A lesson about context.


Junior Member
The Dali Lama says about president Bush, "I love him."

Now, some on this board might post this as evidence that the Dali Lama supports the President. Other posters, such as myself, would demand context and then said poster would then proceed to demand that I provide it.

The "I love him" was a pretext to a criticism of the President. That's the context. Taken out of context, it means something entirely different.

Get how that works?
Are you homophobic? I wouldnt have thought it

I've concluded that you are either a troll belonging to Dixie or that guy who has the REVOLUTION banner written in his signature (because he's the only one who pretends that you're a real poster by talking to you like one).
Did someone hack Dixie's account or is he finally being honest about his sexual attraction to Bush?

I've never had a sexual thing for Bush, I just thought it was cool that he did interviews in jeans, but there are a lot of liberals who are enamored with his looks in jeans, they say it all the time. I just wondered if the Dali Lama felt the same way.
I've never had a sexual thing for Bush, I just thought it was cool that he did interviews in jeans, but there are a lot of liberals who are enamored with his looks in jeans, they say it all the time. I just wondered if the Dali Lama felt the same way.

I can't speak for the Dali Lama. But I can say I'm pretty sure you're lying to yourself about how sexy you think Bush looks in jeans.
I can't speak for the Dali Lama. But I can say I'm pretty sure you're lying to yourself about how sexy you think Bush looks in jeans.

Nahh, no lie, I really don't care at all for aging old men in blue jeans, but like I say, there are a ton of liberals who feel that way, or at least they seem to say this a lot about Bush. I only said that I thought it was cool he did interviews in blue jeans, I think it makes him appear more human and normal, not like your typical politician. Like he is comfortable, not pretentious or uptight. Wearing jeans is kind of a cultural way of relaxation in our society, and this is the root of my viewpoint. It has nothing to do with sexuality, although, the liberals immediately identify with this, so they must find something attractive there. You'll have to ask one of them, I have no way of explaining this.
Dixie really did say that he loved that Bush would do interviews in Jeans, but look at the context of the whole thread... He was gushing about how much he "Loves" Bush.
Nahh, no lie, I really don't care at all for aging old men in blue jeans, but like I say, there are a ton of liberals who feel that way, or at least they seem to say this a lot about Bush. I only said that I thought it was cool he did interviews in blue jeans, I think it makes him appear more human and normal, not like your typical politician. Like he is comfortable, not pretentious or uptight. Wearing jeans is kind of a cultural way of relaxation in our society, and this is the root of my viewpoint. It has nothing to do with sexuality, although, the liberals immediately identify with this, so they must find something attractive there. You'll have to ask one of them, I have no way of explaining this.

Probably didn't help that the thread title was "I love George Bush!" in caps, and that the jeans comment was surrounded by gushy, adoring language about other things you worship about Bush.
Probably didn't help that the thread title was "I love George Bush!" in caps, and that the jeans comment was surrounded by gushy, adoring language about other things you worship about Bush.

Well, this is a thread about "context" and I think it is a fitting point to raise. My context was presented in the midst of 50,000 "I HATE BUSH!" threads, and I simply pointed out things I don't hate about Bush, but rather, love about Bush. It had nothing to do with sexual attraction, and nothing in the post I made was sexual in nature. My comments were taken widely out of context, and this "Dixie Loves Bush in Jeans" thing has been tossed around ever since. Now, you can think that what I wrote was "gushy" or whatever, but the context of what I wrote and why I wrote it, is what is important. At least, that is the argument being made by yy's in this thread. Is he wrong?
Well, this is a thread about "context" and I think it is a fitting point to raise. My context was presented in the midst of 50,000 "I HATE BUSH!" threads, and I simply pointed out things I don't hate about Bush, but rather, love about Bush. It had nothing to do with sexual attraction, and nothing in the post I made was sexual in nature. My comments were taken widely out of context, and this "Dixie Loves Bush in Jeans" thing has been tossed around ever since. Now, you can think that what I wrote was "gushy" or whatever, but the context of what I wrote and why I wrote it, is what is important. At least, that is the argument being made by yy's in this thread. Is he wrong?

The context of it is precisely what I thought was intriguing. It's one thing to say "I really like the way Bush gives interviews in jeans," and quite another to mention it among many other things you adore about him in a completely uninhibited love letter to the man.

I knew you'd regret posting that as soon as I saw it. We all know how blindly worshipful you are of that flunkie, but to see it all in writing, expressed with the giddiness of a schoolgirl crush, was quite priceless.
The context of it is precisely what I thought was intriguing. It's one thing to say "I really like the way Bush gives interviews in jeans," and quite another to mention it among many other things you adore about him in a completely uninhibited love letter to the man.

I knew you'd regret posting that as soon as I saw it. We all know how blindly worshipful you are of that flunkie, but to see it all in writing, expressed with the giddiness of a schoolgirl crush, was quite priceless.

See, you misconstrue things. If I wanted to write a "love letter" to Bush, I wouldn't have posted it on a message board, I would have mailed it to the White House. My thread was posted, not to Bush, but to Pinheads like you, who couldn't seem to stop yourselves from posting "I HATE BUSH" threads. I don't regret posting it, and the fact that you and your liberal scum buddies continue to draw some perverted sexual meaning in it, is very telling of who you are and how you think.