A Lesson on Socialism

I'm done with you apple.
You done nothing but show that you are unable to address what anyone else posts and will only discuss things on your terms.
You and the rest of my detractors can pat yourselves on the back; but maybe someday you'll grow up and will see how things truly are and not how you WISH they were.

You sound like my Grade Five teacher, "I'm done with you!" :)

I've answered every question you've asked. You insist on trying to portray doctors as money grabbing, pay-or-die barbarians when it's the system that is the cause of that.

I'll give you a quick course on medicine. Hospitals operate for profit. When a doctor requires an operating room you have to pay because your doctor is responsible for the "rental" so he can operate on you.

Your hard earned money goes into the pockets of the investors who own the hospital. Now, get rid of the paying concept and let the hospital be run by the government. Now your doctor doesn't have to charge you because he isn't being charged. There is no reason for anyone to make a profit off your illness.

All I can say is google medical care in different countries. Join a group like WAYN or some other international "friend" system and talk with people in different countries. Ask them yourself. Don't take my word for it.

You've been misled by the moneychangers, Freedom. It's the old scare tactic.

Mark 11:15 Then they came to Jerusalem. And He entered the temple and began to drive out those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves;

Change. It's long overdue.
You sound like my Grade Five teacher, "I'm done with you!" :)

I've answered every question you've asked. You insist on trying to portray doctors as money grabbing, pay-or-die barbarians when it's the system that is the cause of that.

I'll give you a quick course on medicine. Hospitals operate for profit. When a doctor requires an operating room you have to pay because your doctor is responsible for the "rental" so he can operate on you.

Your hard earned money goes into the pockets of the investors who own the hospital. Now, get rid of the paying concept and let the hospital be run by the government. Now your doctor doesn't have to charge you because he isn't being charged. There is no reason for anyone to make a profit off your illness.

All I can say is google medical care in different countries. Join a group like WAYN or some other international "friend" system and talk with people in different countries. Ask them yourself. Don't take my word for it.

You've been misled by the moneychangers, Freedom. It's the old scare tactic.

Mark 11:15 Then they came to Jerusalem. And He entered the temple and began to drive out those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves;

Change. It's long overdue.

apple0154 wrote:
:blah: :viol: :blah: :viol: :blah: :viol: :blah:
Socialism is much closer to the Christian ideal the greedy moneygrubbing.
Dead wrong.

First, while Christ indeed was against greed and any focus on money which would detract from one's spirituality, his message was also about PERSONAL responsibility of one towards one's neighbors. Socialism places that burden of social welfare on the state instead of the individual. Its principles are as anti-Christian as is greed.

Second, open capitalism, for all its faults, does not directly advocate greed. It is the social concept of entitlement (which is not a conservative principle) that advocates greed. Open capitalism simply allows one free choice about how they handle their money - to be greedy with it, OR to be generous with it. The choice is their to follow Christ and use their money in that manner, or not. Socialism takes that choice away. Without choice, one cannot CHOOSE to follow Christ's command to help the needy. If one does not CHOOSE the way of Christ, then it is NOT being Christian regardless of the theoretical (but never real) benefits of socialism.
I wasn't sure what you were saying "yes" to, but since this is a thread about socialism, I thought "just say no" was the best approach...
I thought it was just best to agree. I don't think any form of government used so far has been a good thing.
socialism works when it's voluntarily practiced by members of the community as a whole. When it's implemented without approval and forced upon us by the state, they call that communism.
I'm talking about the creation of an elite which is immune from the reality they force on others.

Let's look at bankers. They are supposed to allowed unlimited bonuses from the public coffers, because they are allegedly so rare and important. But yet, they will refuse loans to those corporations who will not commoditize and outsource other even MORE highly skilled professions. I'm sorry, but approving loans and calulating interest is not difficult. And creating bogus securitization schemes and dubious other financial products is actually harmful and abusive.

When the government backs such obvious disparity, it is in defacto fascist collusion with those professions.

Got it?
Yea well what ever dude, that's not fascism.
You sound like my Grade Five teacher, "I'm done with you!" :)

I've answered every question you've asked. You insist on trying to portray doctors as money grabbing, pay-or-die barbarians when it's the system that is the cause of that.

I'll give you a quick course on medicine. Hospitals operate for profit. When a doctor requires an operating room you have to pay because your doctor is responsible for the "rental" so he can operate on you.

Your hard earned money goes into the pockets of the investors who own the hospital. Now, get rid of the paying concept and let the hospital be run by the government. Now your doctor doesn't have to charge you because he isn't being charged. There is no reason for anyone to make a profit off your illness.

All I can say is google medical care in different countries. Join a group like WAYN or some other international "friend" system and talk with people in different countries. Ask them yourself. Don't take my word for it.

You've been misled by the moneychangers, Freedom. It's the old scare tactic.

Mark 11:15 Then they came to Jerusalem. And He entered the temple and began to drive out those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves;

Change. It's long overdue.

Really, Have you heard of community hospitals and clinics? Where the local municipality owns the facility? These are not "for profit" enterprizes. Ever see a lot of the religious based hospitals? Many of those are not "for profit" hospitals either.

Kind blows your premis, doesn't it??
apple0154 wrote:
:blah: :viol: :blah: :viol: :blah: :viol: :blah:

Your reply reminded me of a conversation I had with my brother when I was 7 years old.

After having mastered addition and subtraction in grade one I felt ready to take on the world. A month or so after entering grade two the teacher introduced multiplication.

Multiplication!!?? What the hell....

Anyway, when I arrived home I asked my older brother just what the scoop was. "What's with this arithmetic, anyway? There's addition and subtraction and, now, multiplication. Is there anything else I should know about", I asked.

I recall the crushing feeling as he mentioned grade three introduced division.

"Di....what? Why would one need to learn a way to find out how many 3's in 9? They must already know if they have 9. If you have 9 cookies simply make piles of three and see how many piles you have.

That's not the best part, he went on to explain. "In grade four you have "X" and you don't even know what "X" is. Instead of three cookies you have "X" cookies."

Well, his conversation sounded just like :blah: :viol: :blah: :viol: :blah: :viol: :blah: but you know what? When I got to grade three and grade four it all made sense.

In time, what I'm telling you, Freedom, will make sense. I realize it's all new to you. How can a society function if people are not out there grabbing every dollar they can, right? It doesn't make sense to you, at this time. But it will.
Really, Have you heard of community hospitals and clinics? Where the local municipality owns the facility? These are not "for profit" enterprizes. Ever see a lot of the religious based hospitals? Many of those are not "for profit" hospitals either.

Kind blows your premis, doesn't it??

Not at all. As for religion being "not for profit" surely you jest. Do you have any idea how much money the Catholic church has? Just imagine if all the labor and materials that go into church building was directed towards housing for the poor.

It always fascinated me to see people on the street in the middle of winter and the doors to the church locked. Huge, heated buildings remaining empty the vast majority of time while people suffered in the cold. And, occasionally, someone freezing to death.