A list of false teachings in the Roman Catholic Church.

"Following is a summarized paragraph with references found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church..." It's a teaching tool for Catholics, those who are converting, or those just looking for information. It's not written to be Rules for Protestants. I don't believe in the form of Christianity you've posted about either. Who made you the boss of deciding what's true and what's false?
It is obvious to anyone with a shred of intellectual integrity that the Catholic Church has many false teachings. Here is a list taken directly from their Catechisms.


That's a good bit of horse shit there. It pretty damn biased and off, as you get more of many of those things from the Protestants, Evangelicals. So much for the intellectual integrity part. Quit wasting time with a evangelists views of the catholic church, when they are tops when it comes to bullshit.
[relevant? – discuss]
University of Waterloo religious studies assistant professor Douglas E. Cowan states, "Like the Countercult in print, the Countercult on the Net is a carefully managed presentation of selected truths, half-truths, spun truths, and untruths. Its library is designed not to inform the visitor about the group in question, but to confirm for the visitor why that group is heterodox, why it should be avoided, and why conservative Christianity is the only viable option in place of it. As well, again like the Countercult in print, the Countercult on the Net is intended as an 'equipping force' to supply Christians with apologetic resources for their own encounters with NRM members. Rather than a public library, it is rather like those few shelves of a conservative seminary library that are devoted to 'Cults and Other World Religions.' The difference, of course, is that this library is open to the public."[12] He cites CARM as an "example of the library function-and its inherent problems" with the questionable accuracy of information presented about new religious movements on the Internet.[12] Cowan comments that CARM "cleaves fairly close to the Countercult party line" and expresses a concern that "unless one looks specifically for Slick's personal information, CARM's web presentation could easily deceive a visitor into thinking it is a multi-staff, professional research organization."[12] Slick issued a written response to Cowan's article.[13] In his book Bearing false witness? An introduction to the Christian countercult, Cowan says that "Slick's choice of cultic and sectarian movements is interesting", commenting that it is rare to see Christadelphianism described as a major cult, or to see such different movements as Eckankar and Christian Identity listed adjacent to each other.[3]
In his 2007 book Teaching New Religious Movements, Virginia Commonwealth University sociology and religious studies professor David G. Bromley describes the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry as a "countermovement site" and representative of "the evangelical Christian counter-cult".[14] Bromley notes, "though the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (www.carm.org) is a very impressive counter-cult Web site, it is by and large the sole project of one man with a Master of Divinity degree. This is not to say, of course, that nothing on the site is credible or useful, merely that it ought not to be confused with information offered by those more academically prepared for the task of discussing new religious movements."[14] In her book Voices of Diversity: Multi-Culturalism in America, Mary C. Sengstock, a sociologist from Wayne State University, describes the CARM website as one of those continuing a tradition of religious prejudice, because it puts forward the view that Roman Catholics are not Christians.[15] Sengstock cites Slick's essay "Are Roman Catholics Christian?"[15][16]
Columnist Cal Thomas of Tribune Media Services comments, "Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (the Web site carm.org) has created a useful chart that shows the conflicting claims of classic Christian belief and Muslim doctrines. It is worth studying, whatever one's faith."[17] Christian Parenting Today notes that the website of CARM provides "lists, definitions, and descriptions of cults", to assist parents and children with identifying controversial groups and movements.[18] The Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance says of CARM, "This is a very large web site. It is rated by Hitbox.com as the most visited counter-cult website, and about #14 in the list of most-visited religious web sites."[19] The Gazette recommended CARM as a resource for information on apologetics.[20] Writing in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Pastor Bob Coy of Calvary Chapel, Fort Lauderdale characterized CARM among "excellent resources ... that will allow those who are seriously searching to discover faith is more fact than fiction."[21]
In the book The New Media Frontier: Blogging, Vlogging, and Podcasting for Christ, Roger Overton, a blogger and graduate student at Talbot School of Theology, recommends CARM as a resource, calling the organization's website "an informative site dealing with topics from the defense of mere Christianity to exposing the problems in cults and other religions. Go to the CARM website for the straight facts such as a list of the prophecies Jesus fulfilled or archived incriminating statements by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) and The Watchtower (Jehovah's Witnesses)."[22] Thomas Nelson's Safe Sites Internet Yellow Pages, The 2000-2001 Edition describes the organization as "A Christian ministry promoting Christian truth with articles on doctrine, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Evolution, New Age, atheism, and more."[23] The book recommends the organization's Theological Dictionary as among the "Best of the Christian Web", saying it "Defines many Christian and theological terms."[23] The Scholarly & Historical Information Exchange for Latter-Day Saints accuses the site of rehashing old anti-Mormon material.[24]


you are in a cult OP
"Following is a summarized paragraph with references found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church..." It's a teaching tool for Catholics, those who are converting, or those just looking for information. It's not written to be Rules for Protestants. I don't believe in the form of Christianity you've posted about either. Who made you the boss of deciding what's true and what's false?

It's an Evangelicals basis on it. Totally biased stuff, that I've never seen most of being Catholic.
I don't know why some people freak out like him. I can... almost... understand the ignorance about Islam but this harshness about Catholicism is strange.

A lot of the stuff complained about I see more of in the other Christian faiths. While I still have some issue with Catholic doctrine, it's the one without a lot of the embarrassing ideas. You have some out there that think if you have Jesus, it doesn't matter if you sin, you're saved. It's not true in the least.
It is obvious to anyone with a shred of intellectual integrity that the Catholic Church has many false teachings. Here is a list taken directly from their Catechisms.

You should probably avoid going to Mass then, and carefully question every person you encounter in the future whether they are Catholic or not.

You seem scared about Catholics. I wonder why that is.
Pagan point of view time.

If your faith is so shaky and uncertain that you feel the need to come to a public forum like this to attack other people's faith.... you might want to look into your own spirit and examine the veracity of your own beliefs.
That's a good bit of horse shit there. It pretty damn biased and off, as you get more of many of those things from the Protestants, Evangelicals. So much for the intellectual integrity part. Quit wasting time with a evangelists views of the catholic church, when they are tops when it comes to bullshit.

Everything listed is from the Catholic Catechisms. Perhaps you would like to tell us how they don't say what they obviously say in plain English.
You should probably avoid going to Mass then, and carefully question every person you encounter in the future whether they are Catholic or not.

You seem scared about Catholics. I wonder why that is.

What ever gave you the idea that I'm scared of Catholics? Do you always ascribe emotions, thoughts, or motives to others, based on no evidence whatsoever? There is a name for someone like that.
Pagan point of view time.

If your faith is so shaky and uncertain that you feel the need to come to a public forum like this to attack other people's faith.... you might want to look into your own spirit and examine the veracity of your own beliefs.

My faith is solid. It is based on Scripture. Catholics, on the other hand, equate church doctrines with scripture. Even though it disagrees with Scripture.
You have some out there that think if you have Jesus, it doesn't matter if you sin, you're saved. It's not true in the least.

I don't recall anyone ever making such a claim. And Christians still sin. It's a fact. But God will forgive us if we repent. There is also willful sin, or premeditated and repeated sin. People who do that are not Christians. But Christians sin everyday. That's why we should pray every day and ask God to forgive us. No one ever said it's OK to sin if you're a Christian.
My faith is solid. It is based on Scripture. Catholics, on the other hand, equate church doctrines with scripture. Even though it disagrees with Scripture.

The Catholic church's teachings are based on Scripture and sacred tradition. Catholics were using Scripture centuries before protestantism came along.
I don't recall anyone ever making such a claim. And Christians still sin. It's a fact. But God will forgive us if we repent. There is also willful sin, or premeditated and repeated sin. People who do that are not Christians. But Christians sin everyday. That's why we should pray every day and ask God to forgive us. No one ever said it's OK to sin if you're a Christian.

You say people who sin repeatedly are not Christians but they are. They're just Christians who strayed from the path.

How do you think it works? A person prays, he's a Christian. A person swears, he's cast out of the kingdom. A person prays for forgiveness and he's a Christian again. That's just silly.
What ever gave you the idea that I'm scared of Catholics? Do you always ascribe emotions, thoughts, or motives to others, based on no evidence whatsoever? There is a name for someone like that.

When someone is upset and/or frightened over other ppl's actions/beliefs/words, they often come to public venues like this to expose those words and try to gather other like-minded ppl so that they don't feel quite so alone.

I think that your beliefs are nonsense, but they don't threaten or scare me at all. Therefore, I have never started an Internet discussion about ppl like you. I'm sure in my spirit that my Path is okay for me. I've not felt any need to evangelize others and get them to agree with me and validate my Path. I'm sure that the vast majority of our fellow passengers have good paths as well. Even if they're Catholic, atheist, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, or any other faith or lack of faith. My only caveat on religion is this: Does it make you a better person? If so, then it's all good. If your faith compels you to attack those who don't ascribe, then maybe it's not so good.
A lot of the stuff complained about I see more of in the other Christian faiths. While I still have some issue with Catholic doctrine, it's the one without a lot of the embarrassing ideas. You have some out there that think if you have Jesus, it doesn't matter if you sin, you're saved. It's not true in the least.

It's a dilemma that protestants have had to deal with when trying to separate grace from Christian living (acts, works, etc.). How do we know someone is saved/following the path to salvation when their actions are sinful? The biblical answer, which is also the Catholic answer, is that if one is living a Christian life (works, sacraments, commandments, etc.), one might be a recipient of grace.

Put another way:

John 5:28-29 said:
Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice,[SUP] [/SUP]and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment.