A little factual history


Do you know your American political history? We all think we have a good grasp, but do we really?

Here is the first shocker---WE ARE ALL LIBERAL!

Sorry if that hurts the American Conservative to learn that fact, but it is a fact.

The true Conservative was that of the throne and alter. That is what the orgional Americans ran from to form the USA. They were considered liberal, because they wanted to be free to live their lives, not under rule of a large and expensive government. The throne and alter Conservative strain never made it to the USA, but is probably the root of the demonization by the progressive movement. About 100 years later, the liberal strain of progressivism was getting established in the USA. Roosevelt and the new deal was one of the first in office. He was a progressive statist, who believed the state should oversee some social and economic justice (progressive code words for distribution). Some real civil rights happend also, unlike Barney Frank (also a progressive statist), who believes a persons individual choice of lifestyle is considered a civil right. The progressives actually think they founded this nation (as they preach with no founding), but they are intruders, because this nation was not founded by statists. They are here to tear down our way of life--0-and you fine folks assist them.

Just remember----this is the best nation in the world for misfits. Todays misfits are not taught to think, they are taught to follow, and you seem to follow anybody who bull shits you and says they feel your pain. I am a misfit. But I use thinking outside of the herd to my advantage, and you can't do that any easier than in the USA. I did not blame me being a misfit on my father, or my nation (my progressive brother blames both, but has super talent that he now wastes) that allows me to excell as a misfit---because I was not talked into thinking I was a victim of the USA. I just built my talents (got those folks?) and found opportunity when it came along.

The only way we can gain prosperity in the USA now, is for you folks to realize that you have been duped, as you picked up your participation trophy.

I am not going to tell you "I told you so", because you don't need to hear that. You know it deep down, because you call yoruself an American. But I will tell you that you need to start thinking for yourself. You need to realize this progressive movement is not in the citizen of the USA's interest, and realize people are standing in line to take advantage of you--and the rest of us--and humanity in general.

Here is some news progressives like.
The government just announced that they will reduce taxes on small and medium sized business, so they can try to grow and hire people. We all know small and medium business in the USA employees about 80% of our working population (can you folks relate?), so that is good news------but no no no no. The USA government is not making that move---China announced that last week. NO PROSPERITY FOR YOU!! (Says the prosperity NAZI)

Hey watermark----how does it feel to start to realize that by the time Capatalism truns around our dwindeling opportunity, you will be 40 something, and the younger college kids will be getting those long awaited jobs and opportunity. Kinda voted away a big segment of your generation-----bummer. The question is---do you have the ability to think, (instead of follow), and realize your young minded with no American life exp mistakes? Your ability to realize when somebody (or some movement) is screwing you, is the key---to everybodys prosperity. Spreading welfare is not a future, spreading opportunity is. (think about it much?) Everybody in the world knows it, accpet the American indoctrinated progressive. If this were a international game of chess, the USA is now in check, and will soon be ruled with the likes of a king and queen again. Funny how human nature and history repeats itself---when we learn to follow, instead of think.

I predict a lot of todays youth---to get real pissed at their sociology professors in about 5 to 20 years.

Happy new year! Not hearing that too much this season. I wonder what everybody knows deep down?
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a new retard, welcome

I want to thank you for not addding any value to our society what so ever---and all you have to do is take care of yourself. THATS IT!!!

I am not new, and I remember you. You should remember me from about a year ago, and paging watermark might have been a clue---if you knew how to think. Stopping that terrorist who almost blew up a plane 2 driving hours from my home should have been a cake walk---if we knew how to think!!!

You might have a reply with some substance----if you knew how to think!!!!

More power to individual misfits---but damn it---learn how to think!!!
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I want to thank you for not addding any value to our society what so ever---and all you have to do is take care of yourself. THATS IT!!!

I am not new, and I remember you. You should remember me from about a year ago, and paging watermark might have been a clue---if you knew how to think.

welcome back then you crybaby loser
welcome back then you crybaby loser

What makes you THINK that? Just a progressive attack--with no substance (redundant). How would you like to gauge me being a loser, comapred to you? Lets match accomplishments---becauase no progressive is a winner, until they make us all losers.
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What makes you THINK that? Just a progressive attack--with no substance (redundant). How would you like to gauge me being a loser, comapred to you?

because you bullshit prognostication, we are about to see the economy boom. please stay and keep crying while it's going on. your funny
You are not the majority

Well---lets compare Palins book sales-----to any progressive you can think of (how about pelosi's book). It has something to do with human freeom, liberity---then prosperity follows us. The dream is the majority, and I am just one American who came from nothing to get a piece of it. What have you done for yourelf in the last 20 years?
Well---lets compare Palins book sales-----to any progressive you can think of (how about pelosi's book). It has something to do with human freeom, liberity---then prosperity follows us. The dream is the majority, and I am just one American who came from nothing to get a piece of it. What have you done for yourelf in the last 20 years?

OMG your a Palin fan

Please keep posting I think you might be even funnier than I hoped for.:corn:
oh I see you have a god complex huh?

I'm a landlord who maintains my property and provides good clean reasonably priced living for people.

I love and care for my family.

You on the other hand seem to think YOU should be the majority even when you are not.

Is your Name Carl Rove?
because you bullshit prognostication, we are about to see the economy boom. please stay and keep crying while it's going on. your funny

Oh really. You think the economy will boom? The 90's are over. The bottom line is "produce or lose what you earned". And our production, or wealth makinhg capabilities have been redistributed to developing nations for the last 30 years. You really have no idea how money is created--do you?

Now---since you talk with such wisdom and conviction---even though you know you would be dead with a 14 trillion dollar credit card debt (but you wold expect a bail out for your stupidity---the nation has no bail out)---how would you like to put a $10,000 bet on the state of the USA economy in 2 years. We should use poverty as the scale---because I am only concerned with the state of the American people---not the stocks. I say poverty will grow, and you can say it will shrink. Do we have a deal? Think about it before you make a decision, but I know you would not go for it even if you knew for a fact the economy would boom (the only booms we will see is more terrorists attacks)---because progressives were taught to never take a risk. That is why the followers will see no glory.

I will take your money, and you still will not be able think.
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Oh really. You think the economy will boom? The 90's are over. The bottom line is "produce or lose what you earned". And our production, or wealth makinhg capabilities have been redistributed to developing nations for the last 30 years. You really have no idea how money is created--do you?

Now---since you talk with such wisdom and conviction---even though you know you would be dead with a 14 trillion dollar credit card debt (but you wold expect a bail out for your stupidity---the nation has no bail out)---how would you like to put a $10,000 bet on the state of the economy in 2 years.

I will take your money, and you still will not be able think.

seriously, did you go to college
I'll bet you $100,000 that the stock market returns more under Obama than it did under Bush. fucking GED'r
oh I see you have a god complex huh?

I'm a landlord who maintains my property and provides good clean reasonably priced living for people.

I love and care for my family.

You on the other hand seem to think YOU should be the majority even when you are not.

Is your Name Carl Rove?

Some caller once asked Hannity if a person can be a Conservative (to conserve the fundemental values of the USA), and not believe in a god. Hannity said, "I guess it is possible." He forgot about a lady whos books he has read.

Do you think the Russian lady who loved capatalism Ayn Rand had a god complex? (I assume you mean a Christian fanatic).

Other than your attack on a long established religion in the USA, sounds like your doing the right things to me. You are part of the majority, but can you be bought off to vote for redistributive welfare? I know times are tough--and it is tempting--but it is not a future. Critically not if we continue to lose our wealth making capabilities.

Hannity and Beck make a mistake IMO, when they say God gave man the right to be free (so progressives have to attack god and family). Personaly, I don't know who gave man kind the right to be free, but I do know no other man has the right to take it away from me or any other human.

To add----I know the black voting population voted for obama 90%, but I can talk to any black man or woman in my hood (funny how progressives do not mingle--only when they want something), if they were not indoctrinated to hate the USA in college or a church like Writes church, and I talk about conservative principals like reeping what you sow, personal responsibility and a helping hand by will, not by force--but having a strong military---and they all agree with those values. They are part of the majority, like the 41% Ameicans who consider them selves Conservative (20% say they are liberal), but progressive schools and media confuse them come voting time. Obama would have gotten very little support 50 years ago after saying "I think it is good to spread the wealth"--or--"We are 5 days away from changing the fundamentals of the United States of America!" (said 5 days before the election)

The bottom line is---we are not suppose to be a statist nation. You know it kills individual opportunity--, and I know it.

As far as minorities go--what I see is my American brothers and sisters being torn apart from middle America. Seperate them, tell them they are victims, divide and conqure.
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Ayn Rand was an idiot.

A shitty writer who also thought she was godlike.

The 52 year old "Atlas Shrugged" fiction--is coming true today.

Your elitist (wanna be) attitude will be the death of us all.

Now, some questions to make you think. Don't shut down that brain of yours. I just have to dig into your progressive hollow comments.

What makes you think she was a shitty writer? (she was not a progressive--you have no other answer)

What makes you think she was a idiot? (she was not a progressive--you have no other answer)

What makes you think she was godlike? (she was a humanist--your mistaken, and never read Atlas Shrugged)
You folks seem to have run out of talking points with the support of this administration (compared to a year ago). I know you ran out of actually looking at results a long time ago. I have not been here for a year or so, because I can't stand to read about people laying down like speed bumps.

Here is a real life example of a old friend of mine. He has a old machine shop (I am building a newer one) that he inhearted from his father. He never updated, or improved his education, and eventyally the industry passed him by as he left himself with very little capability. He stopped over a few days ago, (he also married a progressive chick 15 years ago, and has a 13 year old son), and he is so discouraged he actually said to me--

"I would let somebody own me, if I could just do what I do, and make $35,000/year." (not much above poverty folks).

My answer to that was ---"Bob---that is exaclty what a communist regiume (or progressive) would love to hear a population say".

See you followers next year--to see how your holding up. I have a good life to live, and I may even be 100% debt free in a year--so good luck with yours. CHECK!, and all you have is pawns.
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I read Rand and she is a stiff and akward writer.

Her Ideas are juvenile and pretentious.

They have the very same qualities that your writing does.

A black and white view of the world where SHE ( the character in her book) is godlike and above everyone else.

She is a fool like palin who thinks she is MUCH better than everyone else and anyone who doesnt agree with her deserves scorn.

You will now leave because your ideas can not stand the test of light just like Alisa.