A Reminder For The Coming New Year

Nope, that's the absolute last place to look. Speaking of the founders, one of them said the constitution would only work for a moral people, or something to the effect.

there may be hope for you yet. so then, in your estimation, if a portion of the populace has lost their moral compass, does that mean the constitution should no longer apply?
No, my 'assumption' is that pretending there's no difference between alcohol and hard drugs is ludicrous.

I'm basically advocating sanity at this point lol. So, I guess docs can finally get away from writing all those prescriptions. I'm sure it gets to be a pain in the ass. And no, you or nobody else can get anesthesia drugs because it takes a license just to get access to them. It's all but impossible to steal them for street use. But if you want to be consistent, pharmaceutical companies would be free to put these products on the open market for recreational use. And we all know they would.

One dose, and instant addict. I've seen it happen with my own eyes. Licensed medical professionals lose their careers and in one instance their life. And you advocate opening it up to the general public for the sake of constitutional purity.

No thanks.

People aren't actually getting illegal drugs. They have to have a prescription. Got it. Empirical data doesn't seem to support your contention
darwins law would work wonders for legalization. the idiots and losers will die off by killing themselves with it, while the rest of us lead more productive and prosperous lives. it's a win/win situation. i'm on the fence about 'across the board' legalization, but if I go with the founders intent, they would have never given the government any power over what we put in to our own bodies.

Yes, places that have legalized drugs have not seen spikes in usage. The idea that people will use drugs because the government doesn't stop them is as ridiculous as the idea that they won't use drugs because the government tries to stop them. People use drugs because they want to, they don't use drugs because they don't want to. When we accept that, we will have the basis to finally start creating a rational policy. One that doesn't start with funding organized crime here and destabilizing governments across the globe
there may be hope for you yet. so then, in your estimation, if a portion of the populace has lost their moral compass, does that mean the constitution should no longer apply?

No, it means society will go on a downward spiral and end in lawlessness, with or without the constitution. It was in the founders estimation that the constitution wouldn't prevent it.
No, it means society will go on a downward spiral and end in lawlessness, with or without the constitution. It was in the founders estimation that the constitution wouldn't prevent it.

It's not like you're trying to prevent it. That States were the check and balance of the Federal government was the strategy they deployed. I actually advocate that, including for things like drug laws and abortion where I actually oppose government mandating my view on the States for that reason. An unchecked Federal government scares me more than getting my way forced on States benefits me. You've lost sight of that
It's not like you're trying to prevent it. That States were the check and balance of the Federal government was the strategy they deployed. I actually advocate that, including for things like drug laws and abortion where I actually oppose government mandating my view on the States for that reason. An unchecked Federal government scares me more than getting my way forced on States benefits me. You've lost sight of that

I'll thank you for not putting thoughts in my head.

I'm a states rights guy, and I'm consistent with it, from drug laws and abortion up to and including gay marriage.
I'll thank you for not putting thoughts in my head.

I'm a states rights guy, and I'm consistent with it, from drug laws and abortion up to and including gay marriage.

The irony being that you told me what I thought with zero to go on, but now I'm supposed to know you're against Federal drug laws which you failed to mention in our ongoing discussion on that exact topic
No, it means society will go on a downward spiral and end in lawlessness, with or without the constitution. It was in the founders estimation that the constitution wouldn't prevent it.
and the constitution was never meant to stop it. the people that remain on a sound moral compass of freedom and morality would do just that.
The irony being that you told me what I thought with zero to go on, but now I'm supposed to know you're against Federal drug laws which you failed to mention in our ongoing discussion on that exact topic

If you read the debate you'd know that in my first post I advocated against jailing addicts. Robo, being the one trick wonder that he is, turned the debate towards constitutionalism. The last time I checked, advocating rehab over jail wasn't a constitutional issue. In fact, it's advocating *against* a government solution in favor of a private sector solution for the drug epidemic.

It's my opinion that hard drugs should remain illegal. Ideally, on the state level; but I'm sufficiently in touch with the real world to know that getting the federal statute changed on powerful artificial opiates like Fentanyl is tilting at the constitutionalist windmill.

Ill let you and Robo die on that hill. How's that?
It may have worked in the founders day, but our society has lost its moral compass.

We are becoming less violent, less sexist and less racists, I know, hard to believe, but true.

I think morally that is a huge improvement.

I still need to know the definition of moral from those who always claim we are less moral, they aren't students of history if they make this claim.
If you read the debate you'd know that in my first post I advocated against jailing addicts. Robo, being the one trick wonder that he is, turned the debate towards constitutionalism. The last time I checked, advocating rehab over jail wasn't a constitutional issue. In fact, it's advocating *against* a government solution in favor of a private sector solution for the drug epidemic.

It's my opinion that hard drugs should remain illegal. Ideally, on the state level; but I'm sufficiently in touch with the real world to know that getting the federal statute changed on powerful artificial opiates like Fentanyl is tilting at the constitutionalist windmill.

Ill let you and Robo die on that hill. How's that?

Why would I want to "die on that hill?" I advocated a position. You sure like to tell people what they think for someone who doesn't like being told what you think. But I'd say we probably agree most of the time.
Why would I want to "die on that hill?" I advocated a position. You sure like to tell people what they think for someone who doesn't like being told what you think. But I'd say we probably agree most of the time.

Pot meet kettle lol. And yeah.