Al Jazeera America to Shut Down by April -

Hate v. fear... cool. Either way, you try to blame the fact that nobody watched solely on the right. The left was not watching either. Nobody was watching, that's what caused this channel to fail. Not hate, not fear, not anything, it was the fact that nobody watched. Nobody, not the left, not the right, not the middle, not the Arab-Americans... Nobody.
tell me which person did damos wife tell him he looks like?

Robby Benson. And it wasn't just my wife, I had many people tell me that when I worked at the local amusement park. It was a constant theme for a few years.
I claimed nothing, I said I doubted something.

Look. This isn't a right/left thing. Nobody watched. If they struggle to get 30K viewers in Prime Time, as the story says, then nobody was watching. Right/left or Arab. There are enough Arabs in the US to get that number much higher, if they watched. They didn't. That number, when compared the others, literally shows that the number of people watching probably stumbled on the channel on accident rather than watched on purpose. Nobody watched.

You've posted several times about how it is "the right" to blame because they "feared" it because of the name. What is the excuse for the left? Nobody at all watched this channel.

According to Desh; you're closing 8 threads per day, of hers.
It appears that you're behind today's quota and you need to get busy.
I informed you that you can start new threads with links, I even offered to make a prediction area where I would move threads if you wanted, but that wasn't good enough for you. You want to be a victim and pretend that we've done something to you. At this point you are unreasonable on that front, and the posters here know it.

LIAR - she has said that this never happened.
Sic him, Desh.

Al Jazeera English (AJE) is an international state-funded 24-hour English-language news and current affairs TV channel owned and operated by Al Jazeera Media Network, which is headquartered in Doha, Qatar.

Seriously do you think there is anybody on here that is not capable of using Wikipedia to look up something? I mean let's be honest, if you can do it then how hard can it be?
Link to them, Desh. Link to them. You can even link to the posts. The reality is: They story says they struggled to get 30K viewers in Prime Time, this isn't the "fault" of the right. Nobody on the left was watching either. That is a fact.

God, you seriously have the patience of Jobe!! The loony should be banned forthwith, she is beyond redemption.
Arab news sources are the only ones that are even barely honest about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, every part of the western propaganda machine basically picks up unedited drafts of IDF (which is basically a post-ethnic cleansing amalgamation of Jewish terrorist organizations such as Irgun) press releases and blasts them from the rooftops.
Clearly, you've not bothered to check any of their coverage.

It's not pro-Muslim.

I've found Al Jazeera America to be one of the most objective news outlets around.

It also shows that you're entirely unaware of what being an American means, since being American means we follow the Constitution and its ideals of equality regardless of race, religion or national origin.

Failing to understand this simple concept tends to make one an unpatriotic, anti-American Constitution hater. :)

Al-Jazeera stuck pretty close to the model established by other world news services such as BBC and Voice of America. Objective, trustworthy news. They were totally unlike some other operations like RT - which has a rather obvious agenda is clearly a propaganda mouthpiece aimed at apologizing for Russia and undermining the morale and legitimacy of the west.
How's Atlas Shrugged getting thrown in there?

Yes there are far right web sites, no question about it. There are also far left web sites. But the two you listed above are domestic. Is there any foreign far right site that people on the right regularly post or praise?

The far right is inherently national.