A good example of why southern conservatives are not trusted.

That reminds me of another:

Here I sit all broken hearted:
tried to shit but only farted.

And a classic:

Those who write on bathroom stalls
roll their shit into little balls.
Those who read these words of wit
eat those little balls of shit.
My favorite bathroom graffiti was written right under a big hand carved "Jesus Saves"....right underneath it in small letters someone wrote "but Moses invests!"
If I thought your opinion was remotely close to something, anything, I could hold any regard for, I would.

You claim higher moral authority while you spew the same self-righteous judgement you so vehemently rail against with others.

Here's some brutal honesty for you. I absolutely LOVE getting under your skin. In fact so much, I go out of my way to do so. I love holding the mirror up to you and reflecting back the same hypocritcal bullshit you claim you point out in others.

Wanna know why? Tough if you don't.

It works!

So you admit to being childish and so filled with hate you are incapable of a reasonable answer.

It sure sounds like someone has gotten under someone else's skin, but I think you got it backwards.:pke: