A Theology Question

And religion has been a very powerful organizing force in human affairs. But I strenuously disagree that religion brings something to the table that cannot be accounted for by more "physical" means. Morality being one of them.

As I said before, I do not think you know what "physical" means.
I think you have lost sight of my original point. I merely noted I am mystified by how people can simultaneously hold a religious belief predicated on God's direct communication but who wouldn't believe it in a modern day court room as a defense.

You simply decreed those things are signs of schizophrenia (which I agree with). I merely pointed out that many religious traditions are built EXACTLY on that foundation.

And, in addition, you seem to feel that religion has some "edge" on the development of morality that couldn't have arisen naturally in social animals (as we were discussing elsewhere).

You didn't seem open to that more prosaic explanation in preference for "religious traditions". It was a curious disjunct.

You seem to be suggesting that if God doesn't talk to people and if people don't accept that the Torah is literally true in a historical reality,, one cannot be a real Jew or christian

I'm a student of history

It wasn't until the last 150 years that our lives largely became political, economic, material.

In the previous fifty thousand years of humanity, a human life was a religious, spiritual, or mystical life.

The moral framework that came down to us through time was to a some substantial extent filtered through Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Islamic, Hindu, and Confucian thought and practice

I don't think that is a wild opinion out of left field. It is an honest acknowledgement of anthropological and historical reality.
And religion has been a very powerful organizing force in human affairs. But I strenuously disagree that religion brings something to the table that cannot be accounted for by more "physical" means. Morality being one of them.

There's no evidence human conceptions of morality and virtue were exactly the same in the late Bronze Age as they were in the first and second millennium CE.

None of the surviving written sources prior to about 600 BCE speaks of mercy, humility, universal love, pacifism, charity as being universal moral imperatives.

Nor do they even hint that justice might be on the side of the poor and oppressed.

The values held in high esteem in pre-Axial age written sources is courage, loyalty, protection of personal reputation. The poor and oppressed aren't even mentioned, and if they are they are subjects of caricature.

The way humans concieve of moral perfection, or the ideal ethical life changes and evolves as much as science and technology do.
You seem to be suggesting that if God doesn't talk to people and if people don't accept that the Torah is literally true in a historical reality,, one cannot be a real Jew or christian

I have said NOTHING of the sort. I have, however, noted that MANY Christians DO believe God speaks and not just in an inspirational way. Or more appropriately that they believe God spoke at one point.

The moral framework that came down to us through time was to a some substantial extent filtered through Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Islamic, Hindu, and Confucian thought and practice

Yes, you've said that many times now. I merely believe that these concepts PREDATE any religious thought.
There's no evidence human conceptions of morality and virtue were exactly the same in the late Bronze Age as they were in the first and second millennium CE.

Are you really not able to see my point even theoretically? Just curious if I am not explaining it clearly enough.

None of the surviving written sources prior to about 600 BCE speaks of mercy, humility, universal love, pacifism, charity as being universal moral imperatives.

So we just ignore the PHYSICAL evidence of it because it wasn't "written down" by the Neanderthals?
pro-social behavior and morality are THE human innovation..

this is why evil people seek to dehumanize and demoralize, to obscure and or normalize their evil.
Are you really not able to see my point even theoretically? Just curious if I am not explaining it clearly enough.

So we just ignore the PHYSICAL evidence of it because it wasn't "written down" by the Neanderthals?


evil people always seek to deny the existence and value of basic morality, because they are pieces of shit.
pro-social behavior and morality are THE human innovation..

this is why evil people seek to dehumanize and demoralize, to obscure and or normalize their evil.

Like this evil person, Fredo?:

That was funny when all those libs started berating poor old dixie for making a joke that can be seen during family time on shows Like The Hughleys, THe Jamie Foxx show, Family Matters, A different world... etc, any of those self denigrating nigger shows.

It's not even close to a zero sum game. The truth is jews hate white christians, and they simultaneously convince us to destroy our own nations, while dying to institute their Jewish Supremacist homeland. They're laughing they're asses off.
so niggers can take the day off from pretending they can read.
niggers on bottom.

If you're insinuating my beliefs are some kind of bible-thumping delusion, you might be interested to know that most christian churches, and especially the evangelicals, are actually agenteurs of the new world order, being brainwashed to believe they are "helping" to fulfill prophecy by unconditionally supporting israel and the jews. basically, they're just stupid.

I wouldn't be so anti the order if it's goals weren't so diabolical. They are pro genocide and pointedly anti-white. Promising to destroy white solidarity and ascendancy is the way they got all the other races to sign onto their plan.

It's not really a secret that Iran wants to destroy israel. This is not news. The point is: Nobody cares. Most people are tired of jew bullshit.

Many are tiring of their retarded plans for the world, their globalist schemes etc.

Oh yeah, they're a bunch of jew lawyers who go around intimidating and threatening white people. It's pretty ironic considering their "chosen people of god" attitude regarding themselves. Knowledge is power.

How about the propaganda funded by the Jewish Banker Dollars, all the shit you believe, I mean.

The Jewish Religion Does believe jews should run the world on behalf of god. They believe in a time called Olam Ha Ba when the world will be controlled under a jew led global theocracy.

More like they want to subjugate America to the will of ALLAH in a new world CALIPHATE. You jews like theocracy too though, don't you? Come now. You're in it together to enslave the stupid wasps aren't you?

RAHOWA! Bring it on, semitic people of theocratic hellhole origin!

Actually, the jewish version of theocracy is called The Noahide Laws,

the racial holy war is jews trying to murder white people by weaponizing minorities against them.

I believe they will stop their insane plan on their own.

violence is not necesary.
Divine inspiration is different than having a conversation with God.

I don't think Saint Augustine, Saint Paul, or Maimonides ever claimed to be actually having a direct conversation with God.

You're in over your head! Just because you have not experienced something doesn't mean it doesn't exist! It means your mind is nailed shut from what you haven't experienced and can't comprehend!
I've never met a single mentally stable Christian, Jew, or Muslim in my life who claims to be having conversations with God.

The archangel Gabriel reciting the Qur'an to Muhammed is either is a myth or allegory.
God talking to Moses through a burning bush is a myth.

Reading the bible as allegory is common practice among Reform and Conservative Jews, mainline Protestants and Catholics

I have never accepted biblical literalism or the the bible is a work of historical scholarship. I reject claims by Orthodox Jews and conservative evangelicals that the bible is literal history

If Pope Francis claims to be divinely inspired, I don't have a problem with that.

Chapter and verse that says anyone but Michael is ArchAngel!download.jpg