Alias has been permabanned

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on indefiniate mod break
Alias has been banned for multiple personal information violations.

This is his third offense, and he's a poster that has clearly established that he doesn't respect the few rules we have here, nor does he respect the users of this website.

1. The first time he was banned for ~7 days
2. His second offense involved posting a users picture without permission, and he was banned for 60 days.
3. Merely a week after getting back to the site from his 60 day ban, and having been explicitly warned by the mods not to violate personal info, Alias posted another picture of a user on this site, and threatened to post pictures of the users underage niece.

Given he has:

1. multiple offenses;
2. no remorse over past actions;
3. no plans to seem to slow down from doing additional violations in the future;

There really is no other solution concerning this poster.
who gives a fuck?

how did he find out who I am?

where did he get pics of my 13 yo niece?

the same place he got my picture that he posted that had Icedancer's photobucket account on it.

oh wow, alias is perma banned. big deal. he has other accounts. you guys really believe this isn't true, and i know that because damo told me so and i believe damo tells the truth - but he's granule.

however he is pulling that off, he's granule. big hint - granule also thinks i have a daughter. granule the "new poster" knows i was in codepink.

So big whoop.

alias is banned. he's still here and so is that mental patient who gave him, DY and who knows how many other mentally disturbed men pictures of my niece. tell me who I see about that?
this really isn't a sound off thread. I posted it in the interest of full disclosure so we don't have members just disappearing without cause.
who gives a fuck?

how did he find out who I am?

where did he get pics of my 13 yo niece?

the same place he got my picture that he posted that had Icedancer's photobucket account on it.

oh wow, alias is perma banned. big deal. he has other accounts. you guys really believe this isn't true, and i know that because damo told me so and i believe damo tells the truth - but he's granule.

however he is pulling that off, he's granule. big hint - granule also thinks i have a daughter. granule the "new poster" knows i was in codepink.

So big whoop.

alias is banned. he's still here and so is that mental patient who gave him, DY and who knows how many other mentally disturbed men pictures of my niece. tell me who I see about that?

The FBI, posting of underaged children's picture without permission is a crime. I believe that possessing them without permission is also a crime. I am still doing research on the matter.
Thank you Rana.

No problem, this has got to stop. An adult is one thing, but an underaged child, well, it is just sick. It is endangerment. You don't know what kind of a pervert you are dealing with, and what other information was given to them that might put her in harms way. This is serious.
No problem, this has got to stop. An adult is one thing, but an underaged child, well, it is just sick. It is endangerment. You don't know what kind of a pervert you are dealing with, and what other information was given to them that might put her in harms way. This is serious.

I know. You 'd think a mother of four wouldn't put a child in harms' way, but we are talking about the thing that wrote graphic child porn about Zappa's four year old daughter. I think "mother" is a misnomer. (note the correct use of the word misnomer skank)
Alias has been banned for multiple personal information violations.

This is his third offense, and he's a poster that has clearly established that he doesn't respect the few rules we have here, nor does he respect the users of this website.

1. The first time he was banned for ~7 days
2. His second offense involved posting a users picture without permission, and he was banned for 60 days.
3. Merely a week after getting back to the site from his 60 day ban, and having been explicitly warned by the mods not to violate personal info, Alias posted another picture of a user on this site, and threatened to post pictures of the users underage niece.

Given he has:

1. multiple offenses;
2. no remorse over past actions;
3. no plans to seem to slow down from doing additional violations in the future;

There really is no other solution concerning this poster.

Some people just can't seem to get the message, no matter how it's explained to them.
He created the situation and now he'll have to live with the results.
It's one thing to push buttons; but it's an entire different situation to try to ruin someone.
I know. You 'd think a mother of four wouldn't put a child in harms' way, but we are talking about the thing that wrote graphic child porn about Zappa's four year old daughter. I think "mother" is a misnomer. (note the correct use of the word misnomer skank)

See, this is why you're such a bitch.
You take one person's behavior and then attempt to tie into someone else you don't like.
Who the fuck are you to mention anything about anyone else, especially to refer to how many children they have and then to make a denigrating comment about how good of a mother they are?
See, this is why you're such a bitch.
You take one person's behavior and then attempt to tie into someone else you don't like.
Who the fuck are you to mention anything about anyone else, especially to refer to how many children they have and then to make a denigrating comment about how good of a mother they are?

Your whore's photobucket account was stamped on the picture alias posted, moron. She gave him my niece's pictures too, and she's geographically a lucky woman.

Go fuck yourself and take your whore with you for the view.
See, this is why you're such a bitch.
You take one person's behavior and then attempt to tie into someone else you don't like.
Who the fuck are you to mention anything about anyone else, especially to refer to how many children they have and then to make a denigrating comment about how good of a mother they are?

Well gee...did you ask ID this question?

Who the fuck are you to mention anything about anyone else, especially to refer to how many children they have and then to make a denigrating comment?

Did you ask her "who the fuck are you" when your friend ID made all those obscene claims regarding my daughter and myself? Or when she sent pix of Darla's niece to Alias?

$5 says Alias being placed on permaban results in USF going into permawhine mode.
I know, who the fuck am I? Who the fuck am I to mention anything about anyone else? Who the fuck am I?

I'm someone who has never posted anyone's personal information, ever. I have never even had to be warned.
I'm someone who would never in a million years write sexually explicit posts about any five year old child.

That's who the fuck I am.

Who are you? You're someone who follows around a psychopathic whore licking her ass and trying to clean up her many messes.

Fuck you.
See, this is why you're such a bitch.
You take one person's behavior and then attempt to tie into someone else you don't like.
Who the fuck are you to mention anything about anyone else, especially to refer to how many children they have and then to make a denigrating comment about how good of a mother they are?

You are fucking unbelievable. ice slut's name was on the photobucket picture that alias posted. Wonder how that happened?
Darla, he posted it himself. I think it's 23 on that link.

Alias is offline Banned

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Quote Originally Posted by Return of Dune View Post
Washington-Idaho state line.

I didn't delete my post because I thought it was personal info, I deleted it because I figured why give them more headaches, best to take it to PM. Maybe because my own head is pounding right now I am being more empathetic.

I find that claimed location...just fascinating.
Your whore's photobucket account was stamped on the picture alias posted, moron. She gave him my niece's pictures too, and she's geographically a lucky woman.

Go fuck yourself and take your whore with you for the view.

Yes Darla; everyone knows that you're just as pure as the driven snow.
You're so sweet that chipmunks play in your hair, while hummingbirds drink the nector of your thighs.

We know this is the picture you want to present


While all along, this is who you truly are

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