A Thousand Words

I heard on BBC news that there are claims hamas used the school as a base to fire morters. if this is the case this is partially to blame on hamas as its a violation of international law using human shields.

Correct me if im wrong here please.

hamas is innocent, all fault lies with israel you infidel!
I heard the same (or similar) report about Hamas using the school as a base.

well it makes sense because it would be a win win for Hamas. If they use a school, hospital or mosque to fire the missles from there are two possible outcomes....

1) Israel does not retaliate due to the fact that it is a hospital, mosque or school. Hamas wins...

2) Israel hits back, with a very high probability of civilians being killed along with the Hamas members. Hamas proclaims Israel is attacking schools, hospitals and mosques. Hamas wins.
It's a violation of international law to use a human shield.

And it should also be a violation of international law to blow the human shield away.
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yes, it is ONLY the jews warring over there...

pick sides folks, that is all you are doing. asshat is in the ring for the muslims....who are you in the ring for

This warfare is so asymmetrical it's laughable.

My, you're a proud proud Zionist aren't you. Congratulations on your new Noahide Consciousness.
This warfare is so asymmetrical it's laughable.

My, you're a proud proud Zionist aren't you. Congratulations on your new Noahide Consciousness.

new? according to you i have had this for quite some time....do try and keep up

do you even know what the word asymmetrical means? how is it you apply it to this situation?
It's a violation of international law to use a human shield.

And it should also be a violation of international law to blow the human shield away.

great, so the human shield works....

you probably also support paying any ransom the kidnappers demand, everytime, anytime
Then let it work. We can punish them after the war. We can afford a setback, the children can't. Any other line of thought is justifying evil. We shouldn't shoot into civilians, regardless of the consequences.

who is WE? why would you let it work? by such admission you lend credibility to using human shields. do you support paying off every terrorist and kidnappers demand simply because they hold humans? your payouts would justify evil and give incentive for evil to continue as evil pays.

war is hell...as someone said. you are naive to think you can avoid shooting into civilians at every turn of events. especially when your enemy is killing you while hiding behind civilians.....
who is WE? why would you let it work? by such admission you lend credibility to using human shields. do you support paying off every terrorist and kidnappers demand simply because they hold humans? your payouts would justify evil and give incentive for evil to continue as evil pays.

war is hell...as someone said. you are naive to think you can avoid shooting into civilians at every turn of events. especially when your enemy is killing you while hiding behind civilians.....

We can easily avoid shooting civilians at every turn. Don't point the gun at them. Simple.

And I don't agree with Sherman at all in the consequences of his quote. Total war can't be justified simply by saying "war is pretty bad".
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who is WE? why would you let it work? by such admission you lend credibility to using human shields. do you support paying off every terrorist and kidnappers demand simply because they hold humans? your payouts would justify evil and give incentive for evil to continue as evil pays.

war is hell...as someone said. you are naive to think you can avoid shooting into civilians at every turn of events. especially when your enemy is killing you while hiding behind civilians.....

Im sorry yurt, but it's imbecilic to equate the sloppy missile lobs into sderot with this israeli response.
Firstly, we have only Israel's word that Hamas was using the school as a headquarters. In fact, Israel has made this claim every single time they have killed a civilian. I suppose sometimes it is even true.

However, it makes no difference. Water is right, it is justifying evil, and the only reason people are doing it is that they are unable to see Palestinians as human. In fact, if your child was lying there dead in the dirt like those dead children lined up in that picture, and some cop had put one in their head and justified by saying "but the drug dealer hid behind them", you'd want the cop put in jail. This is because you see your own child as human, but you don't see these children as human.

There are two problems with this:

1) it makes you empty inside, and something less than human yourself.
2) palestianians actually DO grieve the way that we do, and the lives of their children are as meaningful to them as yours are to you. in other words; they want vengenance. they'll get it. it probably won't be your ass, because most you with this kind of diseased outlook live in small towns that no one is ever going to bomb, though you often stay up nights worrying about it anyway. but it is only human to want to avenge your child's murder. and your big problem here is, even though you can't see it, these people are human. they will avenge.
DonQuixote called this invasion, "Evolution in action". This is how Noahides feel about it. Universal Gaia'ers too, I guess.
DonQuixote called this invasion, "Evolution in action". This is how Noahides feel about it. Universal Gaia'ers too, I guess.

I used to know DQ on another board. I was shocked at what he wrote. I can never look at him the same again. I mean frankly, I was never a fan, but I didn't know he had that in him.

What no pictures of babies being burned? No video of women being raped by those filthy jews. Come on, I need a good laugh.
We can easily avoid shooting civilians at every turn. Don't point the gun at them. Simple. The fact that you think we can't shows how evil conservatism naturally is.

And Sherman was a war criminal who should've been hung.

first off...you are incorrect to attribute "conservatism" to me.... i do not represent conservatism, so your comment about contributing my thoughts to conservatism is bullshit.

no, you are ignorant as to avoiding civilians at every turn. i have never served, but i know those who have....and i can tell you have never served, so your opinion is the same. i suggest you listen to those who have fought and been there instead of typing your arm off in your warchair.
Firstly, we have only Israel's word that Hamas was using the school as a headquarters. In fact, Israel has made this claim every single time they have killed a civilian. I suppose sometimes it is even true.

However, it makes no difference. Water is right, it is justifying evil, and the only reason people are doing it is that they are unable to see Palestinians as human. In fact, if your child was lying there dead in the dirt like those dead children lined up in that picture, and some cop had put one in their head and justified by saying "but the drug dealer hid behind them", you'd want the cop put in jail. This is because you see your own child as human, but you don't see these children as human.

There are two problems with this:

1) it makes you empty inside, and something less than human yourself.
2) palestianians actually DO grieve the way that we do, and the lives of their children are as meaningful to them as yours are to you. in other words; they want vengenance. they'll get it. it probably won't be your ass, because most you with this kind of diseased outlook live in small towns that no one is ever going to bomb, though you often stay up nights worrying about it anyway. but it is only human to want to avenge your child's murder. and your big problem here is, even though you can't see it, these people are human. they will avenge.

you have no idea how ugly war is....you only see what you want to see...pathetci