A good example of why southern conservatives are not trusted.

lol....and a perfect example as a final note....if the health care industry doesn't like the prices the government sets they can always not sell to the government.....unless of course they are essential personnel......then they they can be forced to work....but it's okay if the government sets their pay because they can choose not to work...../boggleboggleboggle....

Close. For example, if a serious epidemic occurred and a certain company made a vaccine or medicine to stop it you can bet the farm the government would demand the company supply the vaccine/medicine. Are you against that? Do you think the company should be allowed to gouge the people price-wise? On second thought I suppose that's a rhetorical question.
Close. For example, if a serious epidemic occurred and a certain company made a vaccine or medicine to stop it you can bet the farm the government would demand the company supply the vaccine/medicine. Are you against that? Do you think the company should be allowed to gouge the people price-wise? On second thought I suppose that's a rhetorical question.

Of course; since our lives are governed by extremes, everything should be governed by those extremes. :palm:
Close. For example, if a serious epidemic occurred and a certain company made a vaccine or medicine to stop it you can bet the farm the government would demand the company supply the vaccine/medicine. Are you against that? Do you think the company should be allowed to gouge the people price-wise? On second thought I suppose that's a rhetorical question.

lol....you ignore how government works....in that scenario they would probably pay ten times what they could have bought the medicine for in the first place, pay five times the normal rate to have it delivered, pay twice the normal rate to have it administered, and then decide we really didn't need it after all.....
lol....you ignore how government works....in that scenario they would probably pay ten times what they could have bought the medicine for in the first place, pay five times the normal rate to have it delivered, pay twice the normal rate to have it administered, and then decide we really didn't need it after all.....

Sounds like something that would happen with; OHHHHHHHHHHHH, I don't know, maybe the swine flu. :palm:
lol....you ignore how government works....in that scenario they would probably pay ten times what they could have bought the medicine for in the first place, pay five times the normal rate to have it delivered, pay twice the normal rate to have it administered, and then decide we really didn't need it after all.....

In that case promote universal medical and buy stock in drug companies. You'll be a winner.
Same advice. In that case promote universal medical and buy stock in drug companies. You'll be a winner.

P.S. And you really should look after that headache.

So, your advise is simply to cave-in to corruption, waste, and mis-management, and attempt to profit off of it? Wow, that's hardcore entrepreneurship right there...
it's also not universal health....it's private enterprise....in any event, I'm giving up on trying to get liberals to understand their errors.....things like this are simply beyond their ability.....you go ahead and promote universal health care, I'll go ahead and promote private enterprise....hopefully liberals won't be able to fuck things up too badly before we get them out of office....
Well it would help in convincing someone if you actually knew what the hell you are talking about. I mean, you haven't posted an original thought in this entire thread. You're just repeating propaganda and you don't even understand the most basic aspects of the issue or even why it's an issue.
If the American people ever get a taste of universal medical or any reasonable facsimile there will be no turning back. No country ever has. The people in those countries have refused to go back to the barbaric "pay or suffer" system. Every country, without exception.
That's the irony of this debate. It's not "If" it is "when" we get UHC. The present state of the industry just simply isn't tenable. If we have to the American public will wait until enough insurance companies under go a death spiral, such as what is happening in California, and it will become a national crisis where action by the government will have to occur. The percentage of GDP spent on HC is well on it's way to reaching 20%. What happens when it reaches 25%? How many more companies will drop insurance as a benefit because they cannot afford to? How many that retain it will drastically cut back on services? How many independently employed persons will take their chances with out insurance cause they simply cannot afford 35 and 40% rate increases on a regular basis? How much more imbalanced will insurance companies risk spread be because most insurance customers will be high risk persons with illnesses who cannot live with out the insurance and far less healthy persons who chose to go it alone rather then paying insanely high premiums?
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So, your advise is simply to cave-in to corruption, waste, and mis-management, and attempt to profit off of it? Wow, that's hardcore entrepreneurship right there...

Unfortunately, a lot of people do that until one day they're on the receiving end like that "plane guy" and snap when they realize they weren't that big of a guy after all.
That's the irony of this debate. It's not "If" it is "when" we get UHC. The present state of the industry just simply isn't tenable. If we have to the American public will wait until enough insurance companies under go a death spiral, such as what is happening in California, and it will become a national crisis where action by the government will have to occur. The percentage of GDP spent on HC is well on it's way to reaching 20%. What happens when it reaches 25%? How many more companies will drop insurance as a benefit because they cannot afford to? How many that retain it will drastically cut back on services? How many independently employed persons will take their chances with out insurance cause they simply cannot afford 35 and 40% rate increases on a regular basis? How much more imbalanced will insurance companies risk spread be because most insurance customers will be high risk persons with illnesses who cannot live with out the insurance and far less healthy persons who chose to go it alone rather then paying insanely high premiums?

Exactly! It's unfortunate that the people opposed to UHC are opposed to it for reasons that don't exist. They have no idea how it works.
So, your advise is simply to cave-in to corruption, waste, and mis-management, and attempt to profit off of it? Wow, that's hardcore entrepreneurship right there...

That's the elite view you yourself spew. You cannot even recognize yourself in your own abjurements.