Ain't welfare great?


Loyal to the end
Recently Michelle Obama went to serve food to the homeless at a government funded soup kitchen.


Cost of a bowl of soup at homeless shelter $000 dollars
Having Michelle Obama Serve you your soup $0.00 dollars
Snapping a picture of a homeless person who is receiving government funded meal while taking a picture of the first lady using his $500 Black Berry cell phone $$$$ Priceless
You are assuming that the person taking her picture is also getting free food rather than being a gawker. Also, have you ever worked a soup line, usually there is no proof of income requirement. You make assumptions from this picture that do not necessarily follow from the evidence provided.
You are assuming that the person taking her picture is also getting free food rather than being a gawker. Also, have you ever worked a soup line, usually there is no proof of income requirement. You make assumptions from this picture that do not necessarily follow from the evidence provided.
either he's a lackey or a welfare lackey. *shrug*
Dude that is so not welfare. WTF soup kitchens are helping the downtrodden.
As a businessman I can see why you would be against your hard earned tax dollars going to wellfare, aren't soup kitchens usually all volunteers?
Dude that is so not welfare. WTF soup kitchens are helping the downtrodden.
As a businessman I can see why you would be against your hard earned tax dollars going to wellfare, aren't soup kitchens usually all volunteers?
Good point. Let's end all welfare and just have soup kitchens and homeless shelters with 40 square feet per inmate. But to get in line for soup you have to have a BMI under the acceptable medical minimum.
I'm all for a small welfare program like pre Obama.
But Obama has given the welfare recipients about 100 times more than anyone asked for in reparations and just called it stimulus.
Hey now welfare recipients bend over here comes your stimulus. How other democrats are pissed is beyond me. All I can think is they hate Bush so much, other than raping their Moms Obama can do no wrong.
I don't get it, but I'm not the typical political junkie.
I was hard core repub till about turning 40, soley for tax issues. Raising two boys in private school (1,000 a month tuition) little leage for 15yrs. I coulda cared less about politics. Even now truning dem, I'm 1,000 percent libtard on social issues and 1,000 percent conservative on fiscal issue.
So I'm probably as odd as the socialist BAC.
Liberalism is emotional based, so you can't use logic to predict how a libtard will behave. Obama is their messiah who promised hope and change, that makes them feel good so will defend him no matter what. Female libs would line up for an insemination to make millions of little obamas.
Liberalism is emotional based, so you can't use logic to predict how a libtard will behave. Obama is their messiah who promised hope and change, that makes them feel good so will defend him no matter what. Female libs would line up for an insemination to make millions of little obamas.
And male conservatives would line up to blow Reagan just to say they got close to him
Liberalism is emotional based, so you can't use logic to predict how a libtard will behave. Obama is their messiah who promised hope and change, that makes them feel good so will defend him no matter what. Female libs would line up for an insemination to make millions of little obamas.

SM, practically all politics, besides those practiced by computers, are based on emotion. It's just that liberals, unlike conservatives, also have reason to back them up. The only time a conservative feels no emotion is when a human life ends, or someone is hurt.
Liberalism is emotional based, so you can't use logic to predict how a libtard will behave. Obama is their messiah who promised hope and change, that makes them feel good so will defend him no matter what. Female libs would line up for an insemination to make millions of little obamas.

How right wing pea brained of you...

Liberalism is based on logic, an intelligent view taking into account all angles of a topic and understanding of what someone else may be experiencing...

Right wing pea brains like you have an ideology totally based on emotions...FEAR, hatred and racism...

I hope you pea brains never change... the GOP will be out of power for a millennium...
SM, practically all politics, besides those practiced by computers, are based on emotion. It's just that liberals, unlike conservatives, also have reason to back them up. The only time a conservative feels no emotion is when a human life ends, or someone is hurt.

How right wing pea brained of you...

Liberalism is based on logic, an intelligent view taking into account all angles of a topic and understanding of what someone else may be experiencing...

Right wing pea brains like you have an ideology totally based on emotions...FEAR, hatred and racism...

I hope you pea brains never change... the GOP will be out of power for a millennium...

:lmao: Zero logic from both of you. Delicious irony!
:lmao: Zero logic from both of you. Delicious irony!


Extremely conservative and authoritarian attitudes may lead ... to an actively hostile or dominant approach to dealing with socially sanctioned scapegoats and devalued out-groups (and) may lead to a more passively submissive or deferential posture toward authorities, which would make its subscribers ideal candidates to follow the next Hitler or Mussolini. Thus, extreme right-wing attitudes "lock" people into a " dominance submissive authoritarian embrace".

"People embrace political conservatism (at least in part) because it serves to reduce fear, anxiety and uncertainty; to avoid change, disruption and ambiguity; and to explain, order and justify inequality among groups and individuals."

To come to this conclusion the authors examined 88 different psychological studies conducted between 1958 and 2002 that involved 22,818 people from 12 different countries. They boiled that information down into a number of psychological attributes that are closely associated with people who are politically conservative.

Numerous studies have also shown that conservative policymakers entertain less cognitively complex thoughts than their liberal or moderate counterparts. A study of speeches made in the House of Commons in 1984 found that "the most integratively complex politicians were moderate socialists." Their complexity of thought was found to be significantly higher than that of extreme socialists, moderate conservatives or extreme conservatives. Similarly, in the United States, a study of speeches on the floor of the Senate in 1975 and 1976 found that senators with liberal or moderate voting records exhibited significantly more complex thinking than their conservative counterparts.

Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition
How can you tell that was a $500 Blackberry?
I thought they were horizontal oriented anyway?