Additional Federal charges for Trump on the way

Actually, prosecutors usually do it as a means to avoid trial and get a plea deal. They pile on the charges then agree to just one or two of them being taken as guilty by the defendant for a fraction of the possible time if all are pressed.

It fails when at trial the jury sees it as the prosecution just dogpiling the defendant with charges. Usually, a jury will toss out most or even all of the charges because they see through the prosecution's ploy. Of course, good prosecutors know that and avoid doing it when they know it won't work.

Here, I suspect they're trying to load Trump and his defense lawyers up with so much that they keep him from campaigning. After all, I and a good chunk of Americans (somewhere between 40 and 45%) at this point believe in whole or part that this is more about keeping Trump from running or effectively running in 2024 than it is about the documents or any real criminal behavior.

Here's what recent polling says about a Trump indictment

Fact Check: Trump Indictment 'Politically Motivated' Think Most Americans

I definitely think there is a political angle to the charges as much or more than a criminal one and the prosecution is not solely motivated by seeking "justice." You may think different, but convincing 12 people might be pretty damn hard if it goes to trial...

There's even better proof of the popularity of Trump. The Democrats are scared shitless that he's not only going to win the nomination, but win the election as well, perhaps by margins far more than they can conduct their cheating.
Yes, Americans are like me,
Only DEMOCRATS are like you. They hate America and they hate the United States.
and that's why your Donald not only lost the last election
Trump has never lost an election.
by 7 million votes,
There are not seven million electoral college members.
but your lovely state of Michigan, among others turned a nice shade of blue.
States have no colors. BTW, Michigan didn't choose any electoral college members in 2020.
I respect your opinions about preventing Voting Fraud, but I do not agree with you accusing any State of Voting Fraud in the 2020 election without any validated and substantiated proof.

Your personal opinion on the matter, is about as worthless as a fart through a screen door!

Evidence of election fraud by DEMOCRATS has already been presented to you, ya dumb lizard. RQAA.
He was no longer President when he boxed up the documents and move out of the White House. He admits in an audio tape that the are still top secret and he can no longer declassify them. He convicts himself.

YES HE WAS. Trump does not need to declassify anything. He is authorized to retain any document he wishes.

No crime.
The game of the left is to pretend that election fraud has something to do with Dominion/Diebold (they were Diebold when you hated them, now that you love them they are Dominion.)

Of course the real and pervasive election fraud is proxy voting, ballots cast in the name of those on the voter registration rolls who have died or moved away. The fascist democrat Reich has spent BILLIONS of dollars to fight any efforts to clear voter registration rolls of dead and vacant voters. Anyone not physically present votes democrat - and we all know it. In 2020, Michigan refused to even check the signatures on mail-in ballots, ensuring massive fraud on an unprecedented level. The fraud in Georgia with no validation of mail-in ballots was likewise overwhelming. Georgia has since passed laws to increase the integrity of the voting process, including mail back validation of registration. This is critical, it will make voters return a prepaid card to acknowledge they are still at the address on the registration rolls. Potentially costing democrats millions of fraudulent votes.

Pennsylvania, another state with off the scale election fraud in 2020 utterly refused to address the in-your-face fraud, so it will go to the democrats due to cheating.

At least seven States never chose any electors, including Pennsylvania and Georgia.
There is a civil war raging between Americans and democrats.

You democrats will win, or America will survive - one or the other.

Not an open shooting war yet, but that won't be long now. That will probably start some time in the summer of 2024.

Democrats generally hate guns and are hoplophobic.
Americans love guns and know how to use them. They also make them.

There are some 400 million guns in the hands of citizens. Democrats had better do some serious navel gazing before they start a fucking war. (They won't, of course. You can already see the war mongering going on here at JPP and Biden's infamous 'red' speech. Biden even desecrated the flag at the White House, flying instead the 'rainbow' flag used by sexual perverts to flaunt what they are.
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It is absolutely amazing to me that given the incontrovertible evidence that Donald Trump showed top secret military plans for an invasion of Iran to four people with no security clearance that one single person in this country could possibly not want him in prison, and certainly not anywhere near the White House. My only conclusion is that these people hate America and want to see our enemies do it harm. In other words, I can conclude only that they are traitors. Period. Full stop.

He didn't. Stop making shit up.
Two more from Mr. Smith, and one in Georgia. I understand now that other states are investigating election interference as well. The walls are closing in. And when Trump is found guilty and sentenced to jail, all of his supporters will disappear like a fart in the wind.

We ARE going to make America Great Again, by flushing Trump and his cult down the toilet.

Guilty of what?
Sir, you are again stating opinions without having any verifiable substantiated evidence to back up your opinions!

And people will go to jail for lying about this! That is cheating in itself. We do have laws against this. And we intend to apply them!

Justice will be served.

The only evidence of anyone trying to cheat in the 2020 election is now the evidence against Donald Trump and his minions!

Projection (inversion fallacy). You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, dude. There was no 2020 election. It faulted due to election fraud by Democrats. So did several 2022 elections.
Yes, some of the DEMOCRAT fraudsters are in jail right now. Yes, justice WILL be served, one way or the other.

You really are a dumb lizard.
Not even close to true.

The fascists spend literally billions of dollars to ensure that voter registration rolls are never sanatized.

Michigan’s Secretary of State Fights to Keep Dead on Voter Rolls | The Heritage Foundation
Democrats roll out new tool to combat voter purges | CNN Politics
Pa. home to latest fight over purging or cleaning voter rolls - The Fulcrum

Proxy voting - election fraud - is a MAJOR part of the democrat machine to seize power.

Free and fair elections are a danger to the absolute power the Reich seeks, so the Reich uses everything they have to fight against free and fair elections.

If your Reich can throw people in prison for stopping election fraud. there is no doubt you will do it. We've seen the lengths your Reich will go to in order to seize and retain power. You're attempting to throw the opposition candidate in a presidential election in prison - straight out of Nazi Germany. You've got a thousand political prisoners rotting in a gulag for protesting against your shameful and treasonous party. You sent your Brown Shirts on a two year Kristallnacht, burning, looting, murdering, and raping from coast to coast - the worst insurrection America has seen since the last time you waged civil war against America.

I understand that this is no joke, democrats are violent and willing to do anything to gain and hold power - atrocities aren't a bug, they are a feature with the fascist Reich of the democrats.

democrats will prevail, or America will survive - one or the other.

The United States has never had a civil war.

The so-called 'Civil War' wasn't a civil war. It was a war between two different nations. That war was started by Lincoln, attempting to end slavery in both nations. The Confederacy lost that war, and Republicans in Congress and the people of this nation passed a Constitutional amendment to make slavery illegal, ending the practice. The Confederate nation was dissolved, and those territories eventually became States of the Union.

But this coming war will be a civil war...America's first. Worse, it will be a religiously based war, the worst kind.

On one side, will be Americans defending the homes, their families, and their businesses.
On the other will be Democrat radicals trying to burn homes and businesses, destroy families, and destroy anything to do with Christianity.

It will be the Church of the Ozone Hole, the Church of Green, the Church of Global Warming, the Church of Covid, the Church of Hate, and the Church of No God against the Christians.

It ain't gonna be pretty.
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