a monopoly on force

It would be enough to commandeer the media outlets under the pretense of national security.

Then the video tape of american soldiers dying at the hands of "militia nutjobs" would be in living rooms nationwide. Sob stories of people having loved ones slaughtered. Reports of a tiny minority of the population trying to overthrow the duly elected government would cause more outrage.

People are becoming less gullible. Propaganda is beginning to fail.
It would be enough to commandeer the media outlets under the pretense of national security.

Then the video tape of american soldiers dying at the hands of "militia nutjobs" would be in living rooms nationwide. Sob stories of people having loved ones slaughtered. Reports of a tiny minority of the population trying to overthrow the duly elected government would cause more outrage.

those media outlets wouldn't last long, i assure you.
those media outlets wouldn't last long, i assure you.

Now that makes sense. That shows strategic thinking. This entire debate started because I scoffed at "The key is to amass as many people as suddenly as possible and descend upon two relatively two small buildings- The White House and Congress, during active session. A scant 1% of the population will do quite nicely, say in a Tea Party at the National Mall. Heck they wouldn't even need guns just a handful of crowbars to open locked doors."

Even you disagreed with the idea that they wouldn't need guns and that the security people would lay down their arms.

The logistical problems of amassing a huge number of armed people in a city with some of the highest density of military personnel and some of the finest security forces on the planet are enormous.

The idea that you could get 3 million armed men at the capital without anyone realizing that they are armed and trained is insanity. The idea that you could tell 3 million people what was planned and not have the gov't know is nothing short of dreaming.
People are becoming less gullible. Propaganda is beginning to fail.

What? 30 million people spent an hour watch the finale of American Idol.

There were more votes cast (requiring the person pay for the text message) in the last American Idol show than in any presidential election.

66+ million votes were cast for a favorite singer.

No, the tube still rules more lives than politics.
What? 30 million people spent an hour watch the finale of American Idol.

There were more votes cast (requiring the person pay for the text message) in the last American Idol show than in any presidential election.

66+ million votes were cast for a favorite singer.

No, the tube still rules more lives than politics.

those are people we wouldn't have to worry about anyway. They'd raise a pom pom for the gov and that would be it. no action at all.
That might work if it was armored and you could surprise the security people.

But that is going to be hard to sneak into DC and even harder to have the massive number of trained personnel not see that it is armored.
Since we're all rednecks anyway, we'll stage a monster truck convention at the mall.
And have an "Armored Truck" division in the moster truck show? :)
Great idea: "Monster Brinks v. Monster Wells-Fargo". They line up on opposite ends of the mall, head toward each other, barely miss in the middle and head out, seeming out of control to destroy the Capital Building. Glorious!
Its pretty easy to avoid combat and icebergs in dry dock.

But not easy to avoid it helping to land marines on Grenada and two trips to Beirut to rescue civilians, and pick up some of the last marines from Lebanon.

What branch of the service did you serve in and when?
But not easy to avoid it helping to land marines on Grenada and two trips to Beirut to rescue civilians, and pick up some of the last marines from Lebanon.

What branch of the service did you serve in and when?
Pretty easy to avoid when you are acting as a taxi service.

I never had the opportunity to serve. I was too young for Viet Nam and my much older brother, a far left liberal, had me convinced to steer clear of a military career.
Pretty easy to avoid when you are acting as a taxi service.

I never had the opportunity to serve. I was too young for Viet Nam and my much older brother, a far left liberal, had me convinced to steer clear of a military career.

I am surprised, SM. I would have thought you were a real wrap yourself in the flag national service type. Mind you, you often find most nationalistic chaps are those who didn't get the opportunity to serve.

Have you never even been in the scouts? (not in a priestly way, of course)
Pretty easy to avoid when you are acting as a taxi service.

I never had the opportunity to serve. I was too young for Viet Nam and my much older brother, a far left liberal, had me convinced to steer clear of a military career.

So you never served and you feel qualified to poke fun at my service?

Taxi service? Yes, I guess you could call it that. If you consider a helicopter full of marines and launched from an amphibious assault ship to be a taxi then I was the left gunner on a taxi. Somewhere I have pics of the bullet holes and marks on the side of the helo and blood stains on the deck from transporting wounded back to the ship.

And just to be sure you get it right, you had the opportunity to serve. You decided not to serve.
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I am surprised, SM. I would have thought you were a real wrap yourself in the flag national service type. Mind you, you often find most nationalistic chaps are those who didn't get the opportunity to serve.

Have you never even been in the scouts? (not in a priestly way, of course)
No never in the scouts either. Remember I grew up in an ultra-liberal shithole called "Massachusetts": car theft capital, indoctrinated by the public school system that the Kennedy's were god, Tip O'Neill was a prophet, having segregated areas of blacks, Italians, Irish and Jews that all hated each other was normal, and The South was full of sweating, racist, uneducated, bible thumping rednecks. I got out as soon as I could, but that wasn't until my mid-20's, and it took a while to educate myself with reality. By that time I had a successful career, paid off my student loan debts and starting a family, and the military didn't make sense. *shrug*
So you never served and you feel qualified to poke fun at my service?

Taxi service? Yes, I guess you could call it that. If you consider a helicopter full of marines and launched from an amphibious assault ship to be a taxi then I was the left gunner on a taxi. Somewhere I have pics of the bullet holes and marks on the side of the helo and blood stains on the deck from transporting wounded back to the ship.

And just to be sure you get it right, you had the opportunity to serve. You decided not to serve.
I explained my past situation. If I had the smarts then that I do now I would have gone the ROTC route and had my tuition paid and my mind disciplined, either done 4 years or 20, depending on how I liked it. That's what I'm recommending to my son; my old man never bothered.

So its too bad you had to scrub the decks of blood from the guys that actually got off the boat. :pke:
I am surprised, SM. I would have thought you were a real wrap yourself in the flag national service type. Mind you, you often find most nationalistic chaps are those who didn't get the opportunity to serve.

Have you never even been in the scouts? (not in a priestly way, of course)

I heard of a 60 yr old getting killed in Iraq. It is never too late Southernman.