A Thousand Words

Do y'all even consider what visitors think of this site when they read this type of diatribes..
Good Lord y'all need to lay off the weed!
You like to joke about this, but for all your noble ideals and naive views you would do well to remember that it is war that decides such things.

War is evil and shouldn't decide anything. We shouldn't give any credence to anything decided by war - ever. War decides nothing.
"What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?" - Gandhi
War is evil and shouldn't decide anything. We shouldn't give any credence to anything decided by war - ever. War decides nothing.

That may well be your opinion and it is possible that one day it will be the reality. But for our modern era and thousands of years of history past, war was very much the process that determined political outcomes.
That may well be your opinion and it is possible that one day it will be the reality. But for our modern era and thousands of years of history past, war was very much the process that determined political outcomes.

Sometimes I talk about what should be, or mock what is, even though I know the reality of the situation.