A Complaint

see the lies?

I give facts they ignore them and then say I didn't give facts.

completely lying pieces of fuck
why do every time I post the cold hard court documented FACTS going right up into the SCOTUS that prove the republicans have cheated for decades in elections do you [people pretend they are not there?
I wonder what the board moderators at the forums that banned racist slumlord Desh would say about the reason(s) they banned her...

In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

Unseals Document

She said in the memorandum that the program had been approved by Gregory Graves, deputy political director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.The document, called Exhibit 13, was unsealed by U.S. District Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise when lawyers for the Democratic National Committee said it was needed to question Wolfe

Right from the VERY top of the party

why do you FEAR facts so much you merely slink when they are given?
they would not be honest as they are dishonest people.

are you EVER going to comment on those facts about republicans cheating in elections?
Has the republican party got a decades long court record of cheating voters?

Do you deny all the court records or do you accept this documentation?

I know you wont answer
why do every time I post the cold hard court documented FACTS going right up into the SCOTUS that prove the republicans have cheated for decades in elections do you [people pretend they are not there?

Posters are just pretending that YOU are not there. :palm:
Seriously, what is still grinding at the libbies? Seriously?

Is it because all of the "nasty" language that they complained made this place intolerable has stopped? The only person I saw consistently using the C word over the last week or so was Dantes and Yoda. Oddly enough the easily offended didn't go on a campaign to get those two banned. So you will have to forgive me if I find your complaints a bit laughable?

Are you mad because the Mods put you on force ignore from my posts (by the way it is easy to circumvent if you try hard enough)? I mean all you did for days was complain that you didn't want to see my "horrid" posts. Yet, you REFUSED to avail yourselves of the self moderation tools provided for you. So after much caterwauling on your part, the Mods granted your wish and you no longer get to read my posts. Is that enough? Nope, still bitching.

Or, is it because the Mods refuse to ban me and Big Money? Well, they have stated that as long as we don't break any rules we aren't getting banned.

So, it looks like you got 2 out of 3 and you are STILL BITCHING.

Dantes and Yoda have all but disappeared since I stopped engaging them and I have stopped using the C word and long before that I stopped using the N word a long time ago. But, you are acting as if it is still going on to this day.


As for the "I miss Dixie" brigade, spare me. I will file that with the "John McCain is the one Republican I could vote for". Dixie was savaged by you guys on a consistent basis. Of course he took all of your invective in stride. And he left long before any of the nonsense started that I participated in. So don't try blaming his departure on me. The only person I know who has left because of the drama is Winterborn and he stated it wasn't because of me but YOU WHINERS. The rest of your klan purposefully got themselves banned. Their choice.

Get over it for crying out loud. For crying out loud you people are acting like a bunch of high school juveniles. I seriously didn't think you losers would still be griping about it two weeks later.
Seriously, what is still grinding at the libbies? Seriously?

Is it because all of the "nasty" language that they complained made this place intolerable has stopped? The only person I saw consistently using the C word over the last week or so was Dantes and Yoda. Oddly enough the easily offended didn't go on a campaign to get those two banned. So you will have to forgive me if I find your complaints a bit laughable?

Are you mad because the Mods put you on force ignore from my posts (by the way it is easy to circumvent if you try hard enough)? I mean all you did for days was complain that you didn't want to see my "horrid" posts. Yet, you REFUSED to avail yourselves of the self moderation tools provided for you. So after much caterwauling on your part, the Mods granted your wish and you no longer get to read my posts. Is that enough? Nope, still bitching.

Or, is it because the Mods refuse to ban me and Big Money? Well, they have stated that as long as we don't break any rules we aren't getting banned.

So, it looks like you got 2 out of 3 and you are STILL BITCHING.

Dantes and Yoda have all but disappeared since I stopped engaging them and I have stopped using the C word and long before that I stopped using the N word a long time ago. But, you are acting as if it is still going on to this day.


As for the "I miss Dixie" brigade, spare me. I will file that with the "John McCain is the one Republican I could vote for". Dixie was savaged by you guys on a consistent basis. Of course he took all of your invective in stride. And he left long before any of the nonsense started that I participated in. So don't try blaming his departure on me. The only person I know who has left because of the drama is Winterborn and he stated it wasn't because of me but YOU WHINERS. The rest of your klan purposefully got themselves banned. Their choice.

Get over it for crying out loud. For crying out loud you people are acting like a bunch of high school juveniles. I seriously didn't think you losers would still be griping about it two weeks later.

Old Zappy has only got started, he has years to go yet.

Only your own limitations placed on yourself can keep you in wage slavery. Or a lack of education You sell your time, you choose your "chains". Or you bear them to survive. Even the idea, in a nation where you can succeed beyond your wildest dreams, that you are a slave because somebody supports the structure that allows you the freedom to succeed, is based on the "Newspeak" learned at "progressives" knees. Unsubstantiated. Blatantly wrong. Just more boring empty rhetoric.

The belief that you cannot make it, that is your own, you have allowed fearful fools to convince you that you will always fail. Oh, this doesn't apply to me. I didn't - and don't - face a poverty of opportunity. I'm worried about those who aren't so lucky

Originally Posted by Damocles
And full of fear. Most empty rhetoric is fed to you at school and you have been fooled to believe it is wisdom. So education is bad because it teaches left wing beliefs? Is that why you want to restrict access to it through privatization?

Utter rubbish. Start small, grow, and then work towards your goal. The only limitation on what you can do is the limitation you set on yourself, you let their fear invade until you won't even take a chance to make it. But when there're so few jobs available. When you can't afford the education. When you can't take the financial risk. When you have people to support. This just doesn't work.

Believe me, this is from somebody who started with less than you have ever thought. What a joke. You folks sure love to apply your situation to the country as a whole. All in effort to belittle the struggles of the working class and poor. Guess what. Our economic conditions are different from when you grew up

Nor is there anything wrong with choosing to sell your time, you too are a product. A product that built the country. Here's an exercise. Go walk through a city. Find a structure, a business, a vehicle. That isn't there because of the working class. If that is what you wish, then do it well. The measure of success is how close you've come to your goals, not what some other person has... what you call "wage slave" could be the goal of somebody living their dream. They succeeded, you just want to have an excuse to blame some other person than the one responsible for not even attempting to reach for your goal. You have this sad little utopian vision of the country. There are people being drawn into the ranks of the poor. Motivated folks, smart folks, folks with careers. Did they just fail out of their own incompetence? No. Their situations are a product of the failure of this system you hold up - I gave you some examples, but you just ignored them, no?

Absolutely. I was there. Every business has a starting point, and if you truly feel in slavery then act to free yourself rather than ask for softer chains gifted to you from the government. I addressed this above.

I'll be happy to continue this with you, so don't go into each point I made up there. If you really don't think I have a reason to detest what you wrote, so be it. But don't take it too harshly. I was just complaining that you turned and ran, and that your mods are clueless. :tongout:
You failed to point out the "vile" post. Almost all your "answers" are strawmen, you are arguing against what you want me to believe rather than what I stated and doing it poorly.

Education can be attained, chains broken, and those who teach that there is no escape are fearful and beg the government for softer chains. Those who do beg the government to provide softer chains invariably are those who try to convince others they must attain these chains to "survive". You teach that failure is the only option, and as long as you believe that you will be 100% correct as to your own future. You will however will continue to fail to predict the outcome of those who fail to submit to your jaundiced worldview.
You failed to point out the "vile" post. Almost all your "answers" are strawmen, you are arguing against what you want me to believe rather than what I stated and doing it poorly.

Education can be attained, chains broken, and those who teach that there is no escape are fearful and beg the government for softer chains. Those who do beg the government to provide softer chains invariably are those who try to convince others they must attain these chains to "survive". You teach that failure is the only option, and as long as you believe that you will be 100% correct as to your own future. You will however will continue to fail to predict the outcome of those who fail to submit to your jaundiced worldview.

Is Rose still here?
The offer's still open, Grind. I contend you don't know enough about politics to validate your opinion, but this is your chance to prove me wrong. Or you could wimp out of a debate with pinko commie slime. Your choice.
If you want the title of the most knowledgable poster on here, take it, but Darla would clean your Plow in a political debate...forget about it...sheet, I think that even I could even whump your ass, I would turn you everyway butt loose....LOL
If you want the title of the most knowledgable poster on here, take it, but Darla would clean your Plow in a political debate...forget about it...sheet, I think that even I could even whump your ass, I would turn you everyway butt loose....LOL

It's about time that you recognized her for the brilliant thinker, writer and political analyst she is; oh and did I mention her impeccable taste in fashion?

More importantly, she cleaned the clocks of everyone here without ever bragging once about how she was in the 99th percentile on IQ tests, as so many of the competition had proclaimed at one time or another!

I think that probably shows just how fucked up all IQ tests are.
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