A'ight... Here's the News of the Site...


Staff member
I've made some updates... I made the Blue Style the Default style... If you'd like the Old Style it can be selected down below under "Old Style"...
Grind said:
annnnd what about the others? :p

I'm getting there... The problem is getting the right names and right pictures in the right files... Give me some time I'm a n00b at this level.
For me it is all the white that hurt my eyes. I had to change it to something a little more toned down from that and I made it the default so when I was testing things and deleted cookies I got this one first.
I am working on building a "War Zone" where users can request an area to do direct Battle in.

My goal is to make it so they can:

1. Request and give power to a Debate Moderator who will ask the questions.
2. Set a time limit on responses.
3. Allow access to only the Warriors selected for the Battle...
4. Allow all users to read, but not take part in the Battle.

So far I can:

1. Create an area that only users I call Warriors can access...

Looking into the rest before I make the War Zone...
Damocles said:
I am working on building a "War Zone" where users can request an area to do direct Battle in.

My goal is to make it so they can:

1. Request and give power to a Debate Moderator who will ask the questions.
2. Set a time limit on responses.
3. Allow access to only the Warriors selected for the Battle...
4. Allow all users to read, but not take part in the Battle.

So far I can:

1. Create an area that only users I call Warriors can access...

Looking into the rest before I make the War Zone...




i guess we'll have fp.com #1 and fp.com #2

fine with me.

Damocles said:
Actually, I got the idea from the Above Top Secret forums...

If you look back you will find that I was one of the first to suggest it for your site.

whatever you say Damo. lol Ive pushed your site on fullpolitics, im one of your top posters here.

i guess we can expect issue voting here soon too? a SC in the works? editorials? vote tracking? election tracking? you gonna wait around for me to develop stuff or propose it, see what the response is, then add it over here?

just curious?

might want to change the domain to justlikefullpolitics.com .

SR_ said:
whatever you say Damo. lol Ive pushed your site on fullpolitics, im one of your top posters here.

i guess we can expect issue voting here soon too? a SC in the works? editorials? vote tracking? election tracking? you gonna wait around for me to develop stuff or propose it, see what the response is, then add it over here?

just curious?

might want to change the domain to justlikefullpolitics.com .


No, I like joke trolls... and don't want them to "vote" on something important.

Anyway, go and look up Above Top Secret... Check it out. Tens of thousands of members, been around for years. I am a member there... Check into their Poli site and see if I'm lying. I like the debate area.

But it's all good.

We both plug each others sites. I enjoy your site. I just wanted to make one of my own.
Since I cannot be on the site all the time I have enlisted the aid of a member to help me out. Beefy is the new site Moderator and can help enforce the rules and keep the peace...

Thank you, Beefy!
Damocles said:
Since I cannot be on the site all the time I have enlisted the aid of a member to help me out. Beefy is the new site Moderator and can help enforce the rules and keep the peace...

Thank you, Beefy!

You're welcome.