Afghanistan More Civilized than America

So we outlaw them and then what? Destroy are arsenal of them? Meanwhile Iran, china, India, Pakistan, Russia, and others have them and use them.
So we outlaw them and then what? Destroy are arsenal of them? Meanwhile Iran, china, India, Pakistan, Russia, and others have them and use them.

And we used to add, and Afghanistan. But one by one, without the greatly lauded "moral leadership" of the US, countries are outlawing them. If we are looking to Russia and China to be the moral leaders of this world, then we are creating a world no one will want to live in.

I don't look there. As each country joins, the fewer the number who refuse to, and the more isolated they become. The more pressure that is built.

And then one day, it is no longer morally acceptable for anyone to use cluster bombs, ever.
im reluctant to ever eliminate the US's dominance of military power. Perhaps a treaty banning use of them but that doesn't include destroying them or making it illegal to make them. That way if something ever happens and we have to war with a country using them on us then we have and can use them.
im reluctant to ever eliminate the US's dominance of military power. Perhaps a treaty banning use of them but that doesn't include destroying them or making it illegal to make them. That way if something ever happens and we have to war with a country using them on us then we have and can use them.

As far as I have seen, this treaty simply bans the use of the cluster bombs, not the possession of them. So it would appear to fit your above statements suggestions.
As far as I have seen, this treaty simply bans the use of the cluster bombs, not the possession of them. So it would appear to fit your above statements suggestions.

That's correct. And we probably would hold onto the ones we have, just in case we ever have to fight Israel.
So we outlaw them and then what? Destroy are arsenal of them? Meanwhile Iran, china, India, Pakistan, Russia, and others have them and use them.

"They do it to" doesn't work with moral issues. I have heard so many arguments about things like torture that just talk about the ends, and not the means. The U.S. has to stand for something, and LEAD.

Losing cluster bombs isn't going to cede anything to anyone. Future superpowers are going to be decided economically, anyway, not by military prowess. Still, we can maintain that & our security, and lose cluster bombs, and we'll be just fine.
As far as I have seen, this treaty simply bans the use of the cluster bombs, not the possession of them. So it would appear to fit your above statements suggestions.

Then im totally fine with it. but if some terrorists sponsored in Iran come and kill any more of my friends or family like on 911 then id like to use them all on there heavily populated residential zones.
Then im totally fine with it. but if some terrorists sponsored in Iran come and kill any more of my friends or family like on 911 then id like to use them all on there heavily populated residential zones.

Nice! State-sponsored terrorism is just dandy as long as the US is the state sponsoring it.
Chap's being facetious (I think), but that is the mentality that has perpetuated violence since the beginning of time.
You are a ridiculous idiot.
Half joking but I am half serious. Id rather a whole village of al quida be wiped out over 1 American.

Obama wont go all soft and pussycat on military as demonstrated by his hawkish cabinet. He knows he will lose all of the obamicans and independents in 4 years if he weakened and hollows out the us military machine.
"Half joking but I am half serious. Id rather a whole village of al quida be wiped out over 1 American."

Dude, that's just ignorant. There is no such thing as a "whole village of Al Qaeda." Villages are villages, with women & children & innocents, and their lives aren't worth any less than anyone else's.
"Half joking but I am half serious. Id rather a whole village of al quida be wiped out over 1 American."

Dude, that's just ignorant. There is no such thing as a "whole village of Al Qaeda." Villages are villages, with women & children & innocents, and their lives aren't worth any less than anyone else's.

not true. my family and friends lifes are worth more to me then other people.