About 2 nights ago I created an account on X (no longer twitter) using my google acco


I'll not be dictated too what I can or can not say or do by some shithead website. ...

Can't get passed this part which cracks me up.

Next up :

- I won't let restaurants dictate i have to wear a shirt or shoes to get service
- I won't let the amusement park dictate the height i have to be ride
- i won't let the soccer club tell me we are not playing baseball

Who do these businesses think they are in thinking they can have and set their own terms of service and not understanding that if 1MM of us have 1MM different views of what the TOS should be, then we dictate and not the business.

About 2 nights ago I created an account on X (no longer twitter) using my google account

Within a couple of hours my account was frozen and I still do not know why. It tells me I violated their terms or whatever but not anything specified.

I'll not be dictated too what I can or can not say or do by some shithead website. I wouldn't let google plus (which eventually shut down while I was at ten million views and getting fifty thousand views per day. In my opinion google plus was the best and it figures they shut it down) twitter who banned me for asking a muslim how would he like it if non muslims treated muslims like muslims treat non muslims. Facebook who banned me every 30 days for another 30 days for sharing facts exposing lies and deceptions especially on the foundations of primary issues. Youtube who started removing my videos citing bullshit excuses until I deleted my own channel citing I wouldn't give them the pleasure of deleting anymore of my videos. I got banned off of multiple (likely well into the hundreds) sites for sharing facts exposing lgbt lies and deceptions (due to so called liberal policy) along with other sites banning me for sharing facts exposing foundations of filthy religious lies and deceptions.

Oh and this site Justplainpolitics is pretty good. At least I can say and do as I desire here. Thinkspot is ok but I suspect I am being shadow banned there.

A few other shady things happened here and there on various sites of which over the past almost 24 years I have been fighting the good fight I have been on ~ into the thousands of sites of which some sites were (well allot of sites come to think of it) shut down along the way.

This world economic forum and their sock puppets are pretty infuriating. They can't handle a level playing field because all they do is lie and deceive primarily so they try and ban everyone off of just about everything to desperately attempt to try and make it look like no one opposes the pathetic rubbish that they so redundantly represent.

My account on X is David101JSpetch Perhaps you can tell me by viewing the few things I left behind what it is you think I violated.

When my account unfreezes within a week or so if I am still online and not out in the cold once again as I lived out the entirety of winter outside in the cold last year in a shelter I build and insulated I might make a post about wtf. Then I might leave and never come back if they ever attempt such with me again.

I thought X might be cool but that for me is a red flag when they appear to be following yet another retarded political agenda. Fa Cue X, It's looking Muskly retarded at this point. We'll see what happens.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!

I'm sorry I don't have your downtime to read your entire rant. What I would do if I were you is read X's terms of use. Given the hate-filled screeds you post here, I'm not shocked you were TOS'd.

Now, since Musk took over X, much more hate speech and misinformation is allowed on that platform.

So, what that tells us is you must have really fucked up!

One of them is probably Douche Duck.

I'm just saying....
Sybil fears me.

It was frozen because you are fucking insane and a pervert.
True but he's also everything Musk wants in members. A raging racist/antisemite.

He's probably lying about having his account frozen. He's paranoid when he's off his meds.
You admit approaching an underage woman in an alley and commenting on her dress. You sick fuck. What a creepy motherfucker you are. I'm just waiting to hear your name on the news. Not in a good way.

I saw an underaged librarian with her shit hanging out in the parkinglot of the library and let her know that her shit was hanging out you dumb fuckin perverted imbecile who advocates under aged girls working at a library with their privates hanging out.

Yeah I am waiting for my name in the news for playing a key role in starting the first coalition against onmlinme child exploitation and rape announced between the United Kingdom and Canada in August 2008 of which by 2012 50 countries were following example and by 2015 almost 100 countries in coalition against onlinme child exploitation and rape. I proudly played a key role in saving millions of children around the world. What have you done, oh right you advocate minors working at public building with their privates hanging out while trying to use that to make decent people out to be worse than you of which in this case is impossible you sick tart.

I know you sick bottom of the barrel types were behind that shit to try and make me look like the bad guy because you sickos advocate underageed girls working with their privates hanging out (likely knew I am the stand up guy who would let her know so she was at least aware her privates were hanging out) while you also advocate the lying sicko World Economic Forum lgbt hate group of which Collingwood was getting ready to disgust the citizens of collingwood in July of 2023 and their goal was to obviously shut me down in Collingwood BECAUSE I SPENT THE PREVIOUS MONTH INTELLECTUALLY SLAUGHTERING THEM WITH THE GREATEST OF EASE which was why I stood up and let everyone know what sick pieces of excremnent like you were up too poptart at that library and yeah I certainly didn't hide it because unlike you I am not a sick pervert.
Pervy groomers and retarded views are legal, but not morally acceptable.

It is certainly morally acceptable to share facts exposing sick WEF and leftist / woke / religious headcase lies and deceptions as I have been for decades. Your retarded views / lies and deceptions are legal because of WEF, lobbying, useful idioits and a main stream idiot media used to threaten to slander people for not going along with their sick little agenda.
Clearly Google passed information about you on to Elon Musk at X.
You should delete your Google account as quickly as possible then go into hiding in a cabin in the woods and not use any internet for the next 10 years until they forget who you are.

All the thanks you got for that comment reveals how shit of the same diaper sticks together along with your delusional thinking.
Can't get passed this part which cracks me up.

Next up :

- I won't let restaurants dictate i have to wear a shirt or shoes to get service
- I won't let the amusement park dictate the height i have to be ride
- i won't let the soccer club tell me we are not playing baseball

Who do these businesses think they are in thinking they can have and set their own terms of service and not understanding that if 1MM of us have 1MM different views of what the TOS should be, then we dictate and not the business.


Perhaps you brain is just way too small to understand I have no problem wearing a shirt and shoes in a resteraunt, I am tall enough to ride if I were ever interested in going to a ride at an amusement park and I am not a soccer enthusiast and haven't played baseball in decades. I have left plenty of sites in my dust for attempting such with me imbecile.
I'm sorry I don't have your downtime to read your entire rant. What I would do if I were you is read X's terms of use. Given the hate-filled screeds you post here, I'm not shocked you were TOS'd.

Now, since Musk took over X, much more hate speech and misinformation is allowed on that platform.

So, what that tells us is you must have really fucked up!


I do not hate anyone or anything no matter how desperate you are to try and make what is into what your pea little brain would rather it be. Sharing facts exposing lies and deceptions is not hate but again your brain is obviuously way too small and leftistly / wokely retardeded to understand something so simple all by yourself.
True but he's also everything Musk wants in members. A raging racist/antisemite.

He's probably lying about having his account frozen. He's paranoid when he's off his meds.

Truth is the garbage that crumbles when pit vs. fact every single time. After thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day I am anti every religion and fyi unless you are antisemitist you are all for jews enslaving you while they attempt to divide and conquer several countries around the world simultaneously in modern day since your head is shoved way too far up your own back side to admit what is obvious you sick WEF advocate. Right you have no evidence of racism.

spetch is gold.

our forum is lucky to have him, you sold out stooge.


Thanks Hat.

Some sick types around here might take pleasure in knowing that on my birthday Feb 1st (shout out to Just Plain Politics for the happy birthday email, thanks) I left the abusive hotel and hitch hiked into Toronto from Parry Sound. I have since been to a couple of cities in southern Ontario and have had a hard time finding a place to live. I have been living outside in the cold under a tarp with a sleeping bag. I haven't had time to get on here and see I wasn't really missing much. I mean the content of woke / WEF sock puppet retards doesn't account for much at all and plenty of those around here as anyone can see by reading this thread for example as they constantly attempt to make what is into what their sick little heads would rather it be.

I might have to travel to another city and try there ... becoming exhausting in winter but oh well.
I might not be able to respond here for a while as I have to see about survival throughout the winter of which is likely to spark retards around here to further attempt to make what is into what their sick little pea brained heads would rather it be in my absence as I notice they have been already.

Take care all.
Truth is the garbage that crumbles when pit vs. fact every single time. After thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day I am anti every religion and fyi unless you are antisemitist you are all for jews enslaving you while they attempt to divide and conquer several countries around the world simultaneously in modern day since your head is shoved way too far up your own back side to admit what is obvious you sick WEF advocate. Right you have no evidence of racism.
Don't be a spetch
Truth is the garbage that crumbles when pit vs. fact every single time. After thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day I am anti every religion and fyi unless you are antisemitist you are all for jews enslaving you while they attempt to divide and conquer several countries around the world simultaneously in modern day since your head is shoved way too far up your own back side to admit what is obvious you sick WEF advocate. Right you have no evidence of racism.

jews enslaving you while they attempt to divide and conquer several countries around the world simultaneously

oy vey :palm:
I do not hate anyone or anything no matter how desperate you are to try and make what is into what your pea little brain would rather it be. Sharing facts exposing lies and deceptions is not hate but again your brain is obviuously way too small and leftistly / wokely retardeded to understand something so simple all by yourself.

OMG. It's back!