A good example of why southern conservatives are not trusted.

That's a valid observation and that's the situation will have to evolve into a cold hard crisis before something is done.

And then when it is done and we do have UHC these same hacks like PiMP and Dixie will ether condemn the President (if he's a Democrat) for not having implemented UHC sooner or will praise them to high heaven as a great humanitarian if it's a Republican. So you know ahead of time where they'll stand.

It is to me, just frustrating how badly in need of health care reform we are in this nation and just how poorly informed the American public is on the topic.
Nah, they'll thank the pResident (gotta start doing that, forgot how the left used to do it for Bush, but it's so fun to disrespect him just for a "D") for leaving them room to unwind this mess.
Nah, they'll thank the pResident (gotta start doing that, forgot how the left used to do it for Bush, but it's so fun to disrespect him just for a "D") for leaving them room to unwind this mess.

we could use presiDent.....in honor of what he's left in our economy......
You have been brain-washed the liberal way. How sad.
How would you know? You don't even understand the topic. You don't understand the nature of the crises, what are the causes of the problem and what are reasonable approaches to a solution. If anyone is brainwashed it's the naysayers who just give a knee jerk at any reasonable solution and holler "SOCIALISM"....yea....that's rational....that will solve the problem.

So until you can demonstrate that you actually have a grasp of this subject, why should I care what you think?
You mean what little was left over after Bush spent it all like a drunken sailor?

which made him a fucking idiot.....as I recall the Dems ran on a platform that sounded a lot like "we don't like that".......then they turned around and made him look like a miser.....now who's the bigger fucking idiot.....
Ah, poor, poor Mottie. We know we need healthcare reform, but not the disastrous reform your side has presented.

That's a valid observation and that's the situation will have to evolve into a cold hard crisis before something is done.

And then when it is done and we do have UHC these same hacks like PiMP and Dixie will ether condemn the President (if he's a Democrat) for not having implemented UHC sooner or will praise them to high heaven as a great humanitarian if it's a Republican. So you know ahead of time where they'll stand.

It is to me, just frustrating how badly in need of health care reform we are in this nation and just how poorly informed the American public is on the topic.
Still not able to accept that your hero Bush was a failure? That right wing politics don't work as a form of government? That liberal democracy is the best form of government ever invented? :pke:

You might want to wait until Obama does something really meaningful, like keep his word, before you start back yet again on the Bang Bush Band Wagon.

The only thing remarkable this guy has done since your "best form" of government has been in the White House is demonstrate that the Democrats can do it better and faster...

Drive us into the ground that is, but lucky you!

You will get to cheer the demise of this country with a big ol' smile on your face while patting yourself on the back saying: "See what I was a part of?"

I will get the added luxury of claiming:

Don't blame me. I didn't vote for the tool!
You might want to wait until Obama does something really meaningful, like keep his word, before you start back yet again on the Bang Bush Band Wagon.

The only thing remarkable this guy has done since your "best form" of government has been in the White House is demonstrate that the Democrats can do it better and faster...

Drive us into the ground that is, but lucky you!

You will get to cheer the demise of this country with a big ol' smile on your face while patting yourself on the back saying: "See what I was a part of?"

I will get the added luxury of claiming:

Don't blame me. I didn't vote for the tool!

I'm sorry to interrupt your hyperbopalooza, but do you think maybe you could take a few minutes out of your day and explain to everyone just EXACTLY what you mean when you say the "demise" of this country?

I know you and your fellow gutless Righties like to toss around apocalyptic terms like that to keep everyone else terrified, but what EXACTLY do you mean?

Will the USA be taken over by a foreign country?

Or maybe just blown off the face of the Earth in a nuclear firestorm?

OR do you simply mean trading "capitalism" for "communism"?

Just for once drop the ridiculous doomsday hyperbole and explain in plain terms what you mean by "demise"...that way, when it fails to happen, I can rub it in your face that you were wrong YET AGAIN.
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You might want to wait until Obama does something really meaningful, like keep his word, before you start back yet again on the Bang Bush Band Wagon.

The only thing remarkable this guy has done since your "best form" of government has been in the White House is demonstrate that the Democrats can do it better and faster...

Drive us into the ground that is, but lucky you!

You will get to cheer the demise of this country with a big ol' smile on your face while patting yourself on the back saying: "See what I was a part of?"

I will get the added luxury of claiming:

Don't blame me. I didn't vote for the tool!
That's a good point. You haven't exactly heard me singing his praises lately. He still have 3 years to go. We'll see what he accomplishes and I'll judge him on that.

If he does turn out to be a complete dud, my greatest fear is that the Republicans nominate someone like Huckabee or Palin...then I'd have the choice between a dud and an even bigger dud. But what the hell...that's pretty much what we had with Gore vs Bush.
But will Americans have any skin on our rectums after being fucked up the ass for four years? :(
Who knows? That's what we'll have to judge him on.

A wise man once told me that the difference between a good politician and a bad politician is that a bad politician gives you the shaft and a good politician puts vaseline on the shaft. Either way you get the shaft.
He was a political reactionary and a failed President. The second one in my life time. Though I'll spare you the hyperbole of saying he was worse than Nixon. He wasn't.
That's your opinion. He kept us safe, killed Saddam and was re-elected by a bigger margin than in 2000. Carter was a failure, and Obama is a failure.