where the Christian version of hell came from because there were so many pagan greeks that ultimately made up Christianity.
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Jesus beliefs were new at the time. They may have been new to Jews, who did/do take the OT literally, but philosophers and other thinkers had been "preaching" the same ideas long before he did. Religion aside, God/Jesus of the OT apparently had a dramatic change of heart about his violent, vengeful ways by the time the life of God/Jesus of the NT was documented. I'm not going to make things up to complain about. How literally a Christian views the Bible varies a LOT from person to person. But, again, the whole point originally was that God actions in the OT were equal to those of a homicidal maniac. If we're talking about the OT and NT, then that really only applies to Christians, right? The God of the Bible is universal to both Jews and Christians and it's that entity I'm talking about.

I'm not a strict biblical literalist like you are, and neither are most Jews and Christians.

I think you adopted a posture of strict biblical literalism so you could troll Christians. Not because you are genuinely interested in reflecting on the history and evolution of religions.

If the Old Testament bothers you so much, you still keep dodging the question about whether you have accosted your Jewish neighbors and coworkers to complain about stories their religious tradition wrote. If not, why not?
I'm not a strict biblical literalist like you are, and neither are most Jews and Christians.

I think you adopted a posture of strict biblical literalism so you could troll Christians.

If the Old Testament bothers you so much, you still keep dodging the question if you have accosted your Jewish neighbors and coworkers to complain about stories their religious tradition wrote. If not, why not?

Why can't you be happy in your own religious beliefs?
As I already said, the topic of the thread dictated the specific religion being discussed. Should I bring up Buddhism in a discussion about the Christian hell?

For that matter, should I bring up Judaism in a discussion about hell when Jews don't believe in hell?:palm:

There have been plenty of threads about Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, but as far as I know, you were almost completely missing in action and did not show up to complain about their creation stories, their gods, their myths, their versions of Hell.

While you claim to be perfectly impartial and even handed about all religions, you seem to zero in with laser focus on threads that give you the opportunity to troll Christianity.
There have been plenty of threads about Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, but as far as I know, you were almost completely missing in action and did not show up to complain about their creation stories, their gods, their myths, their versions of Hell.

While you claim to be perfectly impartial and even handed about all religions, you seem to zero in with laser focus on threads that give you the opportunity to troll Christianity.
Agreed on 'Mode's focus and targeting of Christianity. IMO, he's being dishonest about his motives.

That said, I've been interested in watching him dodge and weave around the obvious. Clearly, he's not as "Zen" as he'd like others to believe.

This is one reason why I like to factor in a person's age when analyzing personalities. A teen or 20something rebelling against his parents is one thing. A 40 to 50 year old doing the same is a different matter. In 'Mode's case, I doubt he's under 30 and believe him to be over 50. This fits the theory that his motivation to hate Christians is due to an estrangement from his parents over Christian issues. The most common cause would be an "alternate" sexual lifestyle. This is the most common reason for such angst that I've seen both among gays I've worked with and those with whom I've discussed this issue online.

QED on refusal to discuss causal factors.
Agreed on 'Mode's focus and targeting of Christianity. IMO, he's being dishonest about his motives.

That said, I've been interested in watching him dodge and weave around the obvious. Clearly, he's not as "Zen" as he'd like others to believe.

This is one reason why I like to factor in a person's age when analyzing personalities. A teen or 20something rebelling against his parents is one thing. A 40 to 50 year old doing the same is a different matter. In 'Mode's case, I doubt he's under 30 and believe him to be over 50. This fits the theory that his motivation to hate Christians is due to an estrangement from his parents over Christian issues. The most common cause would be an "alternate" sexual lifestyle. This is the most common reason for such angst that I've seen both among gays I've worked with and those with whom I've discussed this issue online.

QED on refusal to discuss causal factors.

I agree that an over-the-top kind of radical militant atheism tends to indicate a traumatic experience with church or religious indoctrination during youth.

I can understand the appeal of trolling Christianity. The Fundamentalists set themselves up for it; I have plenty of threads ridiculing the Creation Science Museum, Jesus Land, the Ark Experience.

But ultimately, ridicule has it's limits and doesn't really benefit me in any way, and I started to be interested in an impartial history of religions because I could really learn something from that, and even acquire some interesting insights.
I agree that an over-the-top kind of radical militant atheism tends to indicate a traumatic experience with church or religious indoctrination during youth.

I can understand the appeal of trolling Christianity. The Fundamentalists set themselves up for it; I have plenty of threads ridiculing the Creation Science Museum, Jesus Land, the Ark Experience.

But ultimately, ridicule has it's limits and doesn't really benefit me in any way, and I started to be interested in an impartial history of religions because I could really learn something from that, and even acquire some interesting insights.
Agreed the Fundies set themselves up, but people pick and choose who they troll, how they troll and what arguments are used, if any. There's always a reason behind the motivations of people. 'Mode hides his motivations which is a strong indicator that my assessment was correct.
Agreed the Fundies set themselves up, but people pick and choose who they troll, how they troll and what arguments are used, if any. There's always a reason behind the motivations of people. 'Mode hides his motivations which is a strong indicator that my assessment was correct.

That sounds right.

Anyone who is consistently picking out Christianity out of all the world religions, picking evolutionary biology out of all the sciences, specifically picking black people out of all human demographics, to complain about has an unspoken motive.
go kill yourself you piece of shit

That would get me out of your hair right? But I told you every time I see one of your asinine irrational deranged posts, where you say nothing useful, I will respond to it. I told you I WANT to ignore you but I can't ignore stupid shit.
That would get me out of your hair right? But I told you every time I see one of your asinine irrational deranged posts, where you say nothing useful, I will respond to it. I told you I WANT to ignore you but I can't ignore stupid shit.

go kill yourself you piece of shit
Agreed on 'Mode's focus and targeting of Christianity. IMO, he's being dishonest about his motives.

That said, I've been interested in watching him dodge and weave around the obvious. Clearly, he's not as "Zen" as he'd like others to believe.

This is one reason why I like to factor in a person's age when analyzing personalities. A teen or 20something rebelling against his parents is one thing. A 40 to 50 year old doing the same is a different matter. In 'Mode's case, I doubt he's under 30 and believe him to be over 50. This fits the theory that his motivation to hate Christians is due to an estrangement from his parents over Christian issues. The most common cause would be an "alternate" sexual lifestyle. This is the most common reason for such angst that I've seen both among gays I've worked with and those with whom I've discussed this issue online.

QED on refusal to discuss causal factors.

Casual factors = repeated gas lighting