addiction is a medical problem

I was just reading an article yesterday that was saying the drug poisioning death were up something like 500% in the last 4 years.
Seem like part of it is related to the Oxycotin scandals and abuse and DR's moving people to other prescription pain relievers for serious cronic pain with much worse side effects including death from drug buildup in the body.

yeah get rid of Oxycotin and put them on Methadone and kill them...Real brilliant.

Let Dr's do their job without political interference.

Give them all the drugs they want and let Natural Selection take its course.
Okay, it's not a disease. It's a chosen behavior. And I don't believe it is truly a medical problem so much as a psychological one. Certainly jail is not the answer. But neither is telling the addict that they are a powerless victim.


psychological problems are a disease per the AMA

psychological pain can be just as bad as physical pain

also, some people addict easier than others
Yep and if we give them the drugs they will not kill and steal to get them.

LadyT, we have solved the problem. :clink:
In all seriousness it is a disease though. Some people are just susceptible to becoming addicted to drugs and others aren't. An addicts brain is actually altered and responds differently to various stimuli. Can they avoid the disease? Absolutely. Is it usually their fault for getting addicted in the first place? Yes. But that doesn't change the fact that it is a disease.
Addicts tend to have unprotected and babies. It would not "get rid of the addict genes" it would perpetuate them.

the trick is to keep them so high they won't even think about it. And maybe slip in more drugs to kill their drives. they are junkies, whta do they care?
Alcoholism is the worst. When they are really addicted they need to be monitored when they are coming down. They can go into seizures and die.

psychological problems are a disease per the AMA

psychological pain can be just as bad as physical pain

also, some people addict easier than others

Who cares. The AMA is a political body not a scientific one.

In all seriousness it is a disease though. Some people are just susceptible to becoming addicted to drugs and others aren't. An addicts brain is actually altered and responds differently to various stimuli. Can they avoid the disease? Absolutely. Is it usually their fault for getting addicted in the first place? Yes. But that doesn't change the fact that it is a disease.

Yeah it does. Nobody chooses to get a disease. Sure, chosen behaviors can put one at risk, but there's a big difference between aids or cancer and addiction. The ill effects of addiction can be avoided by simply modifying behavior. You can't simply choose not to let aids/cancer harm you.

50 million Americans have chosen to quit the "disease" of nicotine addiction, 90% without any medication or formal therapy. Show me one person that simply quit cancer.

Addiction can be tough to kick, but it's not a disease and the difficulties the addict faces are not reason to throw out science and objective definitions. It's a chosen behavior.

You might think that playing loose with disease shows compassion. It does not. You disempower the addict over his life and enable him to continue his poor choices.

I say this as a person that has suffered addictions.
Alcoholism is the worst. When they are really addicted they need to be monitored when they are coming down. They can go into seizures and die.
You can die from Heroine withdrawal too.

This is why I get sick of the "shopping addict" crap. It almost makes me ill to realize that some people think that obsessions are the same thing as an actual addiction.
Scientist report shit all the time. Does not mean they found anything. If they can weather the scientific method of other researchers finding the same, then fine, but jumping on one study as proof is foolish.