A Lesson on Socialism

You are as inconseqential as ever.

She's never been inconsequential belme, at least no more or no less than any of us posting on a message board are. What she said to you is true. You take a hundred words and the chance to slam Free over something you claim is basically stupid and yet cannot significantly add to the premise that the analogy presented. Why not? Because you are unable, at least that's how you come across.

The Power of Hope:

A philosophy professor said he had never failed a single student before but had, once, failed an entire class. The class had insisted that socialism worked - and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer for all, for society. The professor then said ok, we will have an experiment in this class on socialism.

He said that all grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A. After the first test the grades were averaged and everyone was given a B. The students who studied hard were upset, and the students who studied little were happy. But, as the second test rolled around, the students who hadn't studied much decided they owed it to their classmates to try harder for the better of everyone's grades, and the ones who studied hard were motivated to study even harder. The second Test average was a B+! Everyone was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around the average was an A-!

The scores increased as civility and cooperation won out over bickering, blame and name calling. All passed .... and the professor was fired for spreading his political beliefs in the classroom. The reward of success often goes to those that work harder, but when government offers change which offers everyone hope; most will try harder, so all will succeed.


How about that?

I can make up tales to back my beliefs too...or did I?

Maybe it happened...maybe it's a metaphor.

Until you can prove your story is true, then all you've posted is some FICTIONAL TALE with no more relevence to the discussion than mine has.

ZappasGuitar said:

*end translation*
It is you running from straightforward discussion with falsehood and intransigence.
You can't make a point without posting bullshit, then you want to discuss it. On your own, what is your point? You want me to discuss what with you with your childish idiocy down below? You don't have the ability to insult me, yet you make your attempts and then demand discussion on your level.
Here's the whole of it, does Socialism always work? Absolutely not. Does Socialism never work? Absolutely not. Does some socialism sometimes work? Yes, ask Denmark, the happiest country on earth. Go find me slums or hunger in Europe. Check out infrastructure in Europe or Asia and compare it to ours. Ride on a train, subway, or bus there then do the same here.
What is your experience with Socialism outside of watching Fox and reading whatever it is you read? I believe you don't know socialism when you see it, particularly when it applies to corporate welfare.
To put the record straight, I have been an entrepeneur since leaving service, having started several businesses, some successful some not so successful, but, overall, I came out quite well, thank you. Do I think well-placed socialism can work in instances where free market, profit motivated business has failed? You're damn right and healthcare is one of them.
Now, my friend, make your point with honest examples.

And yet my original post seems to have shown that you and several others are scared to address what was offered and instead just want to piss and moan.
How typical!! :cof1:
what you're attempting to do is remove ALL, every single shred of, responsibility for the buyer to be careful of what they buy. why are you trying to create a class of people with no ability to think for themselves?

The buyer needs to have the information to make their purchasing decision on.
Like country of origion for all foodstuffs. Remember how the right stomped all over this one?

The professional record of a professional like doctors and lawyers.

Failure rates and lifespan on electronics and machinery.

Energy efficiency of a product.

And the biggest thing NO FALSE or MISLEADING claims on a product.
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And yet my original post seems to have shown that you and several others are scared to address what was offered and instead just want to piss and moan.
How typical!! :cof1:

The point is you have no point. The evidence is in your post for all to see. I invite their scrutiny. You are devoid of substance, even in your own thread.
The point is you have no point. The evidence is in your post for all to see. I invite their scrutiny. You are devoid of substance, even in your own thread.

You are as full of shit, as always.

You won't address the original post; because it undermines every agenda that you try to push.


I'm sorry that I scared you and chipped away at that foundation of sand, that you've built your house of cards on.

It is you running from straightforward discussion with falsehood and intransigence.
You can't make a point without posting bullshit, then you want to discuss it. On your own, what is your point? You want me to discuss what with you with your childish idiocy down below? You don't have the ability to insult me, yet you make your attempts and then demand discussion on your level.
Here's the whole of it, does Socialism always work? Absolutely not. Does Socialism never work? Absolutely not. Does some socialism sometimes work? Yes, ask Denmark, the happiest country on earth. Go find me slums or hunger in Europe. Check out infrastructure in Europe or Asia and compare it to ours. Ride on a train, subway, or bus there then do the same here.
What is your experience with Socialism outside of watching Fox and reading whatever it is you read? I believe you don't know socialism when you see it, particularly when it applies to corporate welfare.
To put the record straight, I have been an entrepeneur since leaving service, having started several businesses, some successful some not so successful, but, overall, I came out quite well, thank you. Do I think well-placed socialism can work in instances where free market, profit motivated business has failed? You're damn right and healthcare is one of them.
Now, my friend, make your point with honest examples.


AH, BELME; you appear to be a littl out of sorts.
Maybe you should try a little more fiber in your diet.

I'll give you a perfect example.
Where I work, we used to get yearly performance based reviews and these reviews determned where you fit in for the pay raises.
They still do the reviews; but they no longer have any bearing on pay raises; because everyone gets the same percentage.
I've seen the work effort go down; because what's the purpose of acheiving more then the weakest link, if everyone gets the same percentae of increase.

Now you tell me what the incentive is for Doctor's to work within your great socialistic plan, if someone else gets to decide what they get paid??
You really need to take off those rose colored glasses and join the rest of the world in reality.
By the way, anyone can say that they've done as you say; but I've seen no proof, other then some written words.

Now how about addressing my original post, instead of running away and showing the yellow stripe that runs down your spine?
AH, BELME; you appear to be a littl out of sorts.
Maybe you should try a little more fiber in your diet.

I'll give you a perfect example.
Where I work, we used to get yearly performance based reviews and these reviews determned where you fit in for the pay raises.
They still do the reviews; but they no longer have any bearing on pay raises; because everyone gets the same percentage.
I've seen the work effort go down; because what's the purpose of acheiving more then the weakest link, if everyone gets the same percentae of increase.

Now you tell me what the incentive is for Doctor's to work within your great socialistic plan, if someone else gets to decide what they get paid??
You really need to take off those rose colored glasses and join the rest of the world in reality.
By the way, anyone can say that they've done as you say; but I've seen no proof, other then some written words.

Now how about addressing my original post, instead of running away and showing the yellow stripe that runs down your spine?

So your company's management decided, as a cost cutting measure, to forego performance based pay raises in favor of an across the board increase, and you call this "socialism"?

Baby that's the free market capitalism you so dearly love!

As to incentive to work hard...

How about:

Because you enjoy your co-workers company.
Because you don't totally hate what you are doing.
Because your place of employment isn't a hell on Earth.
Because during this economic downturn, it's good to be employed?

Any of those ring a bell?
So your company's management decided, as a cost cutting measure, to forego performance based pay raises in favor of an across the board increase, and you call this "socialism"?

Baby that's the free market capitalism you so dearly love!

As to incentive to work hard...

How about:

Because you enjoy your co-workers company.
Because you don't totally hate what you are doing.
Because your place of employment isn't a hell on Earth.
Because during this economic downturn, it's good to be employed?

Any of those ring a bell?

So basically liberals ask for an answer and then when it's given, they just spin it to whatever agenda they're trying to reach.

You and belme are pathetic.

I see you didn't answer the question, regarding the Doctor's.
But then, I guess that didn't fit your agenda either.
So basically liberals ask for an answer and then when it's given, they just spin it to whatever agenda they're trying to reach.

You and belme are pathetic.

I see you didn't answer the question, regarding the Doctor's.
But then, I guess that didn't fit your agenda either.

Before a Doctor can become liscenced he must take the Hippocratic Oath.

To help the sick.

Not to help the sick who can afford it.

Do I believe Doctors should be rewarded handsomly for what they do?


They are highly trained and have very special skills.

That does not mean that those with no money don't deserve the benefit of those skills.