About 2 nights ago I created an account on X (no longer twitter) using my google acco

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
About 2 nights ago I created an account on X (no longer twitter) using my google account

Within a couple of hours my account was frozen and I still do not know why. It tells me I violated their terms or whatever but not anything specified.

I'll not be dictated too what I can or can not say or do by some shithead website. I wouldn't let google plus (which eventually shut down while I was at ten million views and getting fifty thousand views per day. In my opinion google plus was the best and it figures they shut it down) twitter who banned me for asking a muslim how would he like it if non muslims treated muslims like muslims treat non muslims. Facebook who banned me every 30 days for another 30 days for sharing facts exposing lies and deceptions especially on the foundations of primary issues. Youtube who started removing my videos citing bullshit excuses until I deleted my own channel citing I wouldn't give them the pleasure of deleting anymore of my videos. I got banned off of multiple (likely well into the hundreds) sites for sharing facts exposing lgbt lies and deceptions (due to so called liberal policy) along with other sites banning me for sharing facts exposing foundations of filthy religious lies and deceptions.

Oh and this site Justplainpolitics is pretty good. At least I can say and do as I desire here. Thinkspot is ok but I suspect I am being shadow banned there.

A few other shady things happened here and there on various sites of which over the past almost 24 years I have been fighting the good fight I have been on ~ into the thousands of sites of which some sites were (well allot of sites come to think of it) shut down along the way.

This world economic forum and their sock puppets are pretty infuriating. They can't handle a level playing field because all they do is lie and deceive primarily so they try and ban everyone off of just about everything to desperately attempt to try and make it look like no one opposes the pathetic rubbish that they so redundantly represent.

My account on X is David101JSpetch Perhaps you can tell me by viewing the few things I left behind what it is you think I violated.

When my account unfreezes within a week or so if I am still online and not out in the cold once again as I lived out the entirety of winter outside in the cold last year in a shelter I build and insulated I might make a post about wtf. Then I might leave and never come back if they ever attempt such with me again.

I thought X might be cool but that for me is a red flag when they appear to be following yet another retarded political agenda. Fa Cue X, It's looking Muskly retarded at this point. We'll see what happens.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
It was frozen because you are fucking insane and a pervert.

If your mother / father weren't perverts you wouldn't be here.

I might be a pervert, but not a sick pervert like you who advocates under age students going to work at a library with their privates hanging out. This sicko advoacates such so he can try and label decent people who advocate against such as the perverts.
Our views are acceptable, just not to a few WEF retards and their sock puppets who can't handle a level playing field because all they do primarily is a lie and deceive. Don't sell yourself short Hat.
Pervy groomers and retarded views are legal, but not morally acceptable.
If your mother / father weren't perverts you wouldn't be here.

I might be a pervert, but not a sick pervert like you who advocates under age students going to work at a library with their privates hanging out. This sicko advoacates such so he can try and label decent people who advocate against such as the perverts.

You admit approaching an underage woman in an alley and commenting on her dress. You sick fuck. What a creepy motherfucker you are. I'm just waiting to hear your name on the news. Not in a good way.
Clearly Google passed information about you on to Elon Musk at X.
You should delete your Google account as quickly as possible then go into hiding in a cabin in the woods and not use any internet for the next 10 years until they forget who you are.