Abortion....According to KingRaw

"For some reason KingRaw here thinks that I am afraid to debate him on the abortion issue. He also thinks that because I agree with some of the things Bill Keller has to say that I am in some way a follower of Bill Keller. I don't agree with everything he has to say or the way he packages it. I also am not a "follower" of Bill."

You said that athiesm is the biggest lie of them all and said I didn't have an open mind for believing that there is no God. You think mormonism is a cult from hell and won't vote for romney because of his faith. Tell us what you disagree with Bill on?
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"Let me quote for the record....I will not personally insult King or anyone else who doesn't agree with me. Insults are only a distraction from the topic."

I'm glad you said that.

"But because King has such a boner for this guy he feels that anything Keller has to say is wrong and King's opinion is right."

So much for that.
You should probably re-read his statement. It was made to be nonsensical.

I believe that all life has value, whether they have yet reached "person" and that it deserves every chance to survive so long as its presence does not cause harm to another life.

And the zygote is harmful to the mother.

But since the mother isn't a person, and the zygote is, mothers who want to murder babies should be killed to save the zygote.
And the zygote is harmful to the mother.

But since the mother isn't a person, and the zygote is, mothers who want to murder babies should be killed to save the zygote.
In what way is the zygote, fetus, etc. harmful to the mother? In some cases it certainly can be, but it is not in every case.
"For some reason KingRaw here thinks that I am afraid to debate him on the abortion issue. He also thinks that because I agree with some of the things Bill Keller has to say that I am in some way a follower of Bill Keller. I don't agree with everything he has to say or the way he packages it. I also am not a "follower" of Bill."

You said that athiesm is the biggest lie of them all and said I didn't have an open mind for believing that there is no God. You think mormonism is a cult from hell and won't vote for romney because of his faith. Tell us what you disagree with Bill on?

King, somehow I knew that you just wanted to get me on here so you could further your beef will Keller. The debate here is abortion.
I am debating about abortion. You were the one who said you wern't a follower of Keller and disagree with him on issues. What exactly do you disagree with him on?
"Let me quote for the record....I will not personally insult King or anyone else who doesn't agree with me. Insults are only a distraction from the topic."

I'm glad you said that.

"But because King has such a boner for this guy he feels that anything Keller has to say is wrong and King's opinion is right."

So much for that.

Oh, you really got me there. Is anything I said there not true? I didn't call you anything but just called to attention that you have a "boner" for Keller. Am I wrong?
I am debating about abortion. You were the one who said you wern't a follower of Keller and disagree with him on issues. What exactly do you disagree with him on?

Okay I will indulge you here on that just for a moment and then get back to the topic. I don't personally like the way Keller packages things. That doesn't mean he is wrong, I just don't agree the way he says it. I also don't agree with his opinion on divorce. Jesus said himself that it is allowed to divorce in the case of infidelity. Keller say doesn't feel that it's specifically allowed in that case.

Now, I am sure that is probably not good enough for you but that'll do.
"Anyway there King, my next question for you is why is the fetus only valuable TO YOU late in the pregnancy? That is clearly just your opinion and not the opinion of everyone but I am still curious as to how you come to that conclusion. I am going to debate this topic with you without putting my Christian beliefs into it even though I agree with how the Christians feel about it.

So again King, what is human?"

How do I come to the conclusion that a 7-9 month old fetus is considered valuable life over a fetus younger than that? Because the fetus isn't developed enough yet at those earlier stages. I don't like abortion, but sometimes it's the most responsible thing to do. I didn't say the fetus wasn't human. I said it was a human in the earliest stages of development. It isn't as human as a new born baby until late in the pregnancy.

So abortion is responsible?

It isn't "as human"? The text books that teach embryoloy don't even teach that. The human embryo has everything it needs humanwise to develop into a human. So what qualifies something to be "not as human"? Define "not as human."
So before we move on, do you agree with Bill Keller's positions on gay adoption, stem cell research, Mormons, Mitt Romney, birth control, scientology, athiests, muslims, Obama, Oprah, harry potter, repenting, cosmo mag, and sex before marriage?
So before we move on, do you agree with Bill Keller's positions on gay adoption, stem cell research, Mormons, Mitt Romney, birth control, scientology, athiests, muslims, Obama, Oprah, harry potter, repenting, cosmo mag, and sex before marriage?

If I say yes then does that mean that I am wrong? If I so no then does that mean he is wrong?

See, just what I mean. You are so obsessed with Keller and anyone that might agree with some or all of his positions.
"So abortion is responsible?"

Yes when it includes poverty, aids, extreme poverty, abusive parents, drug addicted parents, the mother's life is in danger, keeping your other kids from going into extreme poverty, ruining the mother's life, etc.

"It isn't "as human"? The text books that teach embryoloy don't even teach that. The human embryo has everything it needs humanwise to develop into a human. So what qualifies something to be "not as human"? Define "not as human.""

Not as human- Not developed enough as a new born baby. I can't make it any simpler than that. When a fetus passes the point of development to where it's basically a full grown baby in a womb, I consider that valuable life. You consider the fetus valuable from the second it's made. We disagree on the point of no return. You hold the bar from the very beginning. I hold the bar from when the fetus is almost ready to come out.
If I say yes then does that mean that I am wrong? If I so no then does that mean he is wrong?

See, just what I mean. You are so obsessed with Keller and anyone that might agree with some or all of his positions.

I think Keller's views on all of those issues I listed are extremely bigoted. And if you share the same views as him on all of those issues, then you have extremley bigoted opinions.
Then you should say I have a bone to pick with him. Saying I have a boner for him can really be taken in only one way. Nice try.

Okay I should have said you have a "bone to pick with him". As far as only being taken one way, well that is your opinion. Perhaps it is not the same lingo you would use where you are from, but again, I have been called a redneck. I do apologize if you felt it only meant one thing to you.

So, back to the abortion issue.
I think Keller's views on all of those issues I listed are extremely bigoted. And if you share the same views as him on all of those issues, then you have extremley bigoted opinions.

Now that's odd. You just said that if I share the same views as him that I am a bigot. if I shared your views would I still be considered a bigot? Could your views be considered bigotted against mine?