addiction is a medical problem

Scientist report shit all the time. Does not mean they found anything. If they can weather the scientific method of other researchers finding the same, then fine, but jumping on one study as proof is foolish.

ROTFLMAO, this from someone who thinks that a guy that gets 3% of the vote is right ?
Who cares. The AMA is a political body not a scientific one.

Yeah it does. Nobody chooses to get a disease. Sure, chosen behaviors can put one at risk, but there's a big difference between aids or cancer and addiction. The ill effects of addiction can be avoided by simply modifying behavior. You can't simply choose not to let aids/cancer harm you.

50 million Americans have chosen to quit the "disease" of nicotine addiction, 90% without any medication or formal therapy. Show me one person that simply quit cancer.

Addiction can be tough to kick, but it's not a disease and the difficulties the addict faces are not reason to throw out science and objective definitions. It's a chosen behavior.

You might think that playing loose with disease shows compassion. It does not. You disempower the addict over his life and enable him to continue his poor choices.

I say this as a person that has suffered addictions.

Hmmmm......Rstring vs. AMA and a host doctors specializing in addiction........who to believe.....who to believe.....
Who cares. The AMA is a political body not a scientific one.

Yeah it does. Nobody chooses to get a disease. Sure, chosen behaviors can put one at risk, but there's a big difference between aids or cancer and addiction. The ill effects of addiction can be avoided by simply modifying behavior. You can't simply choose not to let aids/cancer harm you.

50 million Americans have chosen to quit the "disease" of nicotine addiction, 90% without any medication or formal therapy. Show me one person that simply quit cancer.

Addiction can be tough to kick, but it's not a disease and the difficulties the addict faces are not reason to throw out science and objective definitions. It's a chosen behavior.

You might think that playing loose with disease shows compassion. It does not. You disempower the addict over his life and enable him to continue his poor choices.

I say this as a person that has suffered addictions.

Every doctor, researcher, and therapist I've seen in recent years that have spoken on the subject say the exact opposite of the $hit you're pulling out of your as$ right now. It is a disease and that is how they are treating addicts at this point in time. I never once said that they "chose" to be addicted to their substance of choice. Most of the times it is however their fault that they are addicted. There is a big distinction there.

Getting back to your cancer example: No one chooses to get cancer. But there are those who engage in activities that are known to cause the disease and get it. The same is true for addicts.
ROTFLMAO, this from someone who thinks that a guy that gets 3% of the vote is right ?

Voting applies the scientific method???

Most of the studies that people tout do not show addiction is genetic. They show that stimuli have certain effects on the brain. Which can then be altered.

Same thing with this heroin study. I don't see anything in the article that shows it is genetic other than the headline. Heroin overstimulates a certain part of the brain, no mention of there being a genetic predisposition. Idiots think that the fact that there may be pharmacological answer equates to it being genetic. Nope.
Voting applies the scientific method???

Most of the studies that people tout do not show addiction is genetic. They show that stimuli have certain effects on the brain. Which can then be altered.

Same thing with this heroin study. I don't see anything in the article that shows it is genetic other than the headline. Heroin overstimulates a certain part of the brain, no mention of there being a genetic predisposition. Idiots think that the fact that there may be pharmacological answer equates to genetics. Nope.

well you seem to think the scientific stuff is like voting since you talked of the low number of scientists saying it was genetic.

that was what about caused me to spew Dew.
Thanks for the chuckle.
Getting back to your cancer example: No one chooses to get cancer. But there are those who engage in activities that are known to cause the disease and get it. The same is true for addicts.

As I said, yes, behaviors can put you at risk. The difference that you evade is that you can't quit cancer. You can't cure it by simply modifying behavior.
well you seem to think the scientific stuff is like voting since you talked of the low number of scientists saying it was genetic.

that was what about caused me to spew Dew.
Thanks for the chuckle.

No, I did not. I never mentioned a low number of scientist saying it was genetic. T employed the opposite. I stated that other researcher must find the same results employing scientific methods before we jump on board. It is not simply a matter of scientists expressing an opinion. Their results must show the hypothesis to be true.

I am fully open to accepting that it is genetic. And I don't claim to be a scientist but I can follow. As of yet, there is nothing to show a genetic predisposition to addiction, unlike many other REAL diseases. Headlines are meaningless hype.
simply modifying behavior

Hmm sounds so simple doesn't it. Like simply not being a Ronbot ?

I choose Ron Paul. Nothing about it is a disease. The habitual ignorance you display is not a disease either. Though, it's quite likely you come from a long line of morons.
Actually I come from a long line of mensan grade hoomans.

Just ribbing you. I believe, you claim you are an old school programmer, so I am guessing you are probably right on your lineage. Does not mean they were too astute politically, though. :clink:
Just ribbing you. I believe, you claim you are an old school programmer, so I am guessing you are probably right on your lineage. Does not mean they were too astute politically, though. :clink:

True, obviously intelligence oft times has little to do with political decisions.
You do support RP after all and appear to be intelligent.

could not pass that up.
No, I did not. I never mentioned a low number of scientist saying it was genetic. T employed the opposite. I stated that other researcher must find the same results employing scientific methods before we jump on board. It is not simply a matter of scientists expressing an opinion. Their results must show the hypothesis to be true.

I am fully open to accepting that it is genetic. And I don't claim to be a scientist but I can follow. As of yet, there is nothing to show a genetic predisposition to addiction, unlike many other REAL diseases. Headlines are meaningless hype.

You should really do simple googles before you even attempt to speak on the subject. Clearly you're pulling all of this out you butt.

"There is evidence that heredity plays an important part in increasing the likelihood of an individual developing an addiction to illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. "

"There is plenty of evidence for a connection between genetic endowment and addiction to alcohol and drugs. By analyzing patterns of inheritance, researchers have learned that heredity accounts for about half of the risk that a person will develop an addiction. Addiction is a medical illness and develops in the same way as many other illnesses. A person with some underlying genetic vulnerability is exposed to an environment that brings on the illness. In the case of drug and alcohol addiction, common environmental factors are..."
Yeah we can do competing googles on what amount to laymen and those who have an interest in their position. But why? I read your study on heroin and responded, if you have another I will take a look.