A Theology Question

Again, there are MANY religious people today who worship God predicated on DIRECT COMMUNICATION from God (via an Angel) to the founders of those religions. You cannot really take Joseph Smith and Mormonism off the table in these discussions. Even though those of us who are atheists would say it wasn't real, I GUARANTEE you that Mormons believe in Mormonism and Joseph Smith's experience.

Nonbelievers can't comprehend Communication with God,because they don't experience it, so they assume it doesn't exist!
Somewhat ironic. Cypress thinks he hears his experts speak as his own voice.

Cypress does rely a lot on appeals to authority. He's clearly very broadly read. It does, however, seem that it frustrates him when simply listing the authorities he agrees with doesn't cause his interlocutor to simply roll over and admit defeat.
Cypress does rely a lot on appeals to authority. He's clearly very broadly read. It does, however, seem that it frustrates him when simply listing the authorities he agrees with doesn't cause his interlocutor to simply roll over and admit defeat.

Yes, I find it tedious.
Remember, Cypress is talking about literally hearing a disembodied voice vs simply being "inspired" or "moved" by God.

Cypress assumes that name dropping organized Religions
Higher ups like Bishops,Popes,Cardinals not having the Holy Spirit means it doesn't exist!
Top religious figures are the very people who have mudered the Messiah and true Prophets all through history!
Cypress does rely a lot on appeals to authority. He's clearly very broadly read. It does, however, seem that it frustrates him when simply listing the authorities he agrees with doesn't cause his interlocutor to simply roll over and admit defeat.

Being an obnoxious name dropper incapable of giving his own opinion is what makes him a closedmind snob!
Who runs and hides when one doesn't buy into his spin.
That litany of rants is a whole lot of psychotic bigotry and hate.
Like all of Terry's posts, there was no point or purpose except to attempt to insult someone. Terry does not add value in any forum because Terry is in a persistent vegetative state and does not have the capacity to contribute. Terry has tried, but all of Terry's affirmative assertions are simply incorrect; it just isn't likely that a true and useful statement will simply come together by random chance, but random chance is the only chance that a mindless, hate-filled brain stem has.

Maybe, just maybe, one day someone will help Terry explain how the content of JesusAI/AssHatZombie's posts are inaccurate, for example, rather than simply put trigger words in bold.
Cypress does rely a lot on appeals to authority. He's clearly very broadly read. It does, however, seem that it frustrates him when simply listing the authorities he agrees with doesn't cause his interlocutor to simply roll over and admit defeat.

The claim that human ethical traditions came only through and because of biology and evolution was not an idea that originated in your mind. It's been around for ages. Richard Dawkins made a career writing about it.

The fact is there are no geniuses on this forum who are independently coming up with their own brilliant, original, landmark ideas.

We are reading college textbooks, articles, books, listening to subject matter experts, reading science journalism and filtering it through our own experience to decide for ourselves which ideas and concepts make the most sense to us.